The College of Arts and Sciences has a highly diverse and accomplished faculty. The list below includes full-time assistant, associate and full professors, as well as associate and assistant teaching professors. Our Part Time Faculty brings a wide-range of professional experience and expertise to the classroom, giving students the benefit of their workplace insights.
If you you are looking for someone not listed here, please check the College of Arts and Sciences instructional staff list, the faculty member's or instructor's departmental website, and then fill out our Contact form and select "web". This will generate a ticket in our ASWeb Orange Tracker queue to add them to this list.
Visit the Maxwell faculty website for information on faculty in the following areas: Department of Anthropology; Department of Economics; Department of Geography; Department of History; International Relations Program; Department of Political Science; and the Department of Sociology and Public Affairs.
Joan Bryant | Associate Professor | jobryant@syr.edu |
Horace G Campbell | Professor | hgcampbe@syr.edu |
Vlad Dima | Professor | vdima@syr.edu |
Kishi Animashaun Ducre | Associate Professor, Assistant Director - Center for Global Indigenous Cultures and Environmental Justice | kanimash@syr.edu |
Tanisha M. Jackson | Assistant Professor | tjacks25@syr.edu |
Mario Nisbett | Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor | No email available. |
Jennifer O’Reilly | Assistant Professor | joreil01@syr.edu |
James Haywood Rolling Jr. | Interim Department Chair and Professor | jrolling@syr.edu |
Herbert G. Ruffin II | Associate Professor | hruffin@syr.edu |
Danielle Taana Smith | Professor, African American Studies, Director, Renée Crown University Honors Program | dsmith33@syr.edu |
Theo Cateforis | Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies in Music History & Cultures and Director of Undergraduate Studies in Fine Arts | tpcatefo@syr.edu |
Sally J. Cornelison | Professor and Director, Florence Graduate Program in Italian Renaissance Art | sjcornel@syr.edu |
Wayne Franits | Distinguished Professor and Chair | wefranit@syr.edu |
Ellen Hebden | Carole & Alvin I. Schragis Faculty Fellow, Assistant Professor | eehebden@syr.edu |
Margaret Innes | Assistant Professor | mginnes@syr.edu |
Samuel Johnson | Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Art History | sjohns32@syr.edu |
Matilde Mateo | Research Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in History of Architecture | mmmateo@syr.edu |
Cary Peñate | Assistant Professor | cpenate@syr.edu |
Romita Ray | Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in Art History | rray@syr.edu |
Sascha Scott | Associate Professor | sscott04@syr.edu |
Serena Wang | Assistant Teaching Professor | swang109@syr.edu |
Yasir Ahmed-Braimah | Assistant Professor | yahmed@syr.edu |
Abrar (Abbi) Adnan Aljiboury | Professor of Practice and Manager of the Blatt BioImaging Center | aaatiyaa@syr.edu |
David M. Althoff | Associate Professor and Associate Chair | dmalthof@syr.edu |
Katie M. Becklin | Assistant Professor | kmbeckli@syr.edu |
Melanie Jane Blanden | Associate Teaching Professor and Director of Undergraduate Program | mblanden@syr.edu |
Carlos A. Castañeda | Associate Professor | cacastan@syr.edu |
Heather D. Coleman | Associate Professor | hcoleman@syr.edu |
Jen Cook | Assistant Teaching Professor of Neuroscience, Primary Advisor to Neuroscience ILM Students | jcook08@syr.edu |
Dana Cusano | Research Assistant Professor | dcusano@syr.edu |
Steve Dorus | Professor | sdorus@syr.edu |
Scott Erdman | Associate Professor | seerdman@syr.edu |
Christopher W. Fernandez | Assistant Professor | cferna10@syr.edu |
Austin M. Garner | Assistant Professor | agarner@syr.edu |
Sarah E. Hall | Associate Professor | shall@syr.edu |
Heidi Hehnly | Renée Crown Professor in the Sciences and Mathematics and Associate Professor | hhehnly@syr.edu |
Ash Heim | Faculty Fellow | abheim@syr.edu |
James Hewett | Associate Professor, Executive Director of Neuroscience Studies, and Director of Neuroscience Graduate Concentration | jhewett@syr.edu |
James Hougland | Professor and Biochemistry Director | hougland@syr.edu |
Li-En Jao | Associate Professor | ljao01@syr.edu |
Frants Havmand Jensen | Research Assistant Professor | Frants.jensen@gmail.com |
Eun-Deok Kim | Assistant Professor | ekim112@syr.edu |
Louis James (Jamie) Lamit | Assistant Professor | ljlamit@syr.edu |
Katharine (Kate) Lewis | Professor | kelewi02@syr.edu |
Chih Hung Lo | Assistant Professor | clo101@syr.edu |
Sarah Kathleen Lucas | Assistant Professor | sklucas@syr.edu |
Jessica MacDonald | Associate Professor | jemacdon@syr.edu |
Lauren Mavica | Associate Teaching Professor of Neuroscience, Director of Neuroscience ILM, and Advisor to Neuroscience ILM Students | lwmavica@syr.edu |
Vera McIlvain | Associate Teaching Professor | vamcilva@syr.edu |
Heather Meyer | Assistant Professor | hmeyer01@syr.edu |
Behzad Mortazavi | Dean of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Biology | behzadm@syr.edu |
Allison DeAlton Oakes | Assistant Teaching Professor | adoakes@syr.edu |
Angela M. Oliverio | Assistant Professor | amoliver@syr.edu |
Susan E. Parks | Professor | sparks@syr.edu |
Melissa E. Pepling | Professor and Chair | mepeplin@syr.edu |
Scott Pitnick | Weeden Professor of Biology | sspitnic@syr.edu |
Ramesh Raina | Professor and Executive Director of Biotechnology Program | raraina@syr.edu |
Surabhi Raina | Teaching Professor and Director of Biotechnology Graduate Programs | sraina@syr.edu |
Julia Snyder | Assistant Teaching Professor | jjseymou@syr.edu |
Roy D. Welch | Professor | rowelch@syr.edu |
Michele G. Wheatly | Professor of Biology, Former Provost | mwheatly@syr.edu |
Jason R. Wiles | Associate Professor | jwiles01@syr.edu |
Jamie Desjardins | Associate Teaching Professor and Director of Undergraduate Programs | jldesjar@syr.edu |
Karen A. Doherty | Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders | kadohert@syr.edu |
Colleen E. Gargan | Gebbie Speech-Language Clinic Director / Associate Teaching Professor | cegargan@syr.edu |
Brianna Hammerle | Assistant Teaching Professor | bkhammer@syr.edu |
Lynne Henry | Assistant Teaching Professor | lharri14@syr.edu |
Richard T. Kelly | Visiting Assistant Professor | No email available. |
Kristen Kennedy | Associate Teaching Professor | klkenn01@syr.edu |
Tammy Kordas | Associate Teaching Professor | tmzubrow@syr.edu |
Anita L Lightburn | Associate Teaching Professor | alightbu@syr.edu |
Stephanie McMillen | Assistant Professor | smcmille@syr.edu |
Yalian Pei | Assistant Professor | ypei11@syr.edu |
Joseph T Pellegrino | Gebbie Hearing Clinic Director and Teaching Professor | jtpelleg@syr.edu |
Jonathan L. Preston | Professor | jopresto@syr.edu |
Beth A. Prieve | Professor | baprieve@syr.edu |
Ellyn Riley | Associate Professor | earil100@syr.edu |
Elizabeth Anne Tollar | Assistant Teaching Professor | eatollar@syr.edu |
Victoria Tumanova | Associate Professor | vtumanov@syr.edu |
Kathy R. Vander Werff | Professor and Department Chair | kvander@syr.edu |
Ramani Voleti | Associate Teaching Professor, M.S., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS, LSVTC | rvvoleti@syr.edu |
Tripti Bhattacharya | Thonis Family Professor: Paleoclimate Dynamics. Associate Professor. | trbhatta@syr.edu |
Elizabeth Carter | Assistant Professor (joint appointment with Civil and Environmental Engineering): Computational Hydrology | ekcarter@syr.edu |
Melissa Chipman | Assistant Professor: Arctic Paleoecology & Paleoclimate | mlchipma@syr.edu |
Daniel Curewitz | Associate Teaching Professor | dcurewit@syr.edu |
Gregory Hoke | Jessie Page Heroy Professor and Department Chair: Earth Surface & Tectonics | gdhoke@syr.edu |
Linda Ivany | Professor: Evolutionary Paleoecology and Paleoclimate | lcivany@syr.edu |
Christopher Junium | Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies: Geobiology, Astrobiology, Paleoclimate, Paleoceanography | ckjunium@syr.edu |
Zunli Lu | Thonis Family Professor: Low-Temperature Geochemistry and Earth System Evolution | zunlilu@syr.edu |
Jessica Mejia | Assistant Professor: Cryosphere and Polar Sciences | jzmejia@syr.edu |
Aaron Mohammed | Assistant Professor (joint appointment with Civil and Environmental Engineering) Hydrogeology | aamohamm@syr.edu |
Robert Moucha | Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies: Geodynamics | rmoucha@syr.edu |
Cathryn R. Newton | Professor; Dean Emerita, College of Arts and Sciences; Senior Advisor to Chancellor and Provost for Faculty Engagement : Marine Paleoecology; Modern and Ancient Extinctions | crnewton@syr.edu |
Joshua B Russell | Assistant Professor of Seismology | jbrussel@syr.edu |
Scott D. Samson | Associate Chair and Professor: Radiogenic Isotope & Geochronology | sdsamson@syr.edu |
Christopher A. Scholz | Professor: Paleolimnology and Rift Basin Evolution | cascholz@syr.edu |
Jay Thomas | Associate Professor: Petrology and Experimental Geochemistry | jthom102@syr.edu |
John W. Tillotson | Associate Professor and Director of SUSTAIN Program: Undergraduate STEM Education & Discipline-Based Education Research | jwtillot@syr.edu |
Sam Tuttle | Assistant Professor: Hydroclimatology, Land Surface Hydrology, Remote Sensing, & Snow Hydrology | setuttle@syr.edu |
Tao Wen | Assistant Professor: Hydrogeochemistry, Environmental Data Science, & Noble Gas Geochemistry | twen08@syr.edu |
Mona Awad | Esther M. Larsen Faculty Fellow in the Humanities and Assistant Professor | myawad@syr.edu |
Crystal Bartolovich | Associate Professor | clbartol@syr.edu |
Dorri Beam | Associate Professor | drbeam@syr.edu |
Chanelle Benz | Associate Professor | cbenz@syr.edu |
Chris Brunt | Assistant Teaching Professor | cmbrunt@syr.edu |
Dympna Callaghan | William Safire Professor of Modern Letters and University Professor | dccallag@syr.edu |
Jonathan Dee | Associate Professor and Director of Creative Writing Program | jrdee100@syr.edu |
Susan Edmunds | Professor | sledmund@syr.edu |
Carol W.N. Fadda | Associate Professor | No email available. |
Chris Forster | Emerson Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor | csforste@syr.edu |
Ken Frieden | B.G. Rudolph Professor of Judaic Studies | kfrieden@syr.edu |
Mike Goode | William P. Tolley Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Humanities | mgoode@syr.edu |
Matthew Grzecki | Assistant Teaching Professor and Creative Writing Coordinator | mkgrzeck@syr.edu |
Roger Hallas | Professor | rhallas@syr.edu |
Chris Hanson | Associate Professor | cphanson@syr.edu |
Sarah Harwell | Associate Teaching Professor and Associate Director of Creative Writing | scharwel@syr.edu |
Brooks Haxton | Professor | bhaxton@syr.edu |
Mary Karr | Trustee Professor and Jesse Truesdell Peck Professor of Literature | mmkarr@syr.edu |
Christopher Kennedy | Professor | ckennedy@syr.edu |
Katherine A. Kidd | Assistant Teaching Professor, English Studies Coordinator and Director of Undergraduate Studies | kakidd@syr.edu |
Coran Klaver | Associate Professor | ccklaver@syr.edu |
Delali Kumavie | Assistant Professor | fkumavie@syr.edu |
Ethan Madarieta | Assistant Professor | ermadari@syr.edu |
Patricia Moody | Associate Professor | pamoody@syr.edu |
Patricia Roylance | Associate Professor | pjroylan@syr.edu |
George Saunders | Professor | gwsaunde@syr.edu |
Will Scheibel | Professor and Chair | lscheibe@syr.edu |
Stephanie Shirilan | Associate Professor | shirilan@syr.edu |
Bruce Smith | Professor | bfsmith@syr.edu |
Dana Spiotta | Professor | dspiotta@syr.edu |
Scott Manning Stevens | Associate Professor, Director - Center for Global Indigenous Cultures and Environmental Justice, Director - Native American and Indigenous Studies | scsteven@syr.edu |
Harvey Teres | William P. Tolley Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Humanities | hmteres@syr.edu |
Antonio Tiongson | Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies | attiongs@syr.edu |
Silvio Torres-Saillant | Dean's Professor | saillant@syr.edu |
Kathleen Corrado | Forensics Executive Director | kcorrado@syr.edu |
James Crill | Professor of Practice | jcrillii@syr.edu |
Deepika Das | Assistant Teaching Professor and Director of Curricular Programs Forensics | ddas06@syr.edu |
James Hewett | Associate Professor, Executive Director of Neuroscience Studies, and Director of Neuroscience Graduate Concentration | jhewett@syr.edu |
Michael Marciano | Professor of Practice and Director for Forensics Research | mamarcia@syr.edu |
Caitlin Miller | Professor of Practice | cmille92@syr.edu |
Natalie Novotna | Professor of Practice | nnovotna@syr.edu |
Maria Pettolina | Professor of Practice | mcpettol@syr.edu |
James T. Spencer | Professor | jtspence@syr.edu |
Michael B. Sponsler | Professor | sponsler@syr.edu |
Gregg Lambert | Dean's Professor, Humanities: Founding Director of the Syracuse University Humanities Center in Central New York | glambert@syr.edu |
Scott Manning Stevens | Associate Professor, Director - Center for Global Indigenous Cultures and Environmental Justice, Director - Native American and Indigenous Studies | scsteven@syr.edu |
Amanda Brown | Professor, Linguistics and Linguistics Studies Program Director | abrown08@syr.edu |
Gail A. Bulman | Professor, Spanish and Department Chair | gabulman@syr.edu |
Jeffrey S. Carnes | Associate Professor, Classics and Classical Civilizations, and Language Coordinator | jscarnes@syr.edu |
Joseph Denn | Assistant Teaching Professor, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) | jwdenn@syr.edu |
Mona Eikel-Pohen | Associate Teaching Professor, German; Modern Foreign Language Coordinator | meikelpo@syr.edu |
Kathryn A. Everly | Professor, Spanish Language Literature and Culture; Spanish Program Coodinator | keverly@syr.edu |
Ken Frieden | B.G. Rudolph Professor of Judaic Studies | kfrieden@syr.edu |
Myrna García-Calderón | Associate Professor, Spanish | mygarcia@syr.edu |
Stefano Giannini | Winifred Seely Myers Love Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor, Italian | giannini@syr.edu |
Christopher Green | Associate Professor, Linguistics | cgreen10@syr.edu |
Gerald R. Greenberg | Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Humanities; Curriculum, Instruction, and Programs; Associate Professor, Russian and Linguistics | ggreenbe@syr.edu |
Lin Guo | Assistant Teaching Professor, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) | lguo06@syr.edu |
Erika Haber | Professor, Russian Language, Literature, and Culture; Russian Program Coordinator; and Undergraduate Advisor | ehaber@syr.edu |
Rania Habib | Professor, Linguistics and Arabic; Arabic Program Coordinator | rhabib@syr.edu |
Matthew Hammill | Assistant Professor, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL); Language and Program Coordinator | mjhammil@syr.edu |
Jean Jonassaint | Professor, French and Francophone Studies Graduate Advisor | jjonassa@syr.edu |
Elizabeth Juarez-Cummings | Associate Teaching Professor, Spanish; Portuguese Language Coordinator and Spanish Language Coordinator | enjuarez@syr.edu |
Byungsam Jung | Assistant Teaching Professor, Russian | byjung@syr.edu |
Nicole G. Karam | Assistant Teaching Professor, French and Francophone Studies and Language Coordinator | ngharr01@syr.edu |
Youmie J. Kim | Assistant Professor, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL); Language and Program Coordinator | ykim27@syr.edu |
Jaklin Kornfilt | Professor, Linguistics and Turkish Program Coordinator | kornfilt@syr.edu |
Robert Lally | Assistant Teaching Professor, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) | rlally@syr.edu |
Anne Leone | Assistant Professor, Italian | aleone@syr.edu |
Laura Lisnyczyj | Assistant Teaching Professor, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) | ladistef@syr.edu |
Ana Mendez-Oliver | Assistant Professor, Spanish, Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | amendezo@syr.edu |
Kenji Oda | Assistant Teaching Professor, Linguistics | koda100@syr.edu |
Cristina E. Pardo Porto | Assistant Professor, Latinx Literature and Culture | cepardop@syr.edu |
Alicia B. Ríos | Associate Professor, Spanish | abrios@syr.edu |
Denis Samburskiy | Associate Teaching Professor, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) | dsamburs@syr.edu |
Adam Singerman | Assistant Professor, Native American Linguistics | asingerm@syr.edu |
Lauren Surovi | Assistant Teaching Professor, Italian; Language and Program Coordinator | lesurovi@syr.edu |
M. Emma Ticio Quesada | Professor, Spanish and Linguistics | mticioqu@syr.edu |
Darwin Han-Lin Tsen | Assistant Teaching Professor, Chinese and Chinese Language Coordinator | dhtsen@syr.edu |
Matthieu Herman van der Meer | Associate Teaching Professor, Classics | mhvander@syr.edu |
Karina von Tippelskirch | Associate Professor, German, and German Program Coordinator | kvontipp@syr.edu |
Tomoko Walter | Japanese Instructor and Japanese Language Coordinator | tmwalter@syr.edu |
Amy S. Wyngaard | Professor, French and Francophone Studies and Program Coordinator | aswyngaa@syr.edu |
Seungmin Yun | Associate Teaching Professor of English to Speakers of Other Languages and Korean Language Coordinator | syun101@syr.edu |
Martín Abreu Zavaleta | Assistant Professor | mabreuza@syr.edu |
Christopher Bousquet | Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor | crbousqu@syr.edu |
Ben Bradley | Allan and Anita Sutton Professor, Philosophy Department Chair | wbradley@syr.edu |
Janice Dowell | Professor | jldowell@syr.edu |
Kevan Edwards | Associate Professor and Graduate Director | kedwar02@syr.edu |
Samuel Gorovitz | Professor | sgcas@syr.edu |
Mark Heller | Professor | heller@syr.edu |
Josh R. Hunt | Assistant Professor | jhunt11@syr.edu |
Karin Nisenbaum | Renée Crown Professor in the Humanities and Associate Professor | kanisenb@syr.edu |
Christopher Noble | Associate Professor | cinoble@syr.edu |
Hille Paakkunainen | Associate Professor | hpaakkun@syr.edu |
Kara Richardson | Associate Professor | kricha03@syr.edu |
Michael Rieppel | Associate Professor and Undergraduate Director | morieppe@syr.edu |
Erica Houts Shumener | Assistant Professor of Philosophy | eshumene@syr.edu |
David Sobel | Irwin and Marjorie Guttag Professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy | dsobel@syr.edu |
Robert Van Gulick | Professor | rnvangul@syr.edu |
Marina Artuso | Distinguished Professor | martuso@syr.edu |
Stefan Ballmer | Professor | sballmer@syr.edu |
Steven Blusk | Professor and Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies | sblusk@syr.edu |
Duncan Brown | Vice President for Research, Syracuse University; Charles Brightman Endowed Professor of Physics | dabrown@syr.edu |
Craig Russell Cahillane | Assistant Professor | ccahil01@syr.edu |
Collin Capano | Research Associate Professor | cdcapano@syr.edu |
Simon Catterall | Professor and Associate Chair | smcatter@syr.edu |
Eric Coughlin | Assistant Professor | ecoughli@syr.edu |
Walter Freeman | Associate Teaching Professor | wafreema@syr.edu |
Jay Hubisz | Professor | jhubisz@syr.edu |
Colm Kelleher | Assistant Professor | cokelleh@syr.edu |
John "Jack" Laiho | Associate Professor | jwlaiho@syr.edu |
Alexander Maloney | Kathy and Stan Walters Endowed Professor of Quantum Science, Director, Institute for Quantum and Information Science | admalone@syr.edu |
M. Lisa Manning | William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Physics | mmanning@syr.edu |
Georgia Mansell | Assistant Professor | glmansel@syr.edu |
Alan Middleton | Professor | aamiddle@syr.edu |
Mirna Mihovilovic Skanata | Assistant Professor of Physics | mmihovil@syr.edu |
Raymond Joseph Mountain | Research Assistant Professor | rjmounta@syr.edu |
Liviu Movileanu | Professor | lmovilea@syr.edu |
Alexander Harvey Nitz | Associate Professor | ahnitz@syr.edu |
Seongjin Park | Research Assistant Professor | spark122@syr.edu |
Nidhi Pashine | Assistant Professor | npashine@syr.edu |
Alison Patteson | Associate Professor & Co-Chair of Community Committee | aepattes@syr.edu |
Joseph Paulsen | Associate Professor and Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies | jdpaulse@syr.edu |
Ivan Pechenezhskiy | Assistant Professor | ivpechen@syr.edu |
Britton Plourde | Research Professor | bplourde@syr.edu |
Jennifer Ross | Associate Dean for Creativity, Scholarship and Research and Professor of Physics | jlross@syr.edu |
Matthew Rudolph | Associate Professor | msrudolp@syr.edu |
Christian D Santangelo | Professor and Director of Graduate Studies | cdsantan@syr.edu |
Jennifer Schwarz | Professor | jmschw02@syr.edu |
Rafael Silva Coutinho | Assistant Professor | rsilvaco@syr.edu |
Antun Skanata | Research Assistant Professor | askanata@syr.edu |
Tomasz Skwarnicki | Professor | tskwarni@syr.edu |
Mitchell Soderberg | Professor and Department Chair | msoderbe@syr.edu |
Paul Souder | Professor | pasouder@syr.edu |
G. Scott Watson | Professor | gswatson@syr.edu |
Denver Whittington | Associate Professor & Co-Chair of Community Committee | dwwhitti@syr.edu |
Kevin Antshel | Professor | kmantshe@syr.edu |
Sara E. Burke | Associate Professor | sburke08@syr.edu |
Catherine Cornwell | Associate Professor | cacornwe@syr.edu |
Daniel Corral | Assistant Professor | dcorral@syr.edu |
Amy H. Criss | Professor | acriss@syr.edu |
Joseph W. Ditre | Professor | jwditre@syr.edu |
Katie Duchscherer | Assistant Teaching Professor | kmduchsc@syr.edu |
Tanya Eckert | Associate Professor and Director of the Ph.D. Program in School Psychology | taeckert@syr.edu |
Les A. Gellis | Associate Teaching Professor | lagellis@syr.edu |
Brett K. Jakubiak | Associate Professor | bkjakubi@syr.edu |
Jessie B. Joyce | Assistant Teaching Professor | jcbriggs@syr.edu |
Michael L. Kalish | Professor | mlkalish@syr.edu |
Afton Kapuscinski | Associate Teaching Professor | ankapusc@syr.edu |
David Kellen | Associate professor and Director of the Ph.D. Program in Cognitive Psychology | dkellen@syr.edu |
Katie Kidwell | Assistant Professor | kmkidwel@syr.edu |
Lynn Lohnas | Assistant Professor | ljlohnas@syr.edu |
Laura V. Machia | Associate Dean for Academic Initiatives and Curriculum, Professor of Psychology | lvmachia@syr.edu |
Meredith Martin | Associate Teaching Professor | mmartin@syr.edu |
Leonard Newman | Professor, Associate Chair, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Director of the Ph.D. Program in Social Psychology | lsnewman@syr.edu |
Jeewon Oh | Assistant Professor | joh126@syr.edu |
Aesoon Park | Professor, and Director of the Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology | aepark@syr.edu |
Natalie Russo | Associate Professor and Associate Chair | nrusso@syr.edu |
Lael J. Schooler | Professor and Interim Department Chair | lschoole@syr.edu |
Bradley Seymour | Associate Teaching Professor | bseymour@syr.edu |
Huilin “Linda” Sun | Assistant Professor | hsun46@syr.edu |
Shannon M. Sweeney | Associate Teaching Professor | smsweene@syr.edu |
Zahra Vahedi | Assistant Teaching Professor | zvahedi@syr.edu |
Peter A. Vanable | Professor | pvanable@syr.edu |
Sarah Woolf-King | Associate Professor | sewoolf@syr.edu |
Michelle J Zaso | Assistant Professor | mjzaso@syr.edu |
Jeffrey C. Zemla | Assistant Professor | jczemla@syr.edu |
Philip P. Arnold | Professor | pparnold@syr.edu |
Arun Brahmbhatt | Assistant Professor | ajbrahmb@syr.edu |
Zachary J. Braiterman | Professor | zbraiter@syr.edu |
Gareth Fisher | Associate Professor | gfisher@syr.edu |
Ken Frieden | B.G. Rudolph Professor of Judaic Studies | kfrieden@syr.edu |
Biko Mandela Gray | Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies | bmgray@syr.edu |
Mariaelena Huambachano | Assistant Professor | mhuambac@syr.edu |
Jeanette S. Jouili | Associate Professor | jsjouili@syr.edu |
Tazim . R Kassam | Associate Professor | tkassam@syr.edu |
William Robert | Professor and Department Chair | wrobert@syr.edu |
Marcia Robinson | Assistant Professor | mrobin03@syr.edu |
Joanne Punzo Waghorne | Professor | jpwaghor@syr.edu |
James W. Watts | Professor and Director of Graduate Studies | jwwatts@syr.edu |
Himika Bhattacharya | Associate Professor | hbhattac@syr.edu |
PJ DiPietro | Associate Professor | pjdipiet@syr.edu |
Eunjung Kim | Associate Professor | ekim108@syr.edu |
Vivian M. May | Professor | vmmay@syr.edu |
Chandra Talpade Mohanty | Distinguished Professor and Department Chair | ctmohant@syr.edu |
Jaynelle Nixon | Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor | jdnixon@syr.edu |
Dana M. Olwan | Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies | dmolwan@syr.edu |
Gwendolyn D. Pough | Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility, Dean's Professor of the Humanities, Professor of Women's and Gender Studies | gdpough@syr.edu |
Jiwoon Yulee | Assistant Teaching Professor | jlee388@syr.edu |
Lois Agnew | Associate Provost for Academic Programs, Syracuse University Office of Academic Affairs; Professor of Writing and Rhetoric | lpagnew@syr.edu |
Peter Astras | Assistant Teaching Professor | pastras@syr.edu |
Rusty Bartels | Associate Teaching Professor | rrbartel@syr.edu |
Patrick W. Berry | Associate Professor, Writing and Rhetoric | pwberry@syr.edu |
Mark Bousquet | Assistant Teaching Professor | mrbousqu@syr.edu |
Collin Gifford Brooke | Associate Professor and Department Chair | cbrooke@syr.edu |
Dan Brown | Associate Teaching Professor | dgbrown@syr.edu |
Kevin Adonis Browne | Associate Professor | browne@syr.edu |
Emily Dressing | Associate Teaching Professor and Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies | eadefran@syr.edu |
Chris Feikes | Associate Teaching Professor | cjfeikes@syr.edu |
Timothy W. Gerken | Associate Teaching Professor | twgerken@syr.edu |
Christine Geyer | Assistant Teaching Professor | cageyer@syr.edu |
Jonna Gilfus | Associate Teaching Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies | jigilfus@syr.edu |
Lenny Grant | Assistant Professor | lfgrant@syr.edu |
Melanie Haas | Assistant Teaching Professor | mehaas@syr.edu |
Alexandria Hanson | Assistant Teaching Professor | No email available. |
Kate Hanzalik | Associate Teaching Professor | khanzali@syr.edu |
Alicia K. Hatcher | Assistant Professor | akhatche@syr.edu |
Krista Kennedy | Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies | krista01@syr.edu |
Avi Luce | Assistant Teaching Professor | avluce@syr.edu |
Robin McCrary | Associate Teaching Professor | rmmccrar@syr.edu |
Rae Ann Meriwether | Associate Teaching Professor | rameriwe@syr.edu |
Todd Miller | Assistant Teaching Professor | tmille03@syr.edu |
Noreen Moore | Assistant Teaching Professor | nsmoore@syr.edu |
Amy Murphy | Associate Teaching Professor | acmurphy@syr.edu |
Brice Nordquist | Associate Professor and Dean’s Professor of Community Engagement | banordqu@syr.edu |
Jennifer Yida Pan | Assistant Teaching Professor | jyidapan@syr.edu |
Rajendra Panthee | Associate Teaching Professor | rkpanthe@syr.edu |
Cynthia Pope | Assistant Teaching Professor | cmpope@syr.edu |
Eileen E. Schell | Professor | eeschell@syr.edu |
Tony Scott | Associate Professor | adscot01@syr.edu |
Sevinç Türkkan | Assistant Teaching Professor | sturkkan@syr.edu |
Joe Wilson | Assistant Professor | jwilso56@syr.edu |
Joshua Wood | Assistant Teaching Professor | jwood06@syr.edu |
Havva Zorluel Özer | Assistant Teaching Professor | hzorluel@syr.edu |
Akram Zouaoui | Assistant Teaching Professor | azouaoui@syr.edu |
Gregg Lambert | glambert@syr.edu |
Scott Manning Stevens | scsteven@syr.edu |