Orange Alert

Tripti Bhattacharya

Tripti Bhattacharya

Tripti Bhattacharya

Thonis Family Professor: Paleoclimate Dynamics. Associate Professor.


Earth and Environmental Sciences
333f Heroy Geology Laboratory
Office: 315.443.7075


Social/Academic Links

Research Interests

My research focuses on understanding the sensitivity of regional rainfall to global climate change. I use a ​variety of methods, ranging from geochemical and biological proxies to climate models. My work focuses on a paleoclimatic perspective, whereby past instances of climate change can be used as ‘natural experiments’ to understand the response of the atmosphere-ocean system to external forcing. Current projects include analyzing the role of tropical Atlantic variability in forcing Mesoamerican drought, studying the interactions of the midlatitude westerlies and monsoon systems, and analyzing reorganizations of subtropical rainfall during past warm intervals in Earth history.

What’s Driving Increased Rainfall in the Eastern U.S.?

(June 17, 2024)

Thonis Family Professor Tripti Bhattacharya and postdoctoral researcher David Fastovich have received a three-year, $547,000 NSF grant to explore how ancient climate data can inform future forecasting.

SU Paleoclimatologists Use Ancient Sediment to Explore Future Climate in Africa

(Oct. 3, 2023)

In a study published in Geophysical Research Letters, researchers used chemicals from preserved plant matter to pinpoint the processes responsible for changes in past rainfall and drought in southwestern Africa, with implications for the future.

A&S Faculty Collect Top National Awards and Grants

(March 2, 2023)

EES professor Tripti Bhattacharya, physics professor Alison Patteson and chemistry professors Olga Makhlynets and Rachel Steinhardt are recognized for their innovative and noteworthy research.

Using Monsoons of the Past to Predict Climate Conditions of the Future

(Nov. 10, 2022)

A team of researchers used ancient climate data to predict how the summer monsoon may change in the North American southwest.

EES Professor Helps Find Clues Behind What Turned Ancient Subtropical Drylands Into Oases

(March 14, 2022)

Thonis Family Professor Tripti Bhattacharya is among an international team of researchers whose study was published in Nature Communications.

EES Professor Part of Expert Committee Helping to Shape the Future of Paleoclimate Research

(Nov. 24, 2021)

Thonis Family Professor Tripti Bhattacharya served on a panel of paleoclimatologists who provided input for a report distributed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

EES Professors Contribute to Study on Future Climate Prediction

(Nov. 6, 2020)

Climate experts make the case for including ancient data in future models.

Accuracy Down to the Atom

(Oct. 15, 2020)

NSF equipment grants fund acquisition of two chromatography-mass spectrometers.

Using the Past to Predict the Future

(Aug. 10, 2020)

A&S researchers lay the groundwork to reconstruct global climate through Earth's history.

Syracuse Professor Looks to Geologic Past to Predict Climate's Future

(Sept. 5, 2018)

Professor Tripti Bhattacharya draws link between ancient monsoon activity, large-scale climate change

Select Publications

Judd, E.J., Bhattacharya, T., Ivany, L.C. (2020) A dynamical framework for interpreting ancient sea surface temperatures. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 47, e2020GL089044,

Tierney, J.E., Haywood, A.M. Feng, R. Bhattacharya, T., Otto-Bleisner, B. 2019. Pliocene warmth consistent with greenhouse gas forcing. Geophysical Research Letters.

DiNezio, P., Tierney, J.E. Otto-Bleisner, B.L., Timmerman, A., Bhattacharya, T., Rosenbloom, N., Brady, E. 2018. Glacial changes in warm pool climate amplified by Indian Ocean. Science Advances 4:12 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aat9658

Bhattacharya, T., Tierney, J.E., Addison, J.A., Murray, J.W. 2018. Ice sheet modulation of deglacial North American Monsoon intensification. Nature Geoscience. DOI: 10.1038/s41561-018-0220-7

Bhattacharya, T., Chiang, J.C.H., Cheng, W. 2017. Ocean-atmosphere dynamics linked to 800-1050 CE dry interval in Mesoamerica. Quaternary Science Reviews. DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.06.005

Bhattacharya, T., Tierney, J.E., DiNezio, P. 2017. Glacial reduction of the North American Monsoon via surface cooling and atmospheric ventilation. Geophysical Research Letters

Bhattacharya, T., Byrne, R. 2016. Late Holocene anthropogenic and climatic influences on fire and regional vegetation in Mexico’s Cuenca Oriental. Global and Planetary Change 138: 56 – 69. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.12.005

Bhattacharya, T., Byrne, R., Boehnel, H., Wogau, K., Kienel, U., Ingram, B.L. Zimmerman, S. 2015. Cultural implications of late Holocene climate change in the Cuenca Oriental, Mexico. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(6): 1693-1698. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1405653112

Bhattacharya, T., Chiang, J.C.H. 2014. Spatial variability and mechanisms underlying El Nino-induced drought in Mexico. Climate Dynamics

Bhattacharya, T., Beach T., Wahl, D. 2011. An analysis of modern pollen rain from the Maya Lowlands of northern Belize. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 164: 109-120. DOI: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2010.11.010