Jaklin Kornfilt

Jaklin Kornfilt
Professor, Linguistics and Turkish Program Coordinator
Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
305 HB Crouse Hall
Email: kornfilt@syr.edu
Office: 315.443.5375
Jewish Studies Minor / Modern Jewish Studies
Linguistic Studies
Middle Eastern Studies
- Ph.D., Theoretical Linguistics, Harvard University (1985)
- M.A., Theoretical Linguistics, Harvard University (1980)
- B.A., (equivalence) Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies, Heidelberg University (1970)
Courses Taught
- LIN 301/601 Linguistic Analysis
- LIN 441/641 Syntactic Analysis
- LIN 451/651 Morphological Analysis
- LIN 461/661 Introduction to Historical Linguistics
- LIN 400/600 Topics in Linguistic Pragmatics
- LIN 741 Advanced Syntax
Professor Kornfilt specializes in syntactic theory, theoretically informed linguistic typology, and the syntax—morphology interface, with special emphasis on the syntax and morphology of Turkish and of the Turkic languages. Her research interests extend to German and the Germanic languages, as well. She has published a descriptive reference grammar of Turkish, and she is currently involved in a theoretically focused project on the syntax of Turkish. Her articles have included topics on binding, relativization, word order, nominalization, and first language acquisition.
Summer Research grant Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig May 2015
Summer Research grant Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig July 2014
NSF and DFG grants for Workshop on Phrasal Compounds Mannheim University June 2013
Humboldt Research Award 2010 - 2011 (used at Stuttgart University)
Visiting Scientist grant Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig 2007 - 2008
- Professor of Linguistics, Department of LLL, Syracuse University, 2003-present.
- Director of the Interdisciplinary Linguistic Studies Program, Syracuse University, 2009-2010 and Fall 2012 - present.
- Director of the Computational Linguistics Program, Syracuse University, Fall 2012 - present.
- Associate Professor of Linguistics, Department of LLL, Syracuse University, 1991-2003.
- Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Department of LLL, Syracuse University, 1984-1991.
- Instructor in Linguistics, Department of FL, Syracuse University, 1983-1984.
Forthcoming (a) “Turkish RCs and other constructions as migrants from Central Asia to the Mediterranean”, in Papers from the Second Mediterranean Syntax Meeting; S. Özsoy & Ayşe Güral (eds.); Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Anticipated publication date: 2015)
Forthcoming (b) “DP versus NP: A cross-linguistic typology?” In Studies in Historical and Synchronic Altaic; A. Vovin & W. McClure (eds.): Leiden: Brill. (Anticipated publication date: 2015)
Forthcoming (c) “Turkish and Turkic Complex Noun Phrase Constructions”, with N. Vinokurova, in Noun Modifying Clause Constructions in Languages of Eurasia: Reshaping Theoretical and Geographical Boundaries; B. Comrie, Y. Matsumoto, P. Sells (eds.); Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Anticipated publication date: 2015)
Forthcoming (d) “Nominative as no-case-at-all: an argument from raising-to-Acc in Sakha”, with O. Preminger, in Proceedings of WAFL 9; J. Whitman, A. Joseph (eds.), to appear in the MITWPL series (Anticipated publication date: 2015)
Forthcoming (e) “Two types of Free Relatives in disguise”; in Proceedings of ICTL 16 (the 16th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics); J. Rehbein & D. Zeyrek (eds.); Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
Forthcoming (f) (with C. Trips) “Introduction”, in Phrasal Compounds from a Typological and Theoretical Perspective; special issue of STUF; C. Trips & J. Kornfilt (eds.). (Anticipated publication date: 2015)
Forthcoming (g) (with C. Trips) “Typological Aspects of Phrasal Compounds in English, German, Turkish and Turkic”, in Phrasal Compounds from a Typological and Theoretical Perspective; special issue of STUF; C. Trips & J. Kornfilt (eds.). (Anticipated publication date: 2015)
2012 (a) “Revisiting ‘Suspended Affixation’ and Other Coordinate Mysteries”, in Functional Heads: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures; vol. 7; L. Brugé, A. Cardinaletti, G. Giusti, N. Munaro, C. Poletto (eds.); Oxford: Oxford University Press; 181-196.
2012 (b) (Kornfilt & Whitman) “Genitive Subjects in TP Nominalizations”, in Proceedings of JeNom 4; G. Iordachioaia (ed.); Working Papers of the SFB 732; Stuttgart: OPUS; 39-72.
2012 (c) (Kornfilt, Yağmur, Hermon, Öztürk & Yalnız) “Relative Clauses in the L1-Acquisition of Turkish”; in The Szeged Conference: Proceedings of ICTL 15, É. Kincses-Nagy & M. Biacsí (eds.); Studia Uralo-Altaica; Szeged: University of Szeged, Department of Altaic Studies; 291-301.
2011 (a) “Non-restrictive pre-nominal relative clauses in a head-final language”, in Puzzles of Language: Essays in Honor of Karl Zimmer; E. Erguvanlı Taylan & B. Rona (eds.); Wiesbaden (Germany): Harrassowitz Verlag; 93-102.
2011 (b) “The Sentential Subject Constraint/CED as a Left-Dislocation Constraint in Turkish”, in Proceedings of WAFL 7; A. Simpson (ed.); Cambridge, MA: MITWPL; 203-220.
2011 (c) (Kahnemuyipour & Kornfilt) “The Syntax and Prosody of Turkish ‘Pre-stressing’ Suffixes”, in Interfaces in Linguistics: New Research Perspectives; R. Folli & C. Ulbrich (ed.); Oxford: Oxford University Press; 205-221.
2010 (a) (Hermon, Kornfilt & Öztürk) “Asymmetries in the first-Language Acquisition of Subject and Non-Subject Head-Final Relative Clauses in Turkish”, in Proceedings of WAFL 6; A. Yokogoshi & H. Maezawa (eds.); Cambridge, MA: MITWPL; 3‑26.
2010 (b) ”Remarks on Some Word Order Facts and Turkish Coordination with Identical Verb Ellipsis”, in Trans-Turkic Studies: Festschrift in Honour of Marcel Erdal; M. Kappler, M. Kirchner & P. Zieme (eds.); Istanbul: Kitap Matbaası; 187-221.
2009 (a) “Turkish and the Turkic Languages”, in The World’s Major Languages (2. Edition); B. Comrie (ed.); London & NY: Routledge; 519-544. (Substantial revision of 1987 original.)
2009 (b) (Kornfilt & v. Heusinger) “Specificity and Partitivity in Some Altaic Languages”, in Proceedings of WAFL 5; R. Vermeulen & R. Shibagaki (eds.); Cambridge, MA: MITWPL 58; 19-40.
2009 (e) “Placement of Agreement and Subject Licensing in Turkish/Turkic Relative Clauses”, in Investigations into Formal Altaic Linguistics: Proceedings of WAFL 3; S. Tatevosov (ed.); Moscow: MAKS Press; 68-87.
2008 (a) “DOM and two types of DSM in Turkish”; in Differential Subject Marking; H. deHoop & P. deSwart (eds.); Dordrecht: Springer; 79-111.
2008 (b) Review of A. Menz: Gagausische Syntax: Eine Studie zum kontaktinduzierten Sprachwandel; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1999; in Anthropological Linguistics 49, #2, 198-201.
2008 (c) “Subject case and Agr in two types of Turkic RCs”, in Proceedings of WAFL 4; S. Ulutaş & C. Boeckx (eds.); Cambridge, MA: MITWPL 56; 145-168.
2007 (a) “Verbal and Nominalized Finite Clauses in Turkish”; in Finiteness: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations; I. Nikolaeva (ed.); Oxford: Oxford University Press; 305-332.
2007 (b) “Agr in Turkish as an Expression of Categorial Features”; in Proceedings of the Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics; M. Kelepir & B. Öztürk (eds.); MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, vol. 54; Cambridge, MA; 21-46.
2007 (c), with Arsalan Kahnemuyipour “Declassifying Turkish ‘Pre-stressing’ Suffixes”; in the Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association; http://ling.uwo.ca/publications/CLA2006/Kahnemuyipour_Kornfil.pdf; M. Radisic & C. Gurski (eds.)
2006 (a) “Agreement; The (unique and local) syntactic and morphological licenser of subject Case”; in Studies on Agreement; J. Costa & M. C. Figueiredo Silva (eds.); Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins; 141-171.
2006 (b) “Turkish direct object and subject cases as absolutes: Against a functionalist perspective of DOM and DSM”; in Advances in Turkish Linguistics; S. Yağcıoğlu & A. Cem Değer (eds.); İzmir: Dokuz Eylül University Press; 207-222.
2005 (a) "Agreement and its Placement in Turkic Non-Subject Relative Clauses"; in Handbook of Comparative Syntax; G. Cinque & R. Kayne (eds.); Oxford: Oxford University Press; 513-541.
2005 (b) “Asymmetries between Pre-verbal and Post-verbal Scrambling in Turkish”; in The Free Word Order Phenomenon: Its Syntactic Sources and Diversity; J. Sabel & M. Saito (eds.); Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 163-179.
2005 (c) “Free Relatives as Light-headed Relatives in Turkish”; in Organizing Grammar: Studies in Honor of Henk van Riemsdijk; H. Broekhuis, N. Corver, R. Huybregts, U. Kleinhenz & J. Koster (eds.); Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 340-349.
2014 “Free Adjuncts and Non-free Relatives in Turkish”; in a special issue of Dilbilim Araştırmaları (=Linguistic Investigations); C. Arslan Kechriotis, D. Akar, M. Kelepir, B. Öztürk (eds.); Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Publications; 117-129.
2013 Review article of Wh-Konstruktionen im Türkischen; author: A. Herkenrath, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2011, 498 pages. Review appeared in: Mediterranean Language Review. 19 [2012]; 134-146.
2011 (with J. Whitman) “Afterword: Nominalizations in Linguistic Theory”, in Lingua 121:7, Kornfilt, J. & J. Whitman (eds.); 1297-1313.
2009 (a) “A Constraint on Certain Relative Clauses in Turkic”, in Festschrift for Talat Tekin; E. Yılmaz, S. Eker, N. Demir (eds.); special issue of the International Journal of Central Asian Studies, 13; Seoul: The International Association of Central Asian Studies, Korea University of International Studies; 373-398.
2009 (b) “Subject — Agreement correlations and their syntactic effects in some Turkic relative clauses”; Turkic Languages 13:1; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz; 70-96.
2008 Review of A. Menz: Gagausische Syntax: Eine Studie zum kontaktinduzierten Sprachwandel; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1999; in Anthropological Linguistics 49, #2, 198-201.
2007 Review of B. Öztürk: Case, Referentiality and Phrase Structure; Amsterdam & Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 2005; in Journal of Linguistics 43:3; Cambridge University Press; 736- 742.
2005 “The Case of the Direct Object in Turkish: Semantics, Syntax and Morphology”; in Turkic Languages 9; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz; 3-44, with K. v. Heusinger.
“Turkish and the Turkic Languages”, in The World’s Major Languages (2. Edition); B. Comrie (ed.); London & NY: Routledge; 519-544. (Substantial revision of 1987 original.). 2009.
(Sept. 6, 2024)
Turkish is one of 17 languages offered in A&S.
(Jan. 12, 2022)
The honor was conferred to Professor Jaklin Kornfilt by the University of Cyprus.
(Nov. 23, 2016)
The celebrated professor looks to expand her research in Turkish syntax and morphology
(April 14, 2016)
Professor attributes success to multilingual upbringing, luck, early-morning classes