Gwendolyn D. Pough

Gwendolyn D. Pough
Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility, Dean's Professor of the Humanities, Professor of Women's and Gender Studies
A&S Dean's Cabinet
Women's and Gender Studies
340G Sims Hall
Office: 315.443.6745
African American Studies
Ph.D. in English, Miami University (2000)
M.A. with honors in English, Northeastern University (1994)
B.A. in English, Cum Laude, William Paterson College (1992)
Graduate Courses
WGS 601 Feminist Theory
WGS 636 Feminist Rhetoric(s)
WGS 673 Women, Rap and Hip-Hop Feminisms
WGS 757 Black Feminist Theories
Undergraduate Courses
WGS 101 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies
WGS 301 Feminist Theory
WGS 410 Advanced Studies in Feminist Thought
WGS 473 Women, Rap and Hip-Hop Feminisms
WGS 436 Feminist Rhetoric(s)
Feminist Theory, African American Rhetoric, Women's Studies, Hip-Hop Culture
“It’s Bigger than Comp/Rhet: Contested and Undisciplined,” (Written Version of the April 2011 CCCC Convention Chair’s Address) College Composition and Communication 63:2 (2011) 301-313.
“2011 CCCC Chair’s Letter,” College Composition and Communication 63:2 (2011) 328-333.
“What It Do, Shorty?: Women, Hip-Hop and a Feminist Agenda,” Black Women, Gender & Families:Women’s Studies and Black Studies Journal 1:2 (2007) 78-99.
“ ‘Each One, Pull One’: Womanist Rhetoric and Black Feminist Pedagogy in the Writing Classroom.” Teaching Rhetorica: Theory, Pedagogy, Practice. eds. Kate Ronald and Joy Ritchie. Portsmouth NH: Heinemann-Boynton/Cook. 2006.
FEMSPEC: an Interdisciplinary Feminist Journal Dedicated to Critical and Creative Works in the Realms of SF, Fantasy, Magical Realism, Surrealism, Myth, Folklore and other Supernatural Genres. Special Issue: Speculative Black Women: Magic, Fantasy, and the Supernatural. Co- edited with Yolanda Hood 6.1 (2005).
“Editorial Remarks: Speculative Black Women: Magic, Fantasy, and the Supernatural,” equally coauthored with Yolanda Hood FEMSPEC 6.1 (2005) ix – xvi.
"Personal Narrative and Rhetorics of Black Womanhood in Hip-Hop.” Rhetoric and Ethnicity, eds. Keith Gilyard and Vorris Nunley. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 2004. 111-118.
“Rhetoric That Should Have Moved the People: Rethinking the Black Panther Party” African-American Rhetoric(s): Interdisciplinary Perspectives eds. Ronald Jackson and Elaine Richardson. Carbondale: Southern Illinois U P. 2004. 59-72.
“Do the Ladies Run This . . .? Some Thoughts on Hip Hop Feminism.” Catching a Wave: Reclaiming Feminism for the 21st Century, eds. Rory Dicker and Alison Piepmeier, Northeastern U P, 2003. 232-243.
“Confronting and Changing Images and Representations of Black Womanhood in Rap Music.” Get It Together: Readings about African American Life. eds. Akua Duku Anokye and Jacqueline Brice- Finch. New York: Longman Publishers, 2003. 81-84.
“Love Feminism, But Where’s My Hip-Hop: Shaping A Black Feminist Identity.” Colonize This! Young Women of Color on Today’s Feminism. eds. Daisy Hernandez and Bushra Rehman. Seattle: Seal Press, 2002. 85 – 95.
“Empowering Rhetoric: Black Students Writing Black Panthers.” College Composition and Communication 53:3 (2002) 466-486.
“Seeds and Legacies: Tapping the Potential in Hip-Hop,” Doula: The Journal of Rap Music and
Hip-Hop Culture 1:2 (2001) 26 –29.
(Dec. 11, 2023)
Pough will work with A&S leadership to enhance structures and policies to foster an environment where everyone is valued and empowered.
(Nov. 6, 2023)
Gwendolyn D. Pough, a scholar of Black feminist theory, is recognized by the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric & Composition.
(March 4, 2022)
Pough will be the second Syracuse University faculty member to serve as president of the national organization.
(Aug. 14, 2018)
Frieden, Pough to collaborate on issues of diversity, inclusion, and social justice in the Humanities.