Frants Havmand Jensen

Frants Havmand Jensen
Research Assistant Professor
Mobile: 732.579.7692
- PhD, Aarhus University, Denmark (2011)
- MSc, Aarhus University, Denmark (2009)
- BSc, Aarhus University, Denmark (2006)
Social/Academic Links
- Echolocation and biosonar-based foraging
- Collective foraging and emergent sensing strategies
- Social communication and information flow in animal societies
- Effects of noise on marine mammals
I am a behavioral ecologist with expertise in bioacoustics, sensory ecology, and biologging. I work broadly to understand how social animals function - how they forage individually and in groups, how they communicate and coordinate motion and activity with conspecifics, and how increasing anthropogenic activities such as underwater noise or marine development affects such life functions in the Anthropocene. I work closely with the Bioacoustics and Behavioral Ecology Lab led by Professor Susan Parks.
- Visiting Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA, USA
- Associate Lecturer, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK
- Assistant Professor, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University, NJ, USA
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA, USA
Full list of publications on Google Scholar:
Selected publications:
King S. L., and Jensen F. H. (2022): Rise of the machines: Integrating technology with playback experiments to study cetacean social cognition in the wild; Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Demartsev V., Gersick A. S., Thomas M., Jensen F. H., Roch M., Strandburg-Peshkin A. (2022): Signaling in groups: new tools for the integration of animal communication and collective movement; Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Chereskin E., Connor R. C., Friedman W. R., Jensen F. H., Allen S. J., Krutzen M., * Soerensen P. M., King S.L. (2022): Male dolphins ‘bond-at-a-distance’ by using vocal exchanges to maintain key social relationships. Current Biology 32, 1-6.
Lehmann K. D. S., Jensen F. H., Gersick A. S., Strandburg-Peshkin A., Holekamp K. E. (2022): Long-distance vocalizations of spotted hyenas contain individual, but not group, signatures. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289, 20220548.
Shearer J. M., Jensen F. H., Quick N. J., Friedlander A., Southall B., Nowacek D. P., Bowers M., Foley H. J., Swaim Z. T., Waples D. M., Read A. J. (2022): Habitat shapes foraging strategies in a generalist odontocete top predator. Marine Ecology Progress Series 695, 1-14.
Jensen F. H., Keller O. A., Tyack P. L. and Visser F. (2020): Dynamic biosonar adjustment strategies indeep-diving Risso's dolphins driven partly by prey evasion. The Journal of Experimental Biology 223, jeb216283
Jensen F. H., Johnson M., Ladegaard M., Wisniewska D., Madsen P. T. (2018): Narrow acoustic field of view drives frequency scaling in toothed whale biosonar. Current Biology, 28 (23), 3878-3885. e3
Goldbogen J.A., Cade D. E., Wisniewska D. M., Potvin J., Segre P.S., Savoca M. S., Hazen E. L., Czapanskiy M. F., Kahane-Rapport S. R., DeRuiter S. L., Gero S., Tønnesen P., Gough W. T., Hanson M. B., Holt M., Jensen F. H., Simon M., Stimpert A. K., Arranz P., Johnston D. W., Nowacek D. P., Parks S., Visser F., Friedlaender A. S., Tyack P. L., Madsen P. T., Pyenson N. D. (2019). Why whales are big but not bigger: Physiological drivers and ecological limits in the age of ocean giants. Science 366, 1367- 1372.