Antonio Tiongson

Antonio Tiongson
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Ph.D. in Ethnic Studies, University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
Antonio T. Tiongson, Jr. is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at Syracuse University. His current project, tentatively titled Archives of Comparative Racialization and the Problematics of Comparative Critique, constitutes a critical engagement with the emergent scholarship on comparative racialization and more broadly, the emergence of critical ethnic studies as an intellectual and political project. He is co-editor of the forthcoming anthology tentatively titled Filipinx American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Reckoning (Fordham University Press; co-edited with Rick Bonus); co-editor of a special issue of Critical Ethnic Studies exploring the perils and possibilities of comparative critique (Fall 2015; co-edited with Danika Medak-Saltzman); author of Filipinos Represent: DJs, Racial Authenticity, and the Hip-hop Nation (University of Minnesota Press, 2013); and co-editor of Positively No Filipinos Allowed: Building Communities and Discourse (Temple University Press, 2006; co-edited with Edgardo V. Gutierrez and Ricardo V. Gutierrez). He is also co-editor of the “Critical Race, Indigeneity, and Relationality” book series (Temple University Press, 2016-present; with Danika Medak-Saltzman and Iyko Day). The book series showcases comparative studies of race, ethnicity, and Indigeneity in projects that take a self-reflexive approach in their deployment of relational frameworks and analytics.
His fields of research are American studies, critical ethnic studies, cultural studies, Asian American studies, and Filipinx American studies. His areas of expertise include comparative racializations, popular culture, contemporary youth activism, and archives and the nature of knowledge production. A topic of interest is the growth of scholarship deploying comparative analytics and the challenges raised by this kind of work including the complications posed by blackness and Indigeneity to comparative frameworks. Another topic of interest is the rethinking of the intellectual and political project of ethnic studies signaled by the deployment of “critical ethnic studies.” A third topic of interest is transdisciplinarity, the lines of inquiry opened up by placing interdisciplinary formations such as Asian American studies and critical Indigenous studies into a critical dialogue.
Consortium for a Strong Minority Presence (CSMP)