Christopher Noble

Christopher Noble
Associate Professor
533 Hall of Languages
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Christopher Noble studied Classics and Ancient Philosophy at Princeton University.
His work deals primarily with the development and transformation of Platonic and Aristotelian thought in Late Antiquity. He is particularly interested in the way in which later authors can inform our understanding of problems in Plato and Aristotle, and in the distinctive contributions of Later Platonism to the ancient philosophical tradition.
“All That Heaven Allows: Boethius on Divine Foreknowledge, Contingency, and Free Choice,” Phronesis 63.2 (2024): 182-225.
“Providence and Fate in Plotinus,” in Lloyd P. Gerson and James Wilberding (eds.), The New Cambridge Companion to Plotinus, Cambridge University Press (2022): 386-409.
“Everything in Nature is in Intellect: Forms and Natural Teleology in Ennead VI.2.21 (and elsewhere),” Phronesis 66.4 (2021): 426-456.
“Human Nature and Normativity in Plotinus,” in Peter Adamson and Christof Rapp (eds.), State and Nature: Studies in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, De Gruyter (2021): 269-291.
'Leaving Nothing to Chance: An Argument for Principle Monism in Plotinus', Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 55 (2018): 185-226.
'Plotinus' Unaffectable Soul', Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 51 (2016): 183-233.
'Creation and Divine Providence in Plotinus' (with Nathan M. Powers), in A. Marmodoro and B. Prince (eds.), Causation and Creation in Late Antiquity (Cambridge UP, 2015): 51-70.
'How Plotinus' Soul Animates His Body: The Argument for the Soul-Trace at Enn. IV.4.18.1-9', Phronesis 58.3 (2013): 249-279.
'Plotinus' Unaffectable Matter', Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 44 (2013): 233-277.
'Topsy-Turvy World: Circular Motion, Contrariety, and Aristotle's Unwinding Spheres', Apeiron 46.4 (2013): 391-418.