
(Aug. 10, 2023)
Department of Physics Holds Second Annual Paid Internship Program for Aspiring Young Scientists in SyracuseThe Syracuse University Research in Physics program brings Syracuse City School District students to campus labs for six weeks of physics research.
(June 22, 2023)
Chance Baggett Featured in Syracuse University ArticleChance Baggett '24 has been named a 2023-24 Astronaut Scholar by the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation (ASF).

(June 16, 2023)
Nature's Elusive SecretsA&S physicists design technology used at international lab to discover new information about what the Universe is made of.

(March 20, 2023)
‘Fishing’ for BiomarkersA team of researchers, including Syracuse University physics professor Liviu Movileanu and postdoctoral researcher Mohammad Ahmad, have developed a broadly applicable nano-sensor capable of single-molecule precision.

(March 2, 2023)
A&S Faculty Collect Top National Awards and GrantsEES professor Tripti Bhattacharya, physics professor Alison Patteson and chemistry professors Olga Makhlynets and Rachel Steinhardt are recognized for their innovative and noteworthy research.

(Jan. 31, 2023)
Pair of A&S Professors Receive Prestigious Distinction from the American Association for the Advancement of ScienceJennifer Ross of the Department of Physics and Jason Wiles of the Department of Biology are honored in recognition of their commitment to the advancement of science.

(Jan. 18, 2023)
A Warm Winter Welcome to A&S’ Newest Faculty MembersThe College of Arts and Sciences welcomes eight new professors this semester.

(Jan. 12, 2023)
A Star’s Unexpected SurvivalA team of physicists devise a model that maps a star’s surprising orbit about a supermassive black hole – revealing new information about one of the cosmos’ most extreme environments.