(Aug. 21, 2017)
SU Physics Dept throws eclipse party, drawing hundreds (video)Blog Posts/Archived News

(Aug. 18, 2017)
All Are Invited to Solar Eclipse Viewing Party on the QuadPhysics Department to Present Lecture, Provide Safe Viewing Tools

(July 24, 2017)
Syracuse Revels in Mega-Science Experiment to Study NeutrinosBlog Posts/Archived News

(July 21, 2017)
Syracuse Revels in Mega-Science Experiment to Study NeutrinosProfessors participate in groundbreaking of Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility in South Dakota, future home of Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

(June 26, 2017)
Jordan Barrett: Astronaut ScholarBarrett ’18 receives prestigious award for his passionate study of mathematics and physics

(June 6, 2017)
Physics Student Named Kavli Graduate FellowSuraj Shankar is second person in Syracuse history to win prestigious fellowship