Women's and Gender Studies Affiliated Faculty

Orange Alert

Women's and Gender Studies: Affiliated Faculty


Faculty Affiliates

Alston-Kal.jpg Kal Alston Professor, Cultural Foundations of Education kalston@syr.edu 315.443.4751
barbara-applebaum-portrait-lores.jpg Barbara Applebaum Professor, Cultural Foundations of Education bappleba@syr.edu 315.443.3702
marina-artuso-portrait-original.JPG Marina Artuso Distinguished Professor Physics martuso@syr.edu 315.443.2356
Bellows-Anne.jpg Anne C. Bellows Professor, Nutrition & Food Studies acbellow@syr.edu 315.443.4228
Patrick W Berry Patrick W. Berry Associate Professor, Writing and Rhetoric Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition pwberry@syr.edu
shobha-bhatia-portrait-original.JPG Shobha Bhatia Professor Emerita, Civil & Environmental Engineering skbhatia@syr.edu 315.443.3352
susan-branson-portrait-original.JPG Susan Branson Professor History branson@syr.edu 315.443.4144
Lori-Brown.jpg Lori Brown Professor, Architecture lbrown04@syr.edu 315.443.0297
Maria-Brown.jpg Maria T. Brown Assistant Research Professor, Social Work mbrown08@syr.edu 315.443.4685
gail-bulman-portrait-original.jpg Gail A. Bulman Professor, Spanish and Department Chair Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics gabulman@syr.edu 315.443.5901
Virginia-Burrus-portrait.jpg Virginia Burrus The Bishop W. Earl Ledden Professor Emerita Religion mvburrus@syr.edu 315.443.3861
dympna-callaghan-portrait-original-20190516-6967.jpg Dympna Callaghan William Safire Professor of Modern Letters and University Professor English dccallag@syr.edu 315.443.2173
linda-carty-portrait-original.JPG Linda Carty Associate Professor Emerita African American Studies lcarty@syr.edu 315.443.9345
Jorge-Castillo_0891.jpg Jorge Castillo Assistant Director LGBT Resource Center jcasti09@syr.edu 315.443.3983
Steven Cohan Steven Cohan Dean's Distinguished Professor Emeritus English smcohan@syr.edu 315.443.2173
francine-D'Amico-portrait-original-2017.jpg Francine D'Amico Assistant Teaching Professor International Relations fjdamico@syr.edu 315.443.2306
Kishi Animashaun Ducre_2459.jpg Kishi Animashaun Ducre Associate Professor, Assistant Director - Center for Global Indigenous Cultures and Environmental Justice African American Studies kanimash@syr.edu 315.443.9354
kathryn-everly-portait-original-2016.jpg Kathryn A. Everly Professor, Spanish Language Literature and Culture; Spanish Program Coodinator Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics keverly@syr.edu
carol-fadda-conrey-portrait-original.jpg Carol W.N. Fadda Associate Professor English
carol-faulkner-portrait-original.jpg Carol Faulkner Professor History cfaulkne@syr.edu 315.443.9500
beth-ferri-portrait-lores.jpg Beth A. Ferri Professor, Inclusive Education and Disability Studies baferri@syr.edu 315.443.1465
Linda-Stone-Fish.jpg Linda Stone Fish Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy flstone@syr.edu 315.443.3024
myrna-garcia-calderon-portrait-original.jpg Myrna García-Calderón Associate Professor, Spanish Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics mygarcia@syr.edu
Gill-Michael-15.jpg Michael Gill Associate Professor, School of Education mcgill@syr.edu 315.443.9074
tula-goenka-portrait-lores.jpg Tula Goenka Professor, Television, Radio & Film tgoenka@syr.edu 315.443.3376
mike-goode-portrait-medres.jpg Mike Goode William P. Tolley Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Humanities English mgoode@syr.edu 315.443.6133
biko-mandela-gray-portrait-original.jpg Biko Mandela Gray Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies Religion bmgray@syr.edu 315.443.3863
Cecilia-Green.jpg Cecilia A. Green Associate Professor, Sociology cagree01@syr.edu 315.443.3079
grimes-diane.jpg Diane Grimes Associate Professor, Communication and Rhetorical Studies dsgrimes@syr.edu 315.443.5136
Haddix-Marcelle.jpg Marcelle Haddix Dean's Professor, Reading and Language Arts
Roger Hallas 2022 Roger Hallas Professor English rhallas@syr.edu
M-Gail-Hamner-portrait.jpg M. Gail Hamner Professor Emerita Religion mghamner@syr.edu 315.443.5716
Mariaelena-Huambachano.jpg Mariaelena Huambachano [Quechua, Peru] Assistant Professor Religion mhuambac@syr.edu 315.443.3861
Jennifer-Jackson-RS725412-1639.jpg Jenn M. Jackson Assistant Professor, Political Science jjacks37@syr.edu 315.443.9802
Johnson-Dawn-17.jpg Dawn Johnson Associate Professor, Education drjohn02@syr.edu 315.443.3130
PaulaJohnson.jpg Paula Johnson Professor of Law pcjohnso@syr.edu 315.443.3364
amy-kallendar-portrait-original-2011.JPG Amy Aisen Kallander Professor History akalland@syr.edu 315.443.5883
RS458133_JenniferMontez.L.jpg Jennifer Karas Montez Professor Sociology jmontez@syr.edu 315.443.9064
Khristian-Kemp-DeLisser_5331.jpg Khristian Kemp-Delisser Director LGBT Resource Center klkempde@syr.edu 315.443.3983
Karen-Kirkhart.jpg Karen Kirkhart Professor, Social Work kirkhart@syr.edu 315.443.5574
Coran-Klaver.jpg Coran Klaver Associate Professor English ccklaver@syr.edu 315.443.2173
NinaKohn.jpg Nina Kohn David M. Levy L'48 Professor of Law nakohn@syr.edu 315.443.6565
Delali-Kumavie-1x1.jpg Delali Kumavie Assistant Professor English fkumavie@syr.edu
liebler-carol.jpg Carol Liebler Professor, Communications cmlieble@syr.edu 315.443.2448
andrew-london-portrait-original-2016.jpg Andrew London Professor Sociology anlondon@syr.edu 315.443.4597
Lopez-Gretchen-17.jpg Gretchen Lopez Assistant Professor gelopez@syr.edu 315.443.8344
amy-lutz-portrait-original.jpg Amy Lutz Associate Professor Sociology aclutz@syr.edu 315.443.3842
RS489121_Yingyi Ma_6592.jpg Yingyi Ma Associate Professor Sociology yma03@syr.edu 315.443.3716
Janis A. Mayes Janis A. Mayes Associate Professor Emerita African American Studies jamayes@syr.edu 315.443.9348
gladys-McCormick-portrait-original-2017.jpg Gladys McCormick Associate Professor History gmccormi@syr.edu 315.443.9325
Kendra-McCutcheon.jpg Kendra DeLoach McCutcheon Assistant Professor, Social Work kmccutch@syr.edu 315.443.7519
M_Harrington Meyer 2016.jpg Madonna Harrington Meyer University Professor, Sociology mhm@maxwell.syr.edu 315.443.3114
Minkoff-Zern.jpg Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern Assistant Professor, Nutrition & Food Studies lminkoff@syr.edu 315.443.3987
Diane-Murphy.jpg Diane Lyden Murphy Dean College of David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics dlmurphy@syr.edu 315.443.5582
Novak_DSC2293 Shannon A. Novak Associate Professor Anthropology snovak01@maxwell.syr.edu 315.443.4347
jackie-orr-portrait-original-2017.jpg Jackie Orr Associate Professor Sociology jtorr@syr.edu 315.443.5758
deborah-pellow-portrait-AM.jpg Deborah Pellow Professor Anthropology dpellow@syr.edu 315.443.4216
mario_perez.jpg Mario Rios Perez Assistant Professor mrperez@syr.edu 315.443.9077
Ramasubramanian Srividya Srividya Ramasubramian Newhouse Professor, Communications srramasu@syr.edu 315.443.8042
Rand headshot high_jNvjw4i Erin Rand Associate Professor, Communication and Rhetorical Studies ejrand@syr.edu 315.443.5134
Romita Ray-original.jpg Romita Ray Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in Art History Art and Music Histories rray@syr.edu 315.443.5030
kara-richardson-portrait-original.jpg Kara Richardson Associate Professor Philosophy kricha03@syr.edu
william-robert-portrait-original.jpg William Robert Professor and Department Chair Religion wrobert@syr.edu 315.443.3133
marcia-robinson-portrait-original.jpg Marcia Robinson Assistant Professor Religion mrobin03@syr.edu 315.443.5726
Sapon-Shevin-Mara-15.jpg Mara Sapon-Shevin Professor, Education msaponsh@syr.edu 315.443.5088
eileen-schell-portrait-original.JPG Eileen E. Schell Professor Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition eeschell@syr.edu 315.443.8179
Carrie-Smith.jpg Carrie Jefferson Smith Associate Professor, Social Work cjsmit04@syr.edu 315.443.5552
farhana-sultana-portrait-original.jpg Farhana Sultana Associate Professor Geography sultanaf@syr.edu 315.443.2605
danielle-smith-portrait-original-1714.jpg Danielle Taana Smith Professor, African American Studies, Director, Renée Crown University Honors Program African American Studies dsmith33@syr.edu
junko-takeda-portrait-original.jpg Junko Takeda Associate Professor History jtakeda@syr.edu 315.443.5868
Thompson_Margaret.jpg Margaret Susan Thompson Associate Professor History msthomps@syr.edu 315.443.5882
karina-von-tippelskirch-portrait-original.jpg Karina von Tippelskirch Associate Professor, German, and German Program Coordinator Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics kvontipp@syr.edu 315.443.5383
jamie-winders-portrait-original-2016.jpg Jamie Winders Professor Geography jwinders@syr.edu 315.443.2607