Orange Alert


Eikel-Pohen portrait

(March 2, 2022)

Mona Eikel-Pohen Wins Outstanding German Program Development and Advocacy Award

The award was presented by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Small Undergraduate German Program Special Interest Group.

Professor Jaklin Kornfilt (right) accepting an honorary doctorate during a ceremony at the University of Cyprus.

(Jan. 12, 2022)

LLL Professor Awarded Honorary Doctorate for Contributions to Linguistic Theory and Turkish Linguistics

The honor was conferred to Professor Jaklin Kornfilt by the University of Cyprus.

(Aug. 11, 2021)

Preserving African Language and Culture

LLL Professor Christopher Green receives prestigious National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship.

Tej Bhatia portrait

(July 9, 2021)

LLL Professor Tej Bhatia Interviewed by The New York Times

Bhatia contributed linguistic expertise for an article about contemporary Bhangra.

(June 2, 2021)

Linguistics Professor Featured on HDIAC Podcast Series

Tej Bhatia, professor of linguistics and director of South Asian languages, discussed the effects of multilingualism and socio-culturalism on the brain.

Stolpersteine, or “stumbling stones,” honoring Simon and Frieda Herschberg, who once lived in Bochum, Germany.

(May 20, 2021)

German Language Class Connects U.S. Citizens with their Jewish Family History

SU students help a relative of Holocaust victims learn about his family’s past.

Dylan Bryant on the terrace of his apartment in La Rioja, Spain.

(April 23, 2021)

Alumni Postcards: Dylan Bryant ’20

Bryant has spent the academic year teaching in La Rioja, Spain.

Buon Appetito! students sampling carbonara with their families.

(March 19, 2021)

Buon Appetito! LLL Provides SU Students a Virtual Taste of Italian Food and Culture

The one-credit course offered during Winterlude presented students with an opportunity to experience Italy from the comforts of their own kitchens.

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