Orange Alert


Group of people in front of Hall of Languages.

(Jan. 19, 2023)

Graduate Students Host Inaugural “Romance Languages Colloquium”

Attendees joined from Canada, Puerto Rico and across the U.S.

Exterior of Hall of Languages in winter.

(Jan. 18, 2023)

A Warm Winter Welcome to A&S’ Newest Faculty Members

The College of Arts and Sciences welcomes eight new professors this semester.

Magazine cover design by Bryan Nicholas Fletcher, which reimagines Miguel de Cervantes’ novella “La fuerza de la sangre” into a modern context and setting.

(Oct. 17, 2022)

Cool Class: Social Justice in Early Modern Literature

Students’ digital projects connecting centuries-old stories to the present were featured at an international festival in Spain.

Corrine Occhino portrait

(Sept. 9, 2022)

A&S Professor Conducting First National Survey on Reproductive Health Experiences of Deaf Women

The project seeks to improve health care communication for Deaf and hard of hearing people.

Eikel-Pohen portrait

(March 2, 2022)

Mona Eikel-Pohen Wins Outstanding German Program Development and Advocacy Award

The award was presented by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Small Undergraduate German Program Special Interest Group.

Professor Jaklin Kornfilt (right) accepting an honorary doctorate during a ceremony at the University of Cyprus.

(Jan. 12, 2022)

LLL Professor Awarded Honorary Doctorate for Contributions to Linguistic Theory and Turkish Linguistics

The honor was conferred to Professor Jaklin Kornfilt by the University of Cyprus.

(Aug. 11, 2021)

Preserving African Language and Culture

LLL Professor Christopher Green receives prestigious National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship.

Tej Bhatia portrait

(July 9, 2021)

LLL Professor Tej Bhatia Interviewed by The New York Times

Bhatia contributed linguistic expertise for an article about contemporary Bhangra.

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