
(May 7, 2020)
Art History major Sophia Jactel (B.A. ’20) wins the Sidney Thomas PrizeSophia Jactel wins the Sidney Thomas Prize for best art history paper written by an undergraduate student.

(May 5, 2020)
Elisabeth Genter to Pursue Ph.D. at University of RochesterElisabeth Genter, an M.A. student in art history, has accepted admission into the Visual and Cultural Studies Program at the University of Rochester, where she will work toward a doctoral degree in art history beginning this fall.

(April 29, 2020)
Music History and Cultures major Gabrielle Sanft (B.A. ’20) wins the Abraham Veinus PrizeGabrielle Sanft wins the Abraham Veinus Prize for best undergraduate student paper in Music History and Cultures.

(April 27, 2020)
Art History minor Mackenzie Allen (B.A. '20) admitted to MA program at Sotheby's Institute of ArtArt History minor Mackenzie Allen will study in the MA program at the Sotheby's Institute of Art in New York City.

(April 23, 2020)
Art History and Studio Arts Collaborative Project Awarded Creative Opportunity GrantThis spring semester, a Creative Opportunity Grant (COG) was awarded by the School of Art for a joint publication project spearheaded by Natasha Bishop, an M.A. candidate in art history and co-chair of the George Fisk Comfort Society and Brett Morgan, an M.F.A. candidate and co-curator at the Random Access Gallery.

(April 23, 2020)
Fine Arts major Si Li (BA '20) admitted to MA program in Art History at ColumbiaFine Arts major Si Li to study in the Art History MA program at Columbia University in New York.

(April 22, 2020)
Virtual Ceramics Class Open to Students WorldwideOver 250 participants join the seminar each week.