
(June 20, 2018)
Art of Resistance and ResilienceWhile researching early 20th century Pueblo painters, Sascha Scott seeks to decolonize academic processes

(June 18, 2018)
Art history grad student Abby Houston blogs about summer internship at the Cincinnati Museum CenterBlog Posts/Archived AMH News

(June 6, 2018)
Music History & Cultures alum Haley R. Knapp (B.A.'18) joins Johns Hopkins University's Scheduling and Event ServicesBlog Posts/Archived AMH News

(May 31, 2018)
Emily Francisco (M.A. ’17) joins the National Gallery of ArtBlog Posts/Archived AMH News

(May 30, 2018)
Art history alum Eric Gleason (B.A. ’05), Paul Kasmin Gallery, and Stuart DavisBlog Posts/Archived AMH News

(May 24, 2018)
Dina-Marie Weineck Lands Internship with the Community and Learning Department of the Detroit Symphony OrchestraBlog Posts/Archived AMH News

(May 22, 2018)
Prof Amanda Eubanks Winkler features in a documentary “What is Restoration Shakespeare?”Blog Posts/Archived AMH News