(July 24, 2020)
Agnew Co-Edited Collection PublishedCongratulations to Lois Agnew on her co-edited collection with John Duffy: After Plato . . . .
(July 9, 2020)
Nordquist Receives Humanities New York AwardCongratulations to Brice Nordquist for receiving . . . .
(July 6, 2020)
Agnew Article in RSQCongratulations to Lois Agnew, whose article, “Managing Visibility: Emotion, …
(July 6, 2020)
Kennedy Article in RSQCongratulations to Krista Kennedy, whose article, “I Forgot I’m Deaf!: Passing, Kairotic Space, . . .
(July 6, 2020)
CCR Professor, Students, and Alum Publish COVID-19 Policy ReportCongratulations to Genevieve García de Müeller, Ana Cortes, Alex Hanson, . . .
(July 1, 2020)
Kennedy Co-edited Journal Issue PublishedCongratulations to Krista Kennedy, who has co-edited . . .