Orange Alert


Noah Wilson portrait

(May 21, 2021)

Wilson Article Published

Congratulations to Noah Wilson, whose article, “The Rhetorical Implications of Data Aggregation: Becoming a ‘Dividual’ in a Data-Driven World,”….

(May 20, 2021)

The Class of 2021!

The Class of 2021!

(May 14, 2021)

Kennedy and Wilson Interviewed for Room 42 Podcast

Krista Kennedy and Noah Wilson were recently interviewed for a Room 42 podcast episode.

(May 13, 2021)

Writing Center 6-Word Memoir Winners Announced

When the Writing Center launched its 6-word memoir contest, we weren’t sure what to expect. We knew the year was difficult, and we knew that students (and faculty) were tired of spending time on Zoom. We also knew energy was low and stress levels were high.

Rachael Shapiro portrait

(May 7, 2021)

Shapiro appointed as Provost Fellow at Rowan University

Rachael Shapiro has been recently appointed as Provost Fellow on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Rowan University.

Stephanie Jones portrait

(May 7, 2021)

Congratulations to Stephanie Jones

Congratulations to Stephanie Jones

Ezikio López portrait

(May 7, 2021)

Congratulations to Ezikio López

Congratulations to Ezikio López, who has successfully defended their dissertation prospectus.

Teddy Allor in a paisley print button up in front of a brick wall.

(May 7, 2021)

2021 Outstanding TA Award Teddy Allor

2021 Outstanding TA Award: Teddy Allor