
(Nov. 3, 2020)
Congratulations to Stephanie JonesCongratulations to Stephanie Jones, who has successfully defended her dissertation prospectus . . . .

(Oct. 28, 2020)
Shapiro Article Wins Ohmann AwardCongratulations to Rachael Shapiro (CCR alum) whose article, “Transnational Networks of Literacy and Materiality . . . .

(Oct. 28, 2020)
Congratulations to Ana Cortés LagosCongratulations to Ana Cortés Lagos, who has successfully defended her dissertation prospectus . . . .

(Oct. 26, 2020)
Congratulations to Larry StansburyCongratulations to Larry Stansbury (Writing and Rhetoric '18), whose collection of essays . . . .

(Oct. 16, 2020)
Geiger article in College EnglishCongratulations to TJ Geiger , whose article, “Social Circulation and a Tremendous Individual . . . .

(Oct. 14, 2020)
McCrary Accepts Editorial PositionCongratulations to Robin McCrary, who has accepted a position . . . .