Orange Alert


(Sept. 6, 2017)

Legacy, Loyalty, and Lacrosse

Weekend events celebrate Creator’s Game, Haudenosaunee values

Cardiff Castle, Photo by Swenson Min

(Aug. 29, 2017)

The Practice of Preparation

I am writing from Amsterdam in the Netherlands, where I am waiting to start fieldwork in Vietnam in ten days. In many ways, my fieldwork started weeks ago with language review, IRB protocol forms, and visa paperwork. After hearing the wonderful news that I had been awarded the Robert HN Ho Dissertation Research Fellowship in Buddhist Studies, I immediately emailed friends and contacts in Vietnam to let them know I would be returning this fall.

(April 18, 2017)

Performing Religion

Religion and theater professors co-teach interdisciplinary course

(April 12, 2017)

Jenny Caplan, Assistant Professor Towson University
Blog Posts/Archived News

(April 11, 2017)

Religion Department Garners Wave of Awards, Recognition

Awards reflect the diversity of research within the department

(April 2, 2017)

ALT-AC Career Panel
Blog Posts/Archived News