
(Aug. 29, 2016)
Mallory Hennigar has been awarded the American Institute of Indian Studies Junior Research FellowshipBlog Posts/Archived News

(Aug. 12, 2016)
Guidance from a ‘Leading Light’Jenny Caplan G’15 will spend year with mentor in American Jewish studies

(Aug. 2, 2016)
James Karman G’76 Devotes Career to Studying One of America’s Great PoetsKarman hopes to reclaim reputation of West Coast poet Robinson Jeffers

(June 23, 2016)
Syracuse, SUNY-ESF Faculty Win Grant to Advance Appreciation for Onondaga LakeProject will help inspire students to become responsible environmental stewards

(June 17, 2016)
Professor Sheds Light on Origins of Jewish FictionNew book by Ken Frieden examines link between Hebrew revival, Jewish travel literature

(April 18, 2016)
Saints, Cyborgs, MonstersDoctoral student creates course that links classic religious question with modern views of the human body

(April 15, 2016)
Syracuse Professor Using German Fellowship to Study Religion, SensesWatts is visiting fellow at Ruhr University in Germany

(April 1, 2016)
Rising from the RubbleBarbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett has been chosen to deliver this year's B.G. Rudolph Lecture