Funding Opportunities

Orange Alert

Funding Opportunities

Engaged Communities Grants
members of the 2021-22 Engaged Communities project teams meet at La Casita

Engaged Communities Grants (EC grants) are designed to support publicly engaged research, creative work and programming through mutually beneficial projects created between Syracuse University faculty, staff, and students and community partners. These projects seek to co-create public goods based on community assets, needs and interests.

Call for Proposals: Engaged Communities Mini Grants (Academic Year 2025-26)

Engaged Course Grants
Engaged Courses

The EHN's Engaged Courses program provides funding and cohort-based pedagogical and logistical support to faculty across departments who are integrating community-engaged learning into new and existing courses.

Call for Proposals: Engaged Course Grants (Academic Year 2025-26)

Sustaining Engagement Grants
Local students sit in circle for storytelling workshop with artist Helen Zuhaib at local art gallery

Sustaining Engagement Grants are designed to support the continuation and/or expansion of publicly engaged research, creative work, and programming already associated with the EHN through the Engaged Communities program. The program provides $10,000 to one Engaged Communities team or multi-team/project collaboration to sustain and/or scale an existing, high-impact, community-engaged project.

Call for Proposals: Sustaining Engagement Grants (Academic Year 25-26)

Engaged Humanities Graduate Research Assistantship
Graduate Student Ana Vîjdea working with students at the North Side Learning Center

Engaged Humanities Graduate RAs are hired for one-year, non-teaching appointments to conduct research and writing in the publicly engaged humanities; develop new and support existing community partnerships; collaborate on program design and implementation; assist with the design of engaged humanities undergraduate and/or graduate seminars; and participate in grant writing for public scholarship and creative work.

Call for Applications: Engaged Humanities Graduate Research Assistant (Academic Year 2024-25)

Engaged Humanities Undergraduate Research Assistantships
Engaged humanities undergraduate research assistants interviewing students at the North Side Learning Center

Engaged Humanities undergraduate research assistants are hired for one-year appointments to support and promote public engagement through innovative humanities research, teaching, and creative work. Students majoring in at least one humanities program can apply to help develop and support community partnerships, document and promote existing publicly engaged arts and humanities projects, and help create and support new and existing community-engaged humanities programs.