Engaged Humanities Graduate Research

The Engaged Humanities Network provides opportunities for graduate students of all levels to connect scholarship, teaching, and creative work to community-engaged projects through annual research assistantships, summer and winter fellowships, and opportunities for community building among engaged scholars.
EHN Graduate Research Assistantship

Graduate RAs are hired for one-year, non-teaching appointments to conduct research and writing in the publicly engaged humanities; develop new and support existing community partnerships; collaborate on program design and implementation; assist with the design of engaged humanities undergraduate and/or graduate seminars; and participate in grant writing for public scholarship and creative work. Apply to become a 2022-23 EH Graduate Research Assistant.
Summer & Winter Fellowships

In collaboration with the Syracuse University Graduate School’s Humanities Summer Internship Program, Engaged Humanities Summer & Winter Research Assistantships provide graduate students opportunities to apply their own research and teaching expertise to forms of action-based humanistic inquiry with partnering organizations and the communities they serve. Doctoral students across all humanities programs are eligible to apply for summer assistantships.
Feeding Collaboration

Feeding Collaboration is a conversation and lunch series led by and for graduate students who do and/or are interested in publicly engaged scholarship, teaching, and creative work. Students from across disciplines, schools, and colleges meet one Friday a month to share a meal, ideas, experiences, and resources and to build relationships for mutual support across projects, programs and communities.
All lunches are provided by the EHN. RSVP for next month's lunch here.
2023-24 Feeding Collaboration dates:
Fall: 10/6, 11/3, 12/1
Spring: 2/2, 3/1, 4/5, 5/3
Tolley 304
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