Orange Alert


A person in front of a conference poster

(April 6, 2022)

Congratulations to CSD Undergraduate Alex Middleton

CSD Senior Alex Middleton was selected to receive the 2022 Chancellor's Citation for Excellence in Undergraduate Student Research.

Riley portrait

(April 6, 2022)

CSD Professor Ellyn Riley Quoted in Washington Post Article on Aphasia

Communication Sciences and Disorders faculty member Dr. Ellyn Riley was quoted in the Washington Post in an article on understanding aphasia, a topic in the news because of the announced retirement of actor Bruce Willis

Nina Benway portrait

(March 14, 2022)

Congratulations to PhD Candidate Nina Benway

Speech Language Pathology PhD candidate, Nina Benway has been selected to receive a Graduate Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Work

Preston portrait

(Dec. 14, 2021)

CSD Professor Jonathan Preston Awarded NIH Grants to Study Childhood Speech Disorders

The grants from the National Institutes of Health address childhood speech sound disorders.

A patient undergoing tests using the Gebbie Clinic’s new videonystagmography system.

(Dec. 3, 2021)

The Gift of an Accurate Diagnosis

The new VNG diagnostic system was donated in honor of alumna Kimberly Knight.

Clinic setting in CSD

(Sept. 14, 2021)

Hands-On Learning, Real-World Impact

Gebbie Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic makes headlines.

(Aug. 9, 2021)

CSD’s Beth Prieve Receives a UNYTE Pilot Grant for Research on Detecting Language-based Disorders in Pre-Term Infants

Prieve and her collaborators aim to develop a technique to enhance prediction and detection of language-based disorders caused by auditory pathway disruption.

A patient receiving transcranial direct current stimulation at the Aphasia Lab.

(July 27, 2021)

New CSD Study Uses Electrical Brain Stimulation to Help Treat Stroke Patients with Aphasia

CSD researchers are currently recruiting stroke patients who have experienced speech and language difficulties.

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