
(June 3, 2020)
Dana Olwan Receives 2020 Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders AwardThe fellowship will contribute to her scholarship in the field of feminist Middle East studies.
(Nov. 16, 2019)
Department of Women's and Gender Studies Unequivocally Condemns Racist IncidentsThe Department of Women’s and Gender Studies unequivocally condemns the racist incidents targeting Black, Asian, and Jewish communities that have taken place on and near our campus in the past week.

(Oct. 6, 2019)
Mohanty Quoted in Daily Orange Article About Michelle Téllez VisitBlog Posts/Archived News

(June 19, 2019)
Chandra Mohanty interviewed by the Vienna Institute of Development and CooperationBlog Posts/Archived News

(April 12, 2018)
Feminist Education to Feminist PracticeEvent highlights Women’s and Gender Studies alumni experiences