Post Baccalaureate and Graduate Programs

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Post Baccalaureate and Graduate Programs

Post Baccalaureate and Graduate Programs

Students in need of academic record enhancement or completion of prerequisite coursework often pursue a Post Baccalaureate program or other graduate level instructional program (Special Master's Program). For a list of institutions providing such programs, see below.

Post Baccalaureate Programs listed by AAMC

Below is a list of Post Baccalaureate programs searchable by category (Career Changer, Academic Record Enhancer, Underrepresented Minority Students, Economically or Educationally Disadvantaged Students, Accommodates Students Interested in other Health Professions) provided by the American Association of Medical Colleges:

AAMC Comprehensive list of Postbacc Programs- update link-

For more information about Post Baccalaureate Programs, see the AAMC factsheet:

Considering a Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program

The Associated Medical Schools of New York represents the 17 schools of undergraduate and graduate medical education in New York state. These schools have created Post-Baccalaureate Programs for students who have either applied to medical schools or are hoping to improve their academics prior to applications.

Post Bac Programs listed by AACOM

See Post Baccalaureate Premedical Programs listed by the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine.

Post Bac Centralized Application Service

PostBacCAS by Liaison

NIH Postbac

The National Institute of Health's Office of Intramural Training & Education offers a Postbaccalaureate IRTA/CRTA program designed to provide recent college graduates an opportunity to spend a year (or two) doing biomedical research in the resource-rich environment of the NIH. Applicants are expected to apply to graduate or professional (medical, dental, etc.) school during their time at the NIH.