Communities & Identities Concentration
The Department of Religion offers the graduate concentration in Communities & Identities to explore religion and spirituality in modern societies, both local and global, through the lenses of anthropology of religion and history of religions.
The Communities & Identities curriculum consists of a rotating sequence of courses in both topics and theory and methods within both the History of Religions and Anthropology of Religion. In addition, we have a rotating co-taught selected topics course, Theorizing Communities and Identities, that is offered once every four semesters.
Below is a list of courses that may be offered under each category:
Topics in the History of Religions
- Critical Issues in Indigenous Religions
- Critical Issues in the Study of Native American Religions
- Discovery and Indigenous Peoples
- Gender, Politics, and Religion
- Global Hinduism
Theory and Methods in the History of Religions
- Globalization and Religion
- Materialities
- Ritual and Performance
- Topics in Religion and Space/Place
- Topics in Spirituality and Community
Topics in the Anthropology of Religion
- Buddhism, Culture, Modernity
- Islams and Cultural Diversity
- Memory, Culture, Religion
Theory and Methods in the Anthropology of Religion
- Anthropology of Religion
- Ethnography of Religion
- Gender and Religion in Theory and Practice.
Core Faculty for the Communities & Identities Concentration