B.A. in Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture
Study Spanish…..Study the World!
- Did you know that more than 44 million people speak Spanish as their first language in the United States?
- Did you know that Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world?
- When you study Spanish you not only study one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world but you study the cultures and civilizations of Europe, South and Central America, the Caribbean, Mexico and the United States.
- With courses on language, literature, culture, film, linguistics and much more, the Spanish program at Syracuse University offers a wide range of diverse topics that will help you in any career you may choose.
- Our majors go into the healthcare professions, broadcast journalism, communications, public service, international business, teaching and many more.
We also offer a Master’s degree in Spanish Language, Literature and Culture. The graduate degree provides students with in-depth study in the areas of literature, theory, linguistics, cultural theory, critical thought and research methods. Our graduates go on to doctoral degrees, work in the private sector and teach at all levels.
A major, minor or M.A. in Spanish opens up the world to you!
For information about certification to teach Spanish at the secondary-school level, see "Education/Arts and Sciences (dual program)" in the catalog. Or visit the School of Education.
All students who would like to take Spanish are required to take a placement examination, regardless of previous exposure to or instruction in Spanish. The exam is available online on myslice.
If you have questions about your placement, contact the Spanish Language Coordinator.
ATTENTION: the Spanish language exam is not a proficiency exam. If you are interested in placing out of the language requirement of your program, see the Spanish Language Coordinator.

Miryam Bar

Rosa Benavides

Gail A. Bulman

Kathryn Clinton

Tania Dabrowiak

Kennia Delafe

Robert Dodds

Kathryn A. Everly

Myrna García-Calderón

Elizabeth Juarez-Cummings

Socorro Koseki

Javier Maymi-Perez

Ana Mendez-Oliver

Magdelín Montenegro

Catherine M. Nock

Cristina E. Pardo Porto

Alicia B. Ríos