Evolution and Animal Behavior
Evolutionary biologists examine biological diversity and organismal design at all levels of biological organization—from the interactions among genes within organisms to interactions of species within communities and ecosystems. The diverse and integrative nature of evolutionary biology is reflected in the research of the Evolution and Animal Behavior faculty. We are an interactive group with research interests spanning how the interrelationships among genes, proteins, physiology, and behavior translate into trait variation that influences microevolutionary processes. We are also interested in how microevolutionary processes lead to the formation of new species and larger macroevolutionary patterns in biological diversity.
Specific research areas include elucidating the genetic architecture of life history traits in plants and animals, biological constraints on the abilities of animals to adapt behaviorally to experience, the evolution of communication and signaling systems in animals, sexual selection and the evolution of reproductive strategies, the evolutionary ecology of species interactions, tracing the evolutionary history of trait evolution and interacting species, and examining plant evolutionary responses to climate change. We study a diversity of organisms ranging from model systems to previously un-described species, and we work in both laboratory and field settings that take us around the globe.
Biology faculty members affiliated with Evolution and Animal Behavior

Yasir Ahmed-Braimah
Assistant Professor
Email: yahmed@syr.edu
Phone: 315.443.1564

David M. Althoff
Associate Professor and Associate Chair
Email: dmalthof@syr.edu
Phone: 315.443.1096

Katie M. Becklin
Assistant Professor
Email: kmbeckli@syr.edu
Phone: 315.443.2155

Steve Dorus
Email: sdorus@syr.edu
Phone: 315.443.7091

Austin M. Garner
Assistant Professor
Email: agarner@syr.edu
Phone: 315.443.4899

Sarah E. Hall
Associate Professor
Email: shall@syr.edu
Phone: 315.443.2964

Katharine (Kate) Lewis
Email: kelewi02@syr.edu
Phone: 315.443.5902

Susan E. Parks
Email: sparks@syr.edu
Phone: 315.443.4007

Scott Pitnick
Weeden Professor of Biology
Email: sspitnic@syr.edu
Phone: 315.443.5128

Michele G. Wheatly
Professor of Biology, Former Provost
Email: mwheatly@syr.edu
Phone: 315.443.6123

Jason R. Wiles
Associate Professor
Email: jwiles01@syr.edu
Phone: 315.443.3193