PAIR-UP: Partnering to Advance Imaging Research for URM scientists Program

Orange Alert

PAIR-UP: Partnering to Advance Imaging Research for URM Scientists Program

PAIR-UP is a new network for African American scientists using advanced microscopy in the biomedical sciences.

For scientists at all levels including, faculty, core microscopy facility managers, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. PAIR-UP will serve to increase your knowledge of optical imaging techniques on multiple modalities, expand upon your prior imaging experience, and facilitate the application of quantitative approaches to microscopic data. PAIR-UP is sponsored by the Syracuse University Blatt BioImaging Center. No fees are required for participation.

Dean Emeritus George Langford holding flowers at a workshop.
Dr. Teng-Leong Chew (Advanced BioImaging Center, HHMI Janelia Research Campus) instructing the FIJI Image Processing and Analysis Workshop.

The goal of PAIR-UP is to provide comprehensive workshops each year on imaging technologies and imaging analysis. Unique features of the workshops will be in-depth training in (a) advanced microscopy techniques, (b) microscope selection based on the experimental design, and (c) digital image processing and analysis. A key impetus of PAIR-UP is to foster a network wherein members are kept informed of unique opportunities worldwide through which cutting-edge technologies and expertise support are accessible. PAIR-UP will occasionally engage these organizations to discuss how to formulate successful application to gain access to these opportunities.

The PAIR-UP workshops will serve two major functions:

  1. To ensure that African American scientists receive the training they need to take full advantage of imaging hardware and software at their home institutions and advance imaging centers nationally; and,
  2. To provide a platform for networking and collaboration. These activities will serve to create a community of African American imaging scientists by building a strong support network.

The PAIR-UP workshops will also provide opportunities for participants to share information about successful strategies when working as an African-American scientist at an HWCU or HBCU. Topics will include social justice activism and evidence-based social science research on stereotype threat, imposter syndrome and microaggressions.

PAIR-UP Events

First event: 3-day virtual workshop: Image Processing and Image Analysis

Invitation: Image Processing Workshop – November 17-19, 2020

Featured speaker: Dr. Teng-Leong Chew, Director of the Advanced Imaging Center at HHMI Janelia Research Campus

  • Title: FIJI Image Processing and Analysis Workshop
  • Date: Tuesday - Thursday, November 17-19, 2020, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM each day
  • Instructor: Dr. Teng-Leong Chew, Advance Imaging Center, HHMI, Janelia Research Campus
  • Location: Virtual Zoom meeting
  • Who should attend: Faculty, Core Directors, postdocs, graduate students
  • Capacity: The number of participants is limited to 30
  • Hosts: George M. Langford and Torsten Wollert, Syracuse University

The workshop is a hands-on workshop. You and members of your laboratory are strongly encouraged to attend if you use or plan to use advanced imaging equipment. The workshop will start at 9AM each day and ends around 3PM. Participants are expected to attend all days of the workshop.