Orange Alert

About the College of Arts and Sciences

At A&S, students take ownership of their future
through top-tier research and customizable
academics, so they can live decisively and make
the world healthier, more hopeful and more humane.

The College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) is Syracuse University’s first and largest college. As the home of the liberal arts, our internationally recognized programs provide the cornerstone of a Syracuse University education with 50+ majors in the natural sciences and mathematics, the humanities and the social sciences (in partnership with the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs).

This size and breadth distinctively position the faculty and students of A&S to help solve the grand challenges facing the world today. We care deeply about, and our expertise coalesces around, four central pillars of distinctive excellence:

  • climate change and the environment;
  • health and well-being;
  • social justice; and
  • technological innovation.

By marshaling our considerable strengths across disciplines, we benefit people, planet and the public good.

A&S is a primary contributor to the University’s R1 (“Very High Research”) designation. Both undergraduate and graduate students work alongside top faculty in research related to disease, racial injustice, human behavior and climate change. They engage in scholarship around physical and mathematical phenomena and theory and also human creativity, experience and expression.

Our students cultivate ethical awareness, sensitivity to different perspectives, and strong critical reasoning and communication skills through coursework and hands-on experiences, such as study abroad programs, internships, lab work, career exploration trips and community engagement programs. They can also complement A&S coursework with offerings from the University’s other schools and colleges.

A&S' award-winning and cutting-edge academic and career advising model has been recognized by organizations such as the National Academic Advising Association for its successful and innovative approach. This carefully crafted program leads students through defined career preparedness objectives, from their first year through graduation.

Our worldwide network of 70,000+ alumni remain connected to A&S as advisory board members, immersion trip sponsors, student mentors and financial supporters. They are passionate in their pursuits and committed to helping create a healthier, more hopeful and more humane world.


The College of Arts and Sciences stands as the intellectual center of Syracuse University and is committed to internationally recognized research and innovative instruction with an emphasis on disciplinary rigor, creative interdisciplinarity, as well as ethical engagement with issues of social justice and global citizenship.


Internationally recognized faculty and outstanding staff work to engage students in a research-driven, dynamic, innovative liberal arts experience to ensure academic achievement and lifelong success.