Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition is pleased to announce that 20 of our teachers will represent SU at the annual Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) in Pittsburgh, March 13-16. The theme of the 2019 conference is "Performance-Rhetoric, Performance-Composition."
Lois Agnew
“Rhetoric’s Histories, Theories, Pedagogies”: Rhetoric and CCCC (Special Interest Group Chair)
Spotlight Session: After Plato: Performing Ethical Theories and Practices
Madhura Bandyopadhyay
“Circulating Identities: The STEM Capstone Project Showcase and Academic Globalization”
Patrick W. Berry
Performing Prison: Intentional Teaching, Research, and Writing Inside & Out
Ana Cortés Lagos
“Inventing PLEA: A Social History of a College-Writing Initiative at a Chilean University”
Telsha Curry
Spotlight Session: Black Swag on na Real, Nigga Dis Ain No Ack!: Interrogating Embodied Linguistic Knowledges and Swagger Jackin
Lauren Esposito
“‘Being Funny Isn’t the Goal’: What Improv Comedy Teaches Students about Learning to Write”
Genevieve García de Müeller
Performing the Rhetorics of Family-Friendly Policies: Rhetorics versus Realities in Writing Programs
W[h]AC[k]-ing Academic, Institutional, and Literacy Hegemony (respondent)
André Habet
Remaking Spaces through Critical Performances
Alex Hanson
"Acknowledging who is Excluded: The Limitations of Family Friendly Policies for Graduate Student Parents."
C.C. Hendricks
“Mobilizing Affect: The Rhetoric and Circulation of Popular Political Satire”
“Beginning a Conversation with SWR”
Rebecca Moore Howard
Style and the Future of Composition Studies
Stephanie Jones
Spotlight Session: Black Swag on na Real, Nigga Dis Ain No Ack!: Interrogating Embodied Linguistic Knowledges and Swagger Jackin
Autumn Laws
Methods, Theories, Stories for Performing Emotional Labor Rhetorically
Aja Martinez
Performing the Rhetorics of Family-Friendly Policies: Rhetorics versus Realities in Writing Programs (respondent)
Career Quest: Navigating a Future in Composition, Rhetoric, and Writing Studies
Brice Nordquist
“Historicizing Concurrent Enrollment in a Segregated City”
Stephanie Parker
Performing Pedagogical Ancestors: bell hooks, Gertrude Stein, and Mother Jones
Eileen E. Schell
Plant Something: Performance-Rhetoric, Community Writing, and Food Activism
Performing the Rhetorics of Family-Friendly Policies: Rhetorics versus Realities in Writing Programs
Tony Scott
Attunement, Performance, and Valuation across the Scales of Composition
Kurt Stavenhagen
Peaceable Places, Performative Spaces: Toward a New Vision of the Ecocomposition Classroom
Joshua Wood
Remixing Performance in Games
Role-Playing Social Justice: A Game That Is a Panel