
Orange Alert


The Composition and Cultural Rhetoric Doctoral Program (CCR)

Current Students: Curriculum (revised 2010)

Consult the Course Catalog for specific course requirements.

Other Credit Options

Transfer Credit & Waivers

Students entering with a Master's degree in Rhetoric and Composition, or who have satisfactorily completed graduate courses in appropriate areas of study (e.g., composition, rhetoric, literacy, communication, or discourse studies) at Syracuse University or at other institutions, may have up to 12 hours applied to their required course credits. Upon entering the graduate program, those who wish to "transfer" in credits should make an appointment with the Graduate Director to discuss the transfer course(s).  The Graduate Director will then

  • review transcripts from the student's previous graduate work;
  • review previous syllabi, reading lists, or papers for the course(supplied by the student).

After review of these documents, the Graduate Director will decide whether or not the course work is appropriate for transfer credit.

In addition, when appropriate, students may petition to have a course from inside or outside the department substitute for a core or track course.  The case for such a substitution must be made to the Graduate Director.  If the Graduate Director approves the petition, then the candidate must complete the necessary paper work in consultation with the Graduate Director.

Independent Study

Students are allowed up to 9 credits of independent study courses in the CCR program or in other departments. Independent studies will count toward elective credits for the degree. Normally, independent studies are undertaken when students have research interests and intellectual projects that cannot be accommodated within the usual cycle of required, core, or elective courses.

To launch an independent study, the student will seek a faculty advisor with knowledge or interest in the student's proposed topic to sponsor the independent study. In consultation with the faculty advisor, the student will establish the course reading list (where appropriate) and the intellectual project or projects to be completed within the time frame of the independent study. Once the student and faculty advisor have agreed upon the plan for the independent study, the student should submit the following to the Graduate Director and the Graduate Committee:

  • The College of Arts and Sciences Independent Study Form with the sponsoring faculty advisor's signature.
  • A one page addendum with a brief rationale (1-2 paragraphs) for the independent study, a reading list if appropriate, and a brief description (1 paragraph) of the intellectual projects that will be completed.
  • The student/faculty advisor should indicate the number of credits being proposed.

Barring unusual circumstances, the independent study forms should be submitted by the end of the semester prior to the semester in which the student and faculty member plan to start the independent study. After the Graduate Committee reviews the proposal and the Graduate Director and the Department Chair provide their signatures, the student should register for the appropriate course number. For independent studies in CCR, the course number is CCR 690.
While many faculty are usually willing to sponsor independent studies, students should keep in mind that independent studies are done on top of the faculty's regular research, teaching, administration, and service loads and no extra compensation is granted.