Support to International Student Parents

Orange Alert

Support to International Student Parents

Our Story

  • Engage family members into the Syracuse University community.
  • Provide monthly highlights pertinent to students’ academic study and life at SU.
  • Value the diverse and global perspectives your talented students bring to our classrooms and community.
  • Partner with you in supporting your student throughout their time in Syracuse and beyond.

Monthly International Parents Meeting

  • We meet with international parents every month on Thursdays via Zoom to
    • provide highlights pertinent to students’ academic study and life at SU
    • share news and improvements at SU
    • respond to parents’ concerns and questions
  • Meeting is hosted twice, one in Chinese and one in English.

Monthly International Parents Newsletter

  • A monthly newsletter is sent to parents a few days before the monthly parents meeting to
  • Share current academic activities on campus related to students
  • Provide recommendation for parents’ communication with students regarding study and life at SU
  • Inform upcoming events and resources at SU
  • Serve as a pre parents meeting preparation.

Communication with Parents

  1. Social media for parents: online support community for parents to ask questions, receive timely SU news, exchange ideas, and support each other.
  • WhatsApp parents group
  • WeChat parents group
    • Parents can add "elise_kapibala" by sharing student’s full name and SUID.

2. Meeting with Director of International Student Success

a. Parents may request a meeting with Director of International Student Success to discuss things related to their student, but discussions must follow the FERPA regulations.