Language Matters Conference: Moving Forward

Orange Alert

Language Matters Conference: Moving Forward

Launched by a CUSE grant for Innovative and Interdisciplinary Research, the five research strands of the Language Matters Research Initiative have forged new connections, piloted innovative programs and achieved impactful results during the past four years. This conference, which will bring together scholars, artists, and community experts in the areas of Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC), “Language in Action” in the community, Language and Human Security, performance, cultures and identity, and digitally open borders, is open to the public and will feature panels, keynote speakers, roundtable discussions, and live and video performances to showcase each strand’s research and envision future directions.


CUSE Grant for Innovative and Interdisciplinary Excellence; Academic Affairs; Faculty Affairs; College of Arts and Sciences; Departments of LLL, AAS, English, History, Philosophy, Religion, WGS; CNY Humanities Corridor; D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families; East Asia Studies; Engaged Humanities; ICCAE; I-School; Latino-Latin American Studies; Linguistic Studies Program; MASU; Maxwell School; MESP; Moynihan Institute; PLACA; SU Libraries