The Department of Psychology is pleased to announce the first installment of our monthly Graduate Student Spotlight. Jackie Foley is a fifth year doctoral candidate in the Clinical Psychology Program at Syracuse University. She is originally from Massachusetts, but lived in Providence, Rhode Island for 6 years before coming to Syracuse.
Under the guidance of Dr. Peter Vanable and Dr. Sarah Woolf-King, her research focuses on the associations between depressive symptoms, substance use, and sexual health to inform behavioral intervention development for marginalized populations. Jackie is currently applying for internship to continue on the trajectory of obtaining an academic medical center faculty position.
Jackie has published multiple papers on the association between depressive symptoms and HIV transmission risk behaviors (e.g., condomless sex, poor adherence to antiretroviral medications). For example, one set of analyses found that men reporting moderate depressive symptoms also reported the greatest incidence of condomless sex as compared to those reporting low or high levels of depression. That is, moderate depressive symptoms may lead to condomless sex through decreased self-efficacy for condom use, while high depressive symptoms results in disinterest (i.e., little energy or motivation) in sexual activity. Providers might consider how even subthreshold symptoms of depression impact sexual health behaviors.
When Jackie is not working, she spends time with her dog, Loma and enjoys watching baking competition shows with her husband.