Classics Minor

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Minor in Classics and Minor in Classical Civilization

View Fall 2019 Classes that may be of interest to students studying Classics or Classical Civilization.

Minor in Classics

For specific requirements on the Classics Minor, see the Course Catalog. A minor in Classics usually consists of 18 credits in GRE and LAT courses, with at least 9 credits coming from upper-division courses.  Courses from the approved list for Classical Civilization may be substituted up to a total of 3 credits with the approval of the Director.

Minor in Classical Civilization

Consult the Course Catalog for requirements on the Minor in Classical Civilization.The Minor in Classical Civilization requires 18 credits. At least 12 credits must come from courses numbered 300 and above; in addition, at least two courses must come from among the courses taught within the Classics program (those with the prefixes LAT, GRE, and LIT).