Study Abroad for English Majors

The department strongly encourages ETS majors to study abroad for a semester, particularly at the University's London campus, which regularly offers a variety of ETS courses in everything from Shakespeare to Victorian novels to contemporary British cinema. For information on programs abroad and on courses available in the London program, consult the SU Abroad office.
If you plan to study abroad, be sure to consider in advance how the curriculum will affect your completion of requirements for the Liberal Arts Core and for your ETS major or minor. You should also follow carefully the instructions for registering from abroad for the courses you will need in the semester when you return to Syracuse.
Short-Term Study Abroad
Students who are unable to commit to an entire semester abroad may wish to consider some of the short-term study abroad options offered in ETS. The department regularly offers courses with a travel component over Spring Break, as well as six-week summer session courses taught abroad. Interest meetings will be held in October and January for short-term study abroad courses. More information and applications are available through SU Abroad.
Banner photo of Lulworth Cove in Dorset submitted by ETS major Grace Crummett.