Graduate Awards and Fellowships in Chemistry

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Graduate Awards and Fellowships

Teaching Assistantships and Research Assistantships

Most students accepted into the department through normal admissions procedures are also offered teaching assistantships. A teaching assistant spends an average of 20 hours per week in teaching laboratory or recitation classes, grading, and preparation.

Some graduate students are offered research assistantships. A research assistant is generally paid for research work leading to a master or doctoral dissertation, although a student may also be supported as a research assistant before a formal commitment to a research advisor has been made. Summer research assistantships are also available, and are a good way for students and potential advisors to get to know each other before committing to a formal advisor/student relationship. Research assistantships are obtained through negotiation between the student and the individual research groups. Interested students should contact the research groups for more information.

Graduate Student Travel Grants: In many graduate programs, traveling to present original work at a conference is considered an essential student experience. Through the Department of Chemistry, graduate students may apply for partial support to cover travel expenses to attend professional meetings and conferences. 

Other Funding Sources