M.A. in Art History, Main Campus
“The dedication of the Art & Music Histories professors to their students combined with the rigorous coursework and hands-on experiences with archival materials and museum collections made for an unforgettable educational experience! Through the Main Campus M.A. program I developed a passion for teaching others about art and art history and gained the research and writing skills required to excel at my job in the curatorial field.”

The main campus M.A. program offers a comprehensive education in the history of art and gives students the opportunity to cultivate specialized research interests. The faculty and curriculum prepare students for careers in academia and higher education, museums and galleries, arts leadership, and other arts-related professions.
Students who are accepted into the program are offered various levels of financial support that consist of:
- Teaching assistantships (full tuition and a stipend)
- Full and partial tuition scholarships
Main campus students study with our acclaimed faculty and explore the department’s exciting research areas. Professors work closely with students to create a rich intellectual environment and foster students’ research, writing, and professional skills. Main campus students expand their knowledge of art and visual culture by taking advanced courses on the art and culture of various world traditions, historical periods and art historical methodologies. Students also choose an area of specialization and work closely with a professor on their capstone research project, which results in a scholarly paper. Students also present their capstone research at a public symposium.

Students are encouraged to take advantage of campus and local resources, including the Syracuse University Art Museum, Syracuse University Libraries Special Collections Research Center, and the Everson Art Museum located in downtown Syracuse. These resources provide important avenues for research and offer opportunities for internships and professional experiences. Our students also have the opportunity to curate and co-curate exhibitions for the Syracuse University Art Museum and to write wall texts and blog posts for University and local museums and galleries. Upon completion of our program, graduates have gone on to fulfilling and challenging careers in museums, academia, art leadership, arts education, and other art-related professions.
For more information about the curriculum for the M.A.in Art History, Main Campus, follow the link to the Course Catalog found in the sidebar on this page.
For more information about admissions requirements and how to apply, see Admissions Information.
Please direct any inquiries about the program to Professor Samuel Johnson (sjohns32@syr.edu), Director of Graduate Studies.
“As a result of the program, I was able to pursue several internships, arts and library-related jobs, and curatorial opportunities, which has both made me a more appealing candidate for post-graduate work and expanded my understanding of art history. It is rare to have a program staffed entirely by important scholars in their fields who, in turn, are also excellent instructors.”

Graduate students in the M.A. in Art History, Main Campus Program, can also pursue an M.A. in the Museum Studies Program (College of Visual and Performing Arts). Pursing both degrees allows students to combine advanced courses in art historical methodology and art history with a strong foundation in the theory and practice of museum studies. Combining these programs of study prepares students for a wide range of professions in museums, galleries, and related professions.
A separate application for each of these programs must be completed. Each program independently accepts and offers financial support to students. Students follow the general curricula for each M.A. program and earn two separate degrees, one in art history and one in museum studies, that are completed consecutively (i.e., one at a time). Program requirements are partially satisfied with the sharing of two courses for credit in each program, allowing students to complete both degrees in three years.
The deadline to apply is January 10.
For more information about the M.A. Program in Art History, Main Campus, contact Professor Samuel Johnson (sjohns32@syr.edu), Director of Graduate Studies.
For more information about M.A. Program in Museum Studies, contact Professor Andrew Saluti (ajsaluti@syr.edu), Program Coordinator.