Fall 2020 WRT Courses

Orange Alert

Fall 2020 WRT Courses

Fall 2020
Linked course titles have extended descriptions. Syllabi provided where available.
Course Title Day Time Instructor Room Syllabus Description
WRT 255 M001 Advanced Argumentative Writing TTh 11-12:20 Eileen Schell Intensive practice in the analysis and writing of advanced arguments for a variety of settings: public writing, professional writing, and organizational writing. (Core Requirement for Majors & Minors.)
WRT 255 M002 Advanced Argumentative Writing TTh 12:30-1:50 Emily Dressing Intensive practice in the analysis and writing of advanced arguments for a variety of settings: public writing, professional writing, and organizational writing. (Core Requirement for Majors & Minors.)
WRT 302 M001 Digital Writing TTh 6:30-7:50 Stephanie Jones Practice in writing in digital environments. May include document and web design, multimedia, digital video, weblogs. Introduction to a range of issues, theories, and software applications relevant to such writing. (Core Requirement for Majors.)
WRT 303 M001 Research and Writing: Researching Place/Placing Research TTh 3:30-4:50 Brice Nordquist Place provides a powerful link for building shared conversations about research, writing, and public scholarship across disciplines. Through archival and oral history research, we will explore histories of placemaking at Syracuse University and in surrounding neighborhoods and retell these histories through the creation of a series of interrelated and annotated maps and walking tours. We will consider how place-based research can help us rethink the histories, knowledges, and politics around shared, interdisciplinary social problems and collaborative interventions. (G&P
WRT 307 Professional Writing Multiple Instructors Professional communication through the study of audience, purpose, and ethics. Rhetorical problem-solving principles applied to diverse professional writing tasks and situations. (Core Req for Majors.)
WRT 331 M001 Writing Center Peer Tutor Practicum MW 2:15-3:35 Ben Erwin In this course, students will discover more about what it means to be an effective Writing Center tutor. The course covers a mixture of Writing Center history, theory, and pedagogy, with an emphasis on real-world experience and application. The course culminates with students serving as consultants in the Writing Center. (G&P)
WRT 413 M001 Rhetoric and Ethics MW 3:45-5:05 Rebecca Moore Howard Introduces historical conversations concerning rhetoric's ethical responsibilities and explores complications that emerge as assumed historic connections between language and truth, justice, community, and personal character are deployed in various social, political, cultural, national, and transnational contexts. (Core Requirement for Majors.)
WRT 422 M001 Studies in Creative Nonfiction: TBA MW 5:15-6:35 TBD Particular topics in the analysis and practice of creative nonfiction. Attention to cultural contexts and authorship. Possible genres include memoir, travel writing, nature writing, experimental or hybrid writing, and the personal essay. (G&P)
WRT 426 M001 Writing, Rhetoric, and Technology: Down the YouTube Rabbit Hole TTh 8-9:20 Aaron Duplantier Ever lose time watching YouTube? It is a bottomless pit of content. When it comes to “genre,” YouTube is the internet’s richest platform: Vlogs, Mukbangs, ASMR, Let’s Plays, Tutorials, Sing-Alongs, Pranks, Unboxing, etc.—all the amateur content that’s become successful other places online (TikTok, Instagram, Twitch) got its start on YouTube. Drawing from its deep library dating back to 2005, we will interrogate YouTube’s genres, trends, controversies, and cultures. Students will create and submit their own videos and write about and study theories of information technology. (H&T)
WRT 428 M001 Writing, Rhetoric, and Literacy: Visual Texts, Border Rhetorics, and Public Policy TTh 2-3:20 Genevieve García de Müeller Nation states increasingly integrate public policy influenced by global politics and economic development, particularly evident in bordering regions like the U.S and Mexico, Syria and Israel, and the U.K. and EU. We will examine the visual, public, and policy rhetoric in border regions today by reviewing the historic, geographic, demographic, cultural, economic, social and political dimensions of border regions. Assessing the economic conditions, governance structures, social policy issues, and binational relations via artifacts may include examination of art, activist work, rules and regulations, documentaries, and archive materials. (H&T)
WRT 437 M001 Rhetoric and Information Design M 6:45-8:05 Lenny Grant Well-designed documents and visuals help us to understand complex information, like the global spread of disease, climate change, and political elections. This course surveys basic theories and elements of visual communication and rhetoric, as well as principles of document design and data visualization. Beyond learning how to use graphic and document design software, students will develop a sensibility to evaluate, design, and redesign documents in a number of scientific, technical, and professional genres. This hybrid course meets once per week on campus and asynchronously online. Students from all majors welcome! (G&P)