Fall 2019 WRT Courses

Orange Alert

Fall 2019 WRT Courses

Fall 2019

Undergraduate WRT and Graduate CCR courses

Linked course titles have extended descriptions. Syllabi provided where available.
Course Title Day Time Instructor Room Syllabus Description
WRT 255 M001 Advanced Writing Studio: Advanced Argumentative Writing MW 3:45-5:05pm Krista Kennedy Core Course: Intensive practice in the analysis and writing of advanced arguments for a variety of settings: public writing, professional writing, and organizational writing. (Required for Writing and Rhetoric Majors and Minors.)
WRT 255 M002 Advanced Writing Studio: Advanced Argumentative Writing TTh 9:30-10:50am Tony Scott Core Course: Intensive practice in the analysis and writing of advanced arguments for a variety of settings: public writing, professional writing, and organizational writing. (Required for Writing and Rhetoric Majors and Minors.)
WRT 302 M001 Advanced Writing Studio: Digital Writing TTh 11:00-12:20pm Noah Wilson Core Courses: Practice in writing in digital environments. May include document and web design, multimedia, digital video, weblogs. Introduction to a range of issues, theories, and software applications relevant to such writing. (Required for Writing and Rhetoric Majors.)
WRT 303 M001 Advanced Writing Studio: Research & Writing: Information Literacy in an Age of “Fake News” TTh 5:00-6:20pm Collin Gifford Brooke How do we conduct research, and share the results, in an era that some are describing as “post-truth”? Where do we turn to, when our media and elected officials are accused of gaslighting, conspiracy mongering, and dealing in alternative facts? In this course, we will examine the phenomenon of fake news, explore a number of tools for conducting online research, and practice several strategies and genres for communicating it. Students will learn to organize and aggregate their research in the form of a semester-long archive, drawing on that material to write for multiple media and audiences. (G&P)
WRT 307 Advanced Writing Studio: Professional Writing Multiple instructors Professional communication through the study of audience, purpose, and ethics. Rhetorical problem-solving principles applied to diverse professional writing tasks and situations. (Required for Writing and Rhetoric Majors.)
WRT 331 M001 Writing Center Peer Tutor Practicum MW 2:15-3:35pm Ben Erwin In this course, students will discover more about what it means to be an effective Writing Center tutor. The course covers a mixture of Writing Center history, theory, and pedagogy, with an emphasis on real-world experience and application. The course culminates with students serving as consultants in the Writing Center. (G&P)
WRT 413 M001 Rhetoric and Ethics TTh 3:30-4:50pm Brice Nordquist Introduces historical conversations concerning rhetoric's ethical responsibilities and explores complications that emerge as assumed historic connections between language and truth, justice, community, and personal character are deployed in various social, political, cultural, national, and transnational contexts. (Core Requirement for Majors.)
WRT 422 M001 Studies in Creative Nonfiction: Reflections on the Body-Mind MW 5:15-6:36pm Stephanie Parker The body-mind, which Eli Clare (2017) describes as “the inextricable relationships between our bodies and our minds,” has been an important subject for creative non-fiction from The Diary of Alice James (1892) to Hunger (2017). In Unruly Bodies (2018), Roxane Gay called for writers to contribute to “conversations about unruly bodies and what it means to be human.” This course offers a similar call; we’ll reflect on the body-mind as a site of resistance, contestation, and contradiction. We’ll define creative non-fiction broadly and students will produce work ranging from flash non-fiction and memoir to lyric essay. (G&P)
WRT 424 M001 Writing, Rhetoric, and Identity: Writers' Rights and Risks MW 3:45-5:05pm Rebecca Moore Howard Using primary research, secondary research, and personal reflection, this course explores the relationship between writing, authorship, intellectual property, and identity. We will ask who has access to the status of "author," under what circumstances, and at what price. We will investigate the ways in which the nature of authorship is affected by the digitized circulation of text and by corporate ownership of intellectual property. We will examine how laws protecting corporate capital affect writers’ identity, culture, and power. (H&T)
WRT 424 M002 Writing, Rhetoric, and Identity: Disability Rhetorics TTh 9:30-10:50am Lois Agnew Rhetoric has historically prepared people to write and speak in public life, and that focus has often assumed an “ideal” citizen and an “ideal” body. But what possibilities are available when differently abled bodies take their place in public life? How can expanding our notion of who is speaking and writing productively change the way we think about rhetoric? In this course, we will consider these questions through historical and contemporary readings in disability rhetoric, class discussion, reading logs, short essays, and a final multimodal project. (H&T)
WRT 425 M001 Digital Identities T 3:30-4:50pm George Rhinehart We’ll consider practical and theoretical ways to address these central questions: In an age when social media pervades our lives and potential employers often google first, how can we manage our online presence? How can we display our skills to our best advantage? Using rhetorical principles, we’ll consider online activity as an integral part of our professional identities. We’ll assess and revise our existing digital profiles and develop and execute branding and production plans for a professional digital portfolio. Readings on topics such as rhetorical aspects of the web, digital identity, short‐form style, and others. (G&P)
WRT 470 Writing Internship Internships offer students the opportunity to bring together the insights and skills gained through coursework into a specific project, and the Writing Studies Department has developed a series of partnerships that offer a rich context for this work. All internships must be approved during the semester prior to the semester in which they will occur. Students interested in an internship offered by the Writing Studies Department should discuss their preferences with their faculty advisor during registration. Each internship must be taken for 3 credits and for a letter grade. (G&P)