Amy C. Murphy has been awarded a U.S. Scholar Fulbright to teach and conduct research in Slovakia (Slovak Republic) for the Fall semester 2024. She has been invited to teach and engage in research at Comenius University in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. She will teach two courses and give lectures and workshops for students and faculty, particularly focused on write-to-learn pedagogies and curriculum design. Inspired by her Slovak great-grandparents who emigrated to the U.S., in her research project she plans to investigate the literacy histories of students and faculty. She has particular interest in how the Slovak language transitioned and developed its written forms and literature. In studying Slovak language and literature, as well as learning about the literacy histories of Slovak families, she hopes to give voice to how Slovaks in former Czechoslovakia expressed themselves artistically despite the difficulties they had in obtaining texts and publishing their work. Also, she hopes to understand how Slovak literacy and intellectual freedom were affected from roughly 1948 to 1989, when writers (and those who helped type and distribute their manuscripts) published their works covertly as samizdat literature, undertaking significant risk to participate in and maintain artistic freedom.