Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition is pleased to announce that 21 of our teachers will represent SU at the annual Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) in Kansas City, March 14-17. The theme of the 2018 conference is "Languaging, Laboring, and Transforming."
Lois Agnew
Rhetoric’s Histories, Theories, Pedagogies Special Interest Group (Chair)
“The Ethics of Tolerance: History, Argument, and the Writing Classroom”
Patrick W. Berry
Activist or Educator? Rethinking the Transformative Potential of Education in Prison (Co-Chair)
“Can Critical Pedagogy Work in Prison?”
Teaching in Prison: Pedagogy, Research, and Literacies Collective Meeting (Co-Chair)
Jordan Canzonetta
“How Automated Writing Evaluation and Plagiarism Detection Services Use Students’ Intellectual Property: A Case Study of Turnitin”
Ezekiel Choffel
All Our Relations: Teaching Social Justice Movements (workshop)
“Ethical Research In New Terrains: Shifting Geo-Locations of Indigenous Rhetorics”
Telsha Curry
“Beginning a Conversation with SWR”
"Unapologetically Apologetic: Black Women Preachers and Counter-Hegemonic Proverbial Languaging at Arlington Church of God'
Seth Davis
“Pulling Trade: Reading Literacy Narratives of Space, Love, and Survival”
Andre Habet
“Beginning a Conversation with SWR”
Kate Hanzalik
“The Art of Code Meshing: Languaging and Laboring with Multimedia”
Tamara Bassam Issak
All Our Relations: Teaching Social Justice Movements (workshop)
Arab/Muslim SIG (Co-Chair)
“Muslim Women Write Back”
Stephanie Jones
“Figured Speech as a Strategy of Domination: Epistemological Pursuit of the Gentrified Black Genius”
Vani Kannan
“Feminist Workshop: Anti-Imperialist Methodologies for Intersectional Alliance-Building”
“The Labor of Alliance Building: Writing against Racism, Sexism, and Imperialism”
Avi Luce
“Challenging and Expanding How We Characterize Transgender Labor in the Writing Classroom”
Aja Martinez
Career Quest: Navigating a Future in Composition, Rhetoric, and Writing Studies (Roundtable Leader)
Brice Nordquist
Laboring across Borders: Ethical and Practical Challenges in Administering Transnational Writing Programs (Chair)
“Writing across the City: Translingual/Transmodal Composing on the 7 Train”
Steve Parks
Allies with Undocumented Students through Writing (Chair)
Studies in Writing and Rhetoric: Exposing the Gears of a Disciplinary Languaging Machine (Chair)
Vincent Portillo
Writing the Imaginary into Reality: A Study of Immigrant/ Refugee Writing Projects in the USA, UK, and Syria
Eileen Schell
“Food Literacies and Gangsta Gardening: Labor and Food Justice in South Central Los Angeles”
Chad Seader
“Assessment as a Tool for Positive Action: Building Relationships across Institutional Boundaries”
Benesemon Simmons
“Critical Race Theory and Structural Racism: A Counterstory for the Academy”
Karrieann Soto
All Our Relations: Teaching Social Justice Movements (workshop)
Resistance, Roadsides, and Remembrance: Decolonial Methodologies of Presence
Kurt Stavenhagen
“Honey to the Bee: The Rhetoric and Agency of Honey and Honeybees in US Food Movement Narratives”