Pre 2018/2019 Congratulations to...

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Pre 2018/2019 Congratulations to...

Amelia Lefevre (Writing and Rhetoric Major), on receiving an undergraduate research and creative grant, funded by by Syracuse University’s new Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Engagement, known as The SOURCE. (April 2019)

Abigail Covington, who is the 2019 recipient of  Carol Lipson Outstanding Writing Major Award. (April 2019)

Jason Markins, who has accepted a position as Visiting Instructor of Writing and Rhetoric at Colgate University! Jason will begin teaching courses in new media and digital rhetoric at Colgate this fall. (April 2019)

André  Habet for publishing "How does the lettering and repetition in Margot Ferrick's Yours create an erotic sonic reading experience?” in The Middle Space.   (April 2019)

Vani Kannan (CCR Alum), who is a recipient of one of the very few All-University Doctoral Prizes awarded to College of Arts and Sciences students this year. Vani receives this award for her dissertation, “The Third World Women's Alliance: History, Geopolitics, and Form."   Vani's committee consisted of Professors Lois P. Agnew (chair), Eileen E. Schell, Gwendolyn D. Pough, Aja Y. Martinez, and Chandra Talpade Mohanty. (April 2019)

Jordan Canzonetta, who has successfully defended her dissertation with distinction. The title of her dissertation is "Unearthing Entanglements: Human/Machine Collaboration in the Writing Classroom.” Jordan’s committee consisted of Professors Krista Kennedy (chair), Rebecca Moore Howard, Patrick W. Berry, Jessica Reyman, and Stephanie Vie. Professor Jennifer Stromer-Galley served as chair of the defense. (April 2019)

Danielle Schaf (Writing and Rhetoric Major), on being named a 2019 Syracuse University Scholar, the highest undergraduate honor that the University bestows. Danielle is one of only twelve seniors to receive this honor. (April 2019)

Krista Kennedy, on receiving the 2019 Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award. This award honors faculty members whose dedication to graduate students and commitment to excellence in graduate teaching and mentoring have made a significant contribution to graduate education at Syracuse University. (April 2019)

Ariel Chu, for being awarded a 2019 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. Selection for the Outstanding TA award is made by a university-wide committee of faculty recognized for their teaching excellence, and is given to approximately the top 4% of all TAs campus wide. (April 2019)

Brett Keegan, for being awarded a 2019 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. Selection for the Outstanding TA award is made by a university-wide committee of faculty recognized for their teaching excellence, and is given to approximately the top 4% of all TAs campus wide. more (April 2019)

Tim Dougherty (CCR Alum) and Kurt Stavenhagen, whose article, "Contemplation as Kairotic Composure," has been published in a Special Issue—Contemplative Writing Across the Disciplines—of Across the Disciplines. (April 2019)

Jordan Canzonetta, who has accepted a position as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of English Studies at Lewis University. (March 2019)

Aja Martinez, whose, article, "Core-Coursing Counterstory: On Master Narrative Histories of Rhetorical Studies Curricula," has been accepted  for publication in Rhetoric Review, 38.4, October 2019. (March 2019)

Genevieve  García de Müeller, whose article, co-written with Brian Hendrickson, titled “Inviting Students to Determine for Themselves What It Means to Write Across the Disciplines” is included in the Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition of 2018 by Parlor Press. (March 2019)

Alex Hanson, who successfully defended her dissertation prospectus, “Not Appropriate for Children: A Look at Composition Practices and Rhetorical Strategies of Single Moms in Academia.”  Alex’s dissertation committee includes Professors Aja Martinez, Brice Nordquist (chair), and Eileen Schell. (March 2019)

Lark Allen (Writing and Rhetoric '18), who has been accepted into the Magazine, Newspaper and Online Journalism master's program at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. (March 2019)

Laurie Gries (CCR Alum), whose article "Writing to Assemble Publics: Making Writing Activate, Making Writing Matter" appears in the February 2019 issue of College Composition and Communication. (March 2019)

Tricia Serviss (CCR Alum), whose article "Researching Writing Program Administration Expertise in Action: A Case Study of Collaborative Problem Solving as Transdisciplinary Practice"—co-authored with Julia Voss—appears in the February 2019 issue of College Composition and Communication. (March 2019)

Yanira Rodriguez, who successfully defended her dissertation prospectus, “Cultivating an Ethos of Decolonial Refusal in Comp Rhet Graduate Education or What it Means to (u)Teach A Student Like Me." Yanira’s dissertation committee includes Professors Gwendolyn Pough, Aja Martinez (Co-Chairs), and Genevieve García de Müeller. (March 2019)

Vani Kannan and Jess Pauszek (CCR Alums ), whose  article—co-authored with Charles Lesh and Megan Faver Hartline— “Early Career Scholars’ Encounters, Transitions, Futures: A Conversation on Community Engagement.” appears in the Fall/Winter 2018-19 edition of Reflections.  (March 2019)

Damián Baca and Romeo García (CCR Alums) on the publication of their edited collection, Rhetorics Elsewhere and Otherwise: Contested Modernities, Decolonial Visions. (March 2019)

Noah Wilson, who has passed the oral defense of his annotated bibliography and exam article, "Algorithmic Dwelling: Ethos as Deformance in Online Spaces," with distinction. His committee included Professors Krista Kennedy (chair), Collin Brooke, and Aja Martinez. (February 2019)

Derek Mueller (CCR Alum),  who has received the 2019 CCCC Research Impact Award for his book, Network Sense: Methods for Visualizing a Discipline. In this Acknowledgements, Derek states: “The kernel of the book began in the dissertation, which was generously shaped during my doctoral studies in Syracuse University’s Composition and Cultural Rhetoric program by Collin Brooke, Louise Wetherbee Phelps, Rebecca Moore Howard, Alex Reid, and Anne Wysocki.” (February 2019)

Aja Martinez, who has been notified that she has been selected as a Humanities Center’s Arts & Sciences Faculty Fellowship for Spring 2020, one of only two such fellows to be selected. (February 2019)

Seth Davis, who has won the 2019 CCCC Lavender Rhetorics Award for Excellence in Queer Scholarship's Dissertation Award. Seth defended his dissertation, Fierce: Black Queer Literacies of Survival, last springHis committee consisted of Professors Patrick Berry and Gwendolyn Pough, Co-Directors, and Professors Eileen Schell, Brice Nordquist and Eric Pritchard. Professor Biko Gray of the SU Department of Religion served as chair of the defense.   (February 2019)

Brice Nordquist, whose book, Literacy and Mobility: Complexity, Uncertainty, and Agency at the Nexus of High School and College, is the recipient of the 2019 CCCC Advancement of Knowledge Award.   (January 2019)

Paul Butler (CCR Alum), whose book, The Writer's Style: A Rhetorical Field Guide, was recently published by Utah State University Press (January 2019)

Tony Scott, who recently published, with co-author Nancy Welch, an article titled, “Between Equal Rights: Rhetorical Discernment in the Era of Climate Conflict” in a special 40th anniversary issue of  Works and Days focusing on Capitalism, Climate Change and Rhetoric (Volume 36).  (January 2019)

Jana Rosinski, who has passed Part II of her exams. Jana's exam article is entitled "Teaching Research Through Games: Playing the Systems that Be," and her committee included Professors Collin Brooke (chair), Krista Kennedy, and Eileen Schell. (December 2018)

Eileen Schell, who was recently recognized for her work as a Meredith Professor and who gave a presentation entitled “Reading and Writing War.” (December 2018)

Aja Martinez, who has been elected to the MLA RCWS History and Theory of Composition Executive Committee. (December 2018)

Jason Markins, on passing his dissertation prospectus hearing. Jason's dissertation is entitled "The Head and the Hand: A Comparative Rhetorical Analysis of Craft in The Craftsman (1901-1916) and Make (2001-)." Jason's dissertation committee includes Professors Krista Kennedy (Chair), Collin Brooke, and Lois Agnew. (December 2018)

Alex Hanson, who has passed Part II of her exams with Distinction. Alex's exam article is entitled "Career Killer Survival Kit: Centering Single Mom Perspectives in Composition and Rhetoric," and her committee included Professors Brice Nordquist (chair), Eileen E. Schell, and Aja Martinez (December 2018)

Krista Kennedy, who has been named Rhetoric Society of America’s first Director of Event Sponsorships and Ads. (November 2018)

B. López, Noah Wilson, and Alex Hanson who have been named HASTAC scholars for 2018-2020. The mentors for B., Noah, and Alex are, respectively, Aja Martinez, Krista Kennedy, and Collin Brooke.  (November 2018)

Steve Parks who has a co-authored chapter with Dala Ghandour, Emna Ben Yedder Tamarziste, Mohammed Masbah, and Bassam Alahmad "Then Comes All: Activism, the Arab Spring, and the Necessity of Unruly Borders," which appears in the recently released edited collection Unruly Rhetorics: Protest, Persuasion and Publics (edited by Jonathan Alexander, Susan C. Jarratt, and Nancy Welch, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018). (November 2018)

Ben Kuebrich (CCR alum) and Yanira Rodriguez  on the publication of their chapter, "The Tone it Takes: An Eighteen-Day Sit-In at Syracuse University," which appears in the recently released edited collection Unruly Rhetorics: Protest, Persuasion and Publics (edited by Jonathan Alexander, Susan C. Jarratt, and Nancy Welch, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018). (November 2018)

C.C. Hendricks, whose article, "WAC/WID and Transfer: Towards a Transdisciplinary View of Academic Writing," appears in Special Issue: Rewriting Disciplines, Rewriting Boundaries: Transdisciplinary and Translingual Challenges for WAC/WID of Across the Disciplines. (November 2018)

Aja Martinez, upon publishing the article "The Responsibility of Privilege:  A Critical Race Counterstory Conversation" in Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in History of Rhetoric and Composition(November 2018)

Jordan Canzonetta, upon publishing the chapter "Can We Use Plagiarism Detection Services Responsibly?" in the Routledge volume, Student Plagiarism in Higher Educationedited by Diane Pecorari and Philip Shaw. (October 2018)

Karrieann Soto Vega (CCR Alum), who has won the 2018 American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR) Dissertation Award. Lois Agnew and Eileen Schell nominated Karrieann for this award. (October 2018)

Steve Parks and CCR alum Jess Pauszek on their co-authored article, "Alliances, Assemblages, and Affects: Three Moments of Building Collective Working-Class Literacies," in the latest issue of CCCs.

Vincent Portillo, who has successfully defended his dissertation prospectus. The title of Vincent's project is "Producing Americans:  Labor, Language and Literacy at the Ford Motors English School (1914-19)."  Vincent's dissertation committee includes Professors Steve Parks (Chair), Rebecca Moore Howard, and Brice Nordquist.

Rebecca Moore Howard, whose coined term, patchwriting, has been featured in Meriam-Webster's "Words We're Watching" series.

K.J. Rawson (CCR Alum),  whose article, "The Rhetorical Power of Archival Description: Classifying Images of Gender Transgression," appears in volume 48 of Rhetoric Society Quarterly.

Margaret Himley, who will assume the position of Director of LGBT Studies this fall. Margaret will remain an active member of Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition. [full story]

Destiny Reyes (Writing and Rhetoric Class of 2018), who has been accepted into New York University’s MS Program for Publishing; she will be attending this fall.

Chad Seader, who will be joining the faculty at William Penn University as an Assistant Professor of English in the fall.

C.C. Hendricks, who who has successfully defended her dissertation prospectus. C.C.'s dissertation is entitled  "Mobilizing Affect:  The Rhetoric and Circulation of Popular Political Satire Shows."  Her core committee includes Lois Agnew (Chair), Krista Kennedy, and Eileen Schell.

Tony Scott, whose article, "Austerity and the Scales of Writing Program Administration: Some Reflections on the 2017 CWPA Conference," was published in WPA: Writing Program Administration, 41.2, 2018.

Carolyn Ostrander on successfully defending her dissertation, Rural Rhetorics and Ritual Practices: Gender, Labor and Cultural Literacy as Mutual Rhetorical Education in the Early Grange. Carolyn's committee consisted of Drs. Eileen Schell (Chair), Lois Agnew, Stephen Parks, Charlotte Hogg of Texas Christian University, and Suzanne Spring of Colgate University.  Professor Diane Grimes of the Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies served as the chair of the defense

Vani Kannan, who has successfully defended her dissertation with Distinction. The title of her dissertation is The Third World Women's Alliance: History, Geopolitics, and Form. Vani's committee consisted of Professors Lois P. Agnew (chair), Eileen E. Schell, Gwendolyn D. Pough, Aja Y. Martinez and Chandra Talpade Mohanty. Professor Marcelle Haddix of the School of Education served as the external chair of the defense.

Writing and Rhetoric majors Abigail Covington and Danielle Schaf, who have been named Remembrance Scholars for 2018-2019. (April 2018)

Ezekiel Choffel, who has passed his exams this afternoon.  His committee included Professors Collin Brooke (chair), Aja Martinez, and Brice Nordquist.

Brett Keegan, who has passed his exams with Distinction.  Brett's committee included Professors Collin Brooke (chair), Rebecca Moore Howard, and Krista Kennedy.

Jana Rosinski, who  has won a two-week fellowship and $1000 in funding for archival research at the Strong National Museum of Play.

Danielle Schaf (Writing and Rhetoric Major), who is a recipient of a 2018 Beinecke Scholarship. Danielle is SU's first ever Beinecke Scholar . . . more

Yanira Rodriguez, who has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Journalism and Writing at West Chester University.

Karrieann Soto Vega, who has successfully defended her dissertation with distinction. The title of her dissertation is “Rhetorics of Defiance: Gender, Colonialism, and Lolita Lebrón’s Struggle for Puerto Rican Sovereignty." Her committee consisted of Professor Eileen E. Schell (chair), Lois Agnew, Stephen Parks, Aja Martinez and Victor Villanueva of Washington State University. Professor Chandra Talpade Mohanty of the Department of Women's and Gender Studies served as chair of the defense.

Elizabeth Elton, recipient of the 2018 Carol Lipson Outstanding Writing Major Award more

Vani Kannan, who has just been named a 2018 recipient of the SU Graduate School's Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. This prestigious award recognizes graduate teaching assistants who have made a significant contribution to the university through their teaching and work with students. Each year, the Graduate School organizes a university-wide faculty selection committee who select the award winners based on a review of nomination materials and teaching portfolios. more

Vincent Portillo, who has passed his doctoral exams. Vincent's exam article is entitled "Producing Americans at Ford Motors English School (1914-1919): Labor, Language and Literacy on the Assembly Line." Vincent's exam committee included Steve Parks (Chair), Brice Nordquist, and Becky Howard.

Jordan Canzonetta, Jason Markins, and Chad Seader, whose chapter "Mediated Authority: The Effects of Technology on Authorship," appears in The Rutledge Handbook of Digital Writing and Rhetoric .

Allison Hitt (CCR Alum), whose chapter, “Making Space for Non-Normative Expressions of Rhetoricity," appears in The Rutledge Handbook of Digital Writing and Rhetoric .

Tamara Issak, who has successfully defended her dissertation, Rhetorical (Re)Constructions: Ground Zero, Park51, and Muslim Identity. Tamara’s advisor was Professor Lois Agnew and her dissertation committee also included Professors Patrick Berry, Stephen Parks, Dana Olwan of the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies and Carol Fadda-Conrey of the English Department. Professor Gwendolyn Pough of the Department of Women's and Gender Studies served as chair of the defense.

Ana Cortes, who received a Hawisher-Selfe Caring for the Future scholarship to the 2018 Computers and Writing Conference. She will be presenting at this year's Computers and Writing Conference with Patrick Berry, Brice Nordquist, and Seth Davis. For more information on the award, see

Brice Nordquist, who has been named as one of this year’s Meredith Teaching Recognition Award recipients.  Brice will be honored at the Annual One University Awards ceremony on Friday, April 20 at 4:00 Hendricks Chapel.

Collin Gifford Brooke, whose co-edited collection, Circulation, Writing, and Rhetoric, edited with CCR Alum Laurie Gries, has been published by Utah State University Press.

Seth Davis, who has successfully defended his dissertation Fierce: Black Queer Literacies of Survival. Seth's committee consisted of Professors Patrick Berry and Gwendolyn Pough, Co-Directors, and Professors Eileen Schell, Brice Nordquist and Eric Pritchard of the University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign.  Professor Biko Gray of the SU Department of Religion served as chair of the defense. And . . . Dr. Davis has accepted a position as Assistant Professor at Curry College in the Boston area.  

Tamara Issak, who has accepted a position as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Institute for Core Studies at St. John's University in Queens, NY.

Vani Kannan, who has accepted a tenure- track position as an Assistant Professor of English at the City University of New York—Lehman College.

Faith Plvan for receiving University College’s Excellence in Teaching Award. The award recognizes her dedication and support of University College Students. 

Patrick W. Berry, who was featured in an Inside Higher Ed article on his book, Doing Time, Writing Lives: Refiguring Literacy and Higher Education in Prison.

Vani Kannan, upon winning one of the 2018 Chairs’ Memorial Scholarship awards. Vani is one of four graduate students to win this award in CCCC.

CCCC sponsors the Chairs’ Memorial Scholarship to remember and honor the Chairs of CCCC who have passed away as well as to increase participation of graduate students at CCCC’s annual conference. The CCCC Executive Committee awards scholarships of $750 each to help cover the costs of four graduate students who are presenting at the annual conference.

Jess Pauszek, who has been awarded the 2017-2018 CCCC Emergent Researcher Award, a grant of $10,000 for her project “Archiving Class Identities: Re-circulating Transnational Working-Class Community Writing Through Augmented Reality.”Jess also earned Honorable Mention for the 2018 CCCC James Berlin Outstanding Dissertation Award for her dissertation, “Literacy and Labor: Archives, Networks, and Histories in Working-Class Communities."

Vincent Portillo upon winning the CCCC Chair's Memorial Scholarship. He is one of 4 recipients of this award.CCCC sponsors the Chairs’ Memorial Scholarship to remember and honor the Chairs of CCCC who have passed away as well as to increase participation of graduate students at CCCC’s annual conference. The CCCC Executive Committee awards scholarships of $750 each to help cover the costs of four graduate students who are presenting at the annual conference.

Lois Agnew on the publication of “Ecologies of Cancer Rhetoric: The Shifting Terrain of US Cancer Wars, 1920–1980” in the current issue of College English (Volume 80, Number 3, January 2018).

Krista Kennedy, whose article "Designing for Human-Machine Collaboration: Smart Hearing Aids as Wearable Technologies,” appears in a special issue on Communication Design of Wearable Technologies in Health and Medicine of Communication Design Quarterly (5(4), 2017).

Telsha Curry, who is a 2018 recipient of the CCCC Scholars for the Dream Travel Award.

Karrieann Soto Vega, who is a 2018 recipient of the CCCC Scholars for the Dream Travel Award.

Vincent Portillo, who is a 2018 recipient of the CCCC Scholars for the Dream Travel Award.

Karrieann Soto Vega, who has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies at the University of Kentucky.

Patrick W. Berry, whose book, Doing Time, Writing Lives: Refiguring Literacy and Higher Education in Prison, has just been released by Southern Illinois University Press.

Syracuse Veteran Writing Group, led by Eileen Schell and Ivy Kleinbart, which was recently featured in an article the Veterans section os Syracuse University News.

Jordan Canzonetta, who has passed her dissertation prospectus. The title of her dissertation is "Unearthing Entanglements:  A Posthuman Analysis of Turnitin and Eli Review."  Her dissertation core committee includes Professors Krista Kennedy (Chair), Rebecca Moore Howard, and Patrick Berry.  

Krista Kennedy, whose article, "The anxiety of automation: Attending to the deep history of automated entities," appears in Explorations in Media Ecology, 16:2&3

C.C. Hendricks, who has passed her doctoral exams with distinction. C.C.'s  exam committee included Lois Agnew (Chair), Rebecca Moore Howard, and Krista Kennedy.

Michael Lasley who has successfully defended his dissertation. The title of his dissertation is: “The Post-Neoliberal Citizen: Immigrant Identity as the New Service Learning Center.” His committee included Professors Steve Parks (Chair),  Eileen Schell, Rebecca Moore Howard, Brice Nordquist and Paul Feigenbaum (Florida International University). Professor Marcelle Haddix from the School of Education served as the outside chair of the defense.

Yanira Rodriguez, who has passed her doctoral exams. Yanira's  exam committee included Steve Parks (Chair), Aja Martinez, and  Gwen Pough (WGS, outside member). 

Derek Mueller (CCR Alum) whose book, Network Sense: Methods for Visualizing a Discipline, has been published by the WAC Clearinghouse at Colorado State.

the Writing Department’s Walktober team, Aspire to Perspire, for taking first place in the large team category. With a rallying cry of “We sweat; get over it” team members, Lois Agnew, Patrick Berry, Ben Erwin, Lenny Grant, Kristi Johnson, Kristen Krause, Martha Love, Faith Plvan, Laura Sauta, and Eileen Schell sailed to victory over 31 days in October. Be sure to stop in 239 to admire their well-earned trophy, and remember, “If it’s not hard, you’re not doing it right.”

Mark Bousquet, whose afterword will be published as part of the University Press of New England's forthcoming re-issue of Henry Theodore Cheever's landmark nineteenth-century account of American whaling, The Whale and His Captors; Or, The Wheelman's Adventures.

Jeff Simmons and his student Keira Andrews for publishing a piece on the rise in number of transgendered people murdered in Censored 2018, The Top 25 Censored News Stories of 2016-2017.

Earlier this year, Jeff published “The Symbiotic Relationship between White Supremacists and Trump’s White House” with WRT 104 student Jessenia Guzman.

Devon Moore, who is the winner of the Cider Press Review's 2017 Editors’ Prize book award for her book, All Throats Sound Animal.
Jason Markins, who has passed his doctoral exams. His exam committee included Krista Kennedy (Chair), Collin Brooke, and Lois Agnew.

Mike Frasciello (CCR Alum), who has been appointed Dean of University College. Mike has been serving as Interim Dean since January.

Tessa Brown  upon the successful defense of her dissertation,"SCHOOLED: Hiphop Composition at the Primarily White University. Tessa's committee included Professors Patrick W. Berry and Gwendolyn D. Pough (co-directors), Rebecca Moore Howard, Stephen Parks, and Marcelle Haddix (Education). Professor Erin Rand of the Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies served as the external chair of the defense.

Karrieann Soto Vega, who has been elected to the CCCC Executive Committee, with a term from 2018-2020.

LaToya Sawyer, who has  successfully defended her dissertation “Don’t Try and Play Me Out’: The Performances and Possibilities of Digital Black Womanhood.” LaToya's  dissertation committee included Professors Gwendolyn Pough and  Eileen E. Schell (co-chairs), Patrick W. Berry, Stephen J. Parks, and Adam Banks (Stanford University). Professor Marcelle Haddix of the SU School of  Education served as the outside chair of the defense.

Jason Luther, who has successfully defended his dissertation, “DIY Delivery Systems: The Extracurriculum in the Age of Neoliberalism.”  Jason's dissertation committee included Professors Stephen J. Parks (chair), Tony Scott, Patrick Berry, Frank M. Farmer (University of Kansas) and Brice Nordquist. Professor Dana L. Cloud of CRS served as the external chair of the defense.

Brice Nordquist, on the publication of his book, Literacy and Mobility; Complexity, Uncertainty, and Agency at the Nexus of High School and College, with Routledge. Full story coming soon.

Vani Kannan, who has successfully defended her dissertation prospectus.  The title of her dissertation is "Pedagogy, Publication & Performance in the Third World Women's Alliance (TWWA)," and her committee includes Professors Lois Agnew (Chair), Gwen Pough (WGS), Eileen E .Schell, Aja Martinez, and Chandra Talpade Mohanty (WGS).

Jordan Canzonetta, who has passed her doctoral exams yesterday with Distinction.  Her exam committee included Krista Kennedy (Chair), Rebecca Moore Howard, and Patrick Berry.

Tony Scott, who—with Nancy Welch—is the subject of an interview that appears in the Spring issue of Composition Forum.

Maizy Ludden (Writing Minor), who has been named a 2017 Goldwater Scholar. Maizy was also named a 2017 Udall Scholar. [more]

Jonna Gilfus, whose article, "The Spaces In-Between: Independent Writing Programs as Sites of Collective Leadership," appears in College English, Vol. 79, No. 5, May 2017.

Chad Seader, who has passed his dissertation prospectus hearing. Chad's dissertation project is entitled "Poetic Truth: Identity, Agency, and Assessing Non-Curricular Writing." Chad's committee includes Tony Scott (Chair), Patrick Berry, Becky Howard, and Brice Nordquist.

Gael Sweeney, who  presented a paper, “Kevin and Veronica BFFs!: Gay Male/Straight Female Friendship in the Archie Comics” on April 21 at the conference "Pippi to Ripley 4: Sex and Gender in Children’s Literature, Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Comics," at Ithaca College.

Chad Seader, who has just been named a 2017 recipient of the SU Graduate School's Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. This prestigious award recognizes graduate teaching assistants who have made a significant contribution to the university through their teaching and work with students. Each year, the Graduate School organizes a university-wide faculty selection committee who select the award winners based on a review of nomination materials and teaching portfolios.

Tamara Issak, who has been awarded a prestigious American Association of University Women (AAUW) American Dissertation Fellowship to support her dissertation work. Founded in 1888, AAUW is one of the world’s largest sources of funding for graduate women, due to the generosity and legacy of generations of AAUW members. These prestigious awards are highly competitive and selective.

Romeo Garcia, who has successfully defending his dissertation with Distinction. The title of his dissertation is “On the Cusp of Invisibility: The Lower Rio Grande Valley, Marginalized Students, and Institutional Spaces.”

The dissertation committee included Professors Patrick W. Berry, Brice Nordquist, Aja Y. Martinez, Steve Parks, (Chair) and Ellen Cushman (Northeastern University). Professor John Burdick (Anthropology) served as chair of the defense.

Vincent Portillo, who recently completed an interview with Leigh Jones on her book From Boys to Men: Rhetorics of Emergent American Masculinity for CCCC's Studies in Writing and Rhetoric.

C.C. Hendricks completed an interview with Tiffany Rousculp on her book Rhetoric of Respect: Recognizing Change at a Community Writing Center for CCCC's Studies in Writing and Rhetoric Series.

Telsha Curry, who recently completed an interview with Rhea Lathan on her book Freedeom Writing: African American Civil Rights Literacy Activism, 1955-1967 for CCCC's Studies in Writing and Rhetoric (SWR). Telsha Curry also serves as Associate Editor of SWR.

Brett Keegan, who has been appointed Assistant Editor of Web Development, and C.C. Hendricks, who has been appointed Assistant Editor of Outreach and Timeline Historian for CCCC's Studies in Writing and Rhetoric Series. Together they have  created a digital timeline. of the SWR series, featuring past editors and all SWR publications.

Tamara Issak, who has been appointed as Assistant Editor for Digital Media and along with Romeo Garcia, Assistant Editor of Multimodal Projects, have created a series of digital artifacts featuring SWR authors.

Jess Pauszek, who has successfully defended her dissertation, which is entitled “Literacy and Labor: Archives, Networks, and Histories in Working-Class Communities.”  The dissertation committee included Professors Steve Parks (Chair)  Patrick W. Berry, Rebecca Moore Howard, Eileen E. Schell, and Paula Mathieu (Boston College).  Professor Marcelle Haddix, Chair of Reading and Language Arts and Dean's Associate Professor, served as the chair of defense.

Tessa Brown, who has accepted a Lecturer position in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stanford University for next year.

Lindsey Banister, who successfully defended her dissertation “Sporting Bodies: The Rhetorics of Female Athletes.”   The dissertation committee included Professors Lois Agnew (chair), Collin Brooke, Barry Brummett (University of Texas-Austin),  Krista Kennedy and Eileen E. Schell.   Professor Diane Grimes from the Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies served as the chair of the defense.

Jess Pauszek, who has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professorship at Texas A&M University-Commerce, where she will also serve as Director of Writing.

Avi Luce, who has successfully defended his dissertation, "Exploring “Gezi ruhu” Activism: Seriality and the Rhetorical Study of 21st Century Protest." Avi's dissertation committee included Professors Lois Agnew (Chair), Erin Rand (CRS), Eileen Schell, Charles E. Morris III (CRS), and Krista Kennedy. Professor Vivian May of the Department of Women's and Gender Studies served as the defense chair.

LaToya Sawyer, who has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professorship in the English Department at St. John's University.

Romeo Garcia, who just published the article "On the Cusp of Invisibility:  Opportunities and Possibilities of Literacy Narratives."

Derek Mueller (CCR Alum) and Louise Wetherbee Phelps (Professor Emeritus) on the publication of their book, Cross-Border Networks in Writing Studies, co-authored with  Andrea Williams and Jennifer Clary-Lemon.

Lindsey Banister, who has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professorship at Frances Marion University in South Carolina, where she will also be Assistant Director of the Writing Center.

Seth Long (CCR Alum), whose article, "Excavating the Memory Palace: An Account of the Disappearance of Mnemonic Imagery from English Rhetoric, 1550–1650," appears in Volume 36, 2017 of Rhetoric Review.

Jordan Canzonetta and Vani Kannan on the publication of their article, "Globalizing Plagiarism & Writing Assessment:  A Case Study of Turnitin," which appears in The Journal of Writing Assessment.

Brice Nordquist, whose edited collection, Economies of Writing, co-edited with Bruce Horner and Susan M. Ryan, is now available from Utah State University Press. The collection includes a chapter by Tony Scott.

Tony Scott, whose chapter, "The Politics of Valuation in Writing Assessment," appears in Economies of Writing, co-edited by Bruce Horner, Brice Nordquist, and Susan M. Ryan.

Andrew Gunter (Workstudy Receptionist), who has  accepted a position with SU's Literacy Corps. Unfortunately, Andrew's last day with us will be February 27.

Collin Gifford Brooke, whose chapter, "Abduction, Writing, Digital Humanities," appears in Abducting Writing Studies (Southern Illinois University Press), edited by Sidney Dobrin and Kyle Jensen.

Vani Kannan who has passed her exams. Her exams were based on her article, "Orienting to Coalition: Historicizing and Enacting 'Model Minority Mutiny'," as well as the annotated bibliography. Her exam committee was Lois Agnew (chair), Gwen Pough, and Eileen Schell.

Mike Frasciello (CCR Alum and PWI), who has been appointed Interim Dean of University College.

Zach Barlow (Writing and Rhetoric Major), whose piece, "How to Live Vibrantly when Adversity Strikes," appears in Elephant Journal.

Jason Luther, who has accepted a tenure track position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Writing Arts in the College of Communication and Creative Arts at Rowan University.

Khem Aryal, who recently appeared on a TV program, “Poets to Poets, Writers to Writers,” on Somerville Community Access Television, Somerville, MA (along with Grey Sparrow publisher and editor Diane Smith). Among other things, he talked about issues of translation and teaching and writing. He also read some of his own work on the live show.

Romeo Garcia, who  has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies at the University of Utah.

Eileen Schell and Ivy Kleinbart, co-editors of a recently published special issue on veterans’ writing for the journal Reflections.

Jess Pauszek on the publication of the collaborative community book: Preserving Hidden Histories:  Stories from Collaborative Writing Communities, created by Jess and her students  with writing groups in England in the summer of 2015.

Candace Epps-Robertson (CCR Alum), whose article, "The Race to Erase Brown v. Board of Education:The Virginia Way and the Rhetoric of Massive Resistance" in Volume 35, Issue 2 of Rhetoric Review, has won the 2016 Theresa J. Enos Anniversary Award for Best Essay.

Jennifer Wingard (CCR Alum), whose commentary,  "What Trump’s Rhetoric Says About His Leadership," appears in Fortune.

November 2016

Krista Kennedy on the publication of her book, Textual Curation: Authorship, Agency, and Technology in Wikipediaand the Chambers’ Cyclopedia (University of South Carolina Press).

November 2016

Jordan Canzonetta. Vani Kannan, and Brett Keegan, who  have been named HASTAC scholars for 2016-2018.
The mentors for Vani, Brett, and Jordan are, respectively, Collin Brooke, Krista Kennedy and Patrick Berry.

October 2016

Aja Martinez, whose article "Alajandra Writes a Book: A Critical Race Counterstory about Writing, Identity, and Being Chicanx in the Academy" appears in in the Fall 2016 special issue of Praxis on "Access and Equity in Graduate Writing Support."
October 2016

Candace Epps-Robertson (CCR Alum), whose article "Writing with your Family at the Kitchen Table: Balancing Home and Academic Communities" appears in in the Fall 2016 special issue of Praxis on "Access and Equity in Graduate Writing Support.
October 2016

Tony Scott, whose ""Subverting Crisis in the Political Economy of Composition" is the lead article of the September issue of CCC.

September 2016

Lois Agnew and Eileen Schell, who contributed "Forging Independence and Innovation in the Midst of Financial Austerity:The Syracuse University Writing Program" to the Symposium: "The IWP in an Age of Financial Austerity" in the September issue of CCC.

September 2016

Tim Dougherty and Seth Kahn (CCR alums), who co-authored (with Anicca Cox, Michelle LaFrance, and Amy Lynch-Biniek ) "The Indianapolis Resolution: Responding to Twenty-First-Century Exigencies/Political Economies of Composition Labor " in the September issue of CCC.

September 2016

Nedda Sarshar (Writing and Rhetoric major) who has been named as a member of the 2016 Homecoming Court.

September 2016

Lauren Esposito, whose article, "Performing to Learn: Rethinking Theater Techniques to Interpret, Explore, and Write about Shakespeare’s Plays" was published in  Volume 78, Number 2 of The CEA Critic, July 2016.

September 2016

Chad Seader, who passed has his exams. The exams were based on his article, "Embodying Stance, Performing Writing, and Recontextualizing Academic Discourse," as well as the annotated bibliography. His exam committee was Tony Scott (chair), Patrick Berry, and Becky Howard.

September 2016

Vincent Portillo, who has received a research grant of $2,500 from the the Maxwell 10th Decade Project on Work, Labor, and Citizenship for his proposal concerning labor, literacy and citizenship in the Ford Motor Company’s English School. Vincent will present his work in Spring 2017 at a special mini-conference organized by the Labor Studies Working Group.

September 2016

Tim Dougherty (CCR alum '14), whose article, “Lost in TransNation: The Limits to Constitutive Nationalism in the Fenian Movement," has won the Kneupper Award, which goes to the best article published in Rhetoric Society Quarterly in a given year.

September 2016

Allison Hitt (CCR alum '15), who was selected to receive the Computers and Composition Hugh Burns Dissertation Award for her dissertation project “From Accommodation to Accessibility: How Rhetorics of Overcoming Manifest in Writing Pedagogies.” This recognition was presented on Friday, May 20, at the Computers and Writing Conference at St. John Fisher College in Rochester.

September 2016

Gael Sweeney, who will have an article on The Birdcage published in an anthology on the film career of Robin Williams, edited by Johnson Cheu of Michigan State University and to be published by McFarland.

August 2016

Martha Love, who is graduating with a B.S. in Information Management and Technology from the School of Information Studies.

May 2016

Nicole Gonzales Howell, who has successfully defended her dissertation. Her dissertation is entitled "La Pasionera:  The Ethos of a Leader."  Her doctoral committee consisted of Professors Lois Agnew (Chair),  Rebecca Moore Howard, Tony Scott, Gwen Pough of the Department of Women's and Gender Studies, and Jessica Enoch of the University of Maryland. Professor Gail Bulman of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics served as the Outside Chair.

Raadiyah Verity, who will be graduating from Bryant and Stratton this week with an Associates degree in accounting.

April 2016

Vani Kannan, whose article, "The Mahamantra, Kirtan Performance & the Embodied Circulation of Cultural Rhetoric,appears in Issue 21: Cultural Rhetorics, of Enculturation.

April 2016

Tim Dougherty (CCR Alum), whose article, "Knowing (Y)Our Story: Practicing Decolonial Rhetorical History," appears in Issue 21: Cultural Rhetorics, of Enculturation.

April 2016

Reva Sias, who has successfully defended her dissertation, "Antebellum Rhetorical Education at Myrtilla Miner’s School for Colored Girls: Cultural Rhetoric and Epistolary Writing at the First African American Normal School."  Her committee was composed of Professors Lois Agnew, Rebecca Moore Howard (chair), Eileen Schell,  Gwen Pough of WGS, and Nan Johnson of Ohio State University. The external chair was Professor Marcelle Haddix, Dean’s Associate Professor and Chair of the Reading and Language Arts Center in the School of Education.

April 2016

Kate Navickas, who has  successfully passed her dissertation defense with distinction.  The title of her dissertation is “The Epistemologies They Carry: An Investigation of Feminist Writing Assignments,"; her committee consisted of Professors Lois Agnew, Diane Grimes of CRS, Rebecca Moore Howard, Gwendolyn Pough of WGS, and Eileen E. Schell (Chair).  Professor Catherine Engstrom from Education served as the outside chair of the defense.

April 2016

Jess Pauszek, who has won the 2016 Mary Hatch Marshall Award for the best essay written by a graduate student in the humanities.  Her essay is entitled “When Some Members Can’t Write: Building Alternative Educational Spaces From the Ground Up.”  more

April 2016

Patrick Berry,  who has been named as one of this year’s Meredith Teaching Recognition Award recipients. This award is given annually to a small number of non-tenured faculty members across the university. Patrick and the other Meredith award winners will be honored at a reception on Thursday, April 14. more

March 2016

Jess Pauszek, recipient of a Syracuse University Humanities Center Dissertation/Thesis Fellowship for the 2016-17 academic year. Jess will focus on completing her dissertation and present her work and/or lead colloquia on her research. She will also participate in Humanities Center research activities and events.

March 2016

Tony Scott and his co-editor, Nancy Welch, on the release of their book Composition in the Age of Austerity.

March 2016

Candace Epps-Robertson (CCR Alum), whose article, "The Race to Erase Brown v. Board of Education:The Virginia Way and the Rhetoric of Massive Resistance" appears in Volume 35, Issue 2 of Rhetoric Review.

March 2016

Reva Sias who has accepted a position at California State University-Fresno as an Assistant Professor in Rhetoric and Composition with an emphasis in Ethnic Rhetorics and Literacy Studies.

March 2016

Kate Navickas, who recently accepted a new academic position, starting Fall 2016, as Director of the Walk in Services of the Knight Institute of Writing in the Disciplines at Cornell University.

March 2016

Tamara Issak for passing her exams with distinction! The exams were based on her article, "Never Forget: Islamophobia, Park51, and the Rhetoric of Place,"  as well as the annotated bibliography. Her exam committee was Lois Agnew (chair), Patrick Berry, and  Steve Parks.

March 2016

Jess Pauszek, whose book review of Negotiating A Perilous Empowerment: Appalachian Women's Literacies, by Erica Abrams Locklear was recently published by Community Literacy Journal.
February 2016

KJ Rawson (CCR Alum), on the launch on the Digital Transgender Archive at Holy Cross and resulting coverage in the Boston Globe.

February 2016

Laurie Gries (CCR Alum), who has also been awarded the 2016 CCCC Research Impact Award for Still Life with Rhetoric. This award honors an empirical research publication that most advances the mission of CCCC or the needs of the profession.

February 2016

Ben Kuebrich (CCR Alum),  of West Chester University on winning the prestigious Braddock Award for his article, “‘White Guys Who Send My Uncle to Prison’: Going Public within Asymmetrical Power” published in the June 2015 issue of College Composition and Communication. The award ceremony will be on Friday, April 8th at CCCC.

February 2016

Allison Hitt (CCR Alum), who has received  an Honorable Mention for the 2016 CCCC James Berlin Memorial Outstanding Dissertation Award.

January 2016

Tessa Brown on passing her dissertation prospectus hearing. Her project is entitled "Schooled: Hiphop Literacies in the College Writing Classroom," and her dissertation committee members are Patrick Berry and Gwen Pough (co-chairs), Becky Howard, and Tony Scott.

December 2015

Jennifer Wingard (CCR alum, University of Houston), who is extensively quoted in "Just how unique is the political rhetoric of the Donald Trump era?" in the Washington Post.

December 2015

Krista Kennedy, who has received a grant from the SU Internal Grant Program.  The title of her project is "Invisibilized Hearing”: The Invisibility and Secrecy of Deafness in Hearing Aid Advertisements,”  and the grant will fund archival research in the Kent State School of Health Science Special Collections.

November 2015

Karrieann Soto, who has successfully defended her dissertation prospectus. The title of her dissertation is Lolita Lebrón’s Rhetorics of Defiance to U.S. Empire. The dissertation committee includes Eileen Schell (Chair), Lois Agnew, and Steve Parks. 

November 2015

Collette Caton on passing her disssertation prospectus hearing. Collette's dissertation is entitled“This is How We Roll: Literacy and Rhetoric in a Women’s Roller Derby Community." Her dissertation committee includes Eileen Schell (Chair), Lois Agnew, Steve Parks, and Gwen Pough. 

November 2015

Romeo Garcia, who has passed his dissertation prospectus. The tile of his dissertation is "The Geopolitics of Local Rhetoric(s) and Literacy Practices: A Micro-Political Perspective of Mexican Americans in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV)." His core committee is comprised of Steve Parks (Chair), Patrick Berry, and Brice Nordquist. 

October 2015

Mike Frasciello upon the successful defense of his dissertation "Embedded Technical Communication Instruction: Understanding High-Context Writing in a Pre-Professional Engineering Program." The committee was Krista Kennedy (chair), Collin Brooke, and Rebecca Moore Howard as core committee members, and Lois Agnew and Duane Marcy (Engineering) served as readers. Senior Associate Dean Can Isik served as Chair of the dissertation defense.

Jason Markins, Jessica Pauszek, Jana Rosinski, who have been named  2015-2016 HASTAC Scholars . . . . more

October 2015

Kristi Johnson, who has been named the first ever Arts and Sciences Staff Member of the Month. 

October 2015

Tessa Brown, who has passed her exams with distinction. The exams were based on her article “Enter Tha Cipher: Devising Hiphop Writing Assessments for the Primarily White Institution,” as well as her annotated bibliography. Her exam committee was Patrick W. Berry and Gwendolyn Pough (co-chairs) and Becky Howard.

September 2015

Justin Lewis (CCR alum), for the publication of "The Piratical Ethos in Streams of Language" in Popular Communication and "Content Management Systems, Bittorrent Trackers, and Large-Scale Rhetorical Genres; Analyzing Collective Activity in Participatory Digital Spaces" in The Journal of Technical Writing & Communication.

September 2015

Kurt Stavenhagen, who has passed his dissertation defense. His dissertation is entitled "Whose Honey, Whose Hive?: Genre and Rhetorical Agency in the US Colony Collapse Disorder." His dissertation committee included Professors Eileen Schell (chair), Lois Agnew, Collin Brooke, Krista Kennedy, and Amy Devitt of the University of Kansas. Professor Diane Grimes of the Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies was the chair of the defense.

September 2015

Romeo Garcia, who has passed has his exams with distinction. The exams were based on his article, "Listening for Race and Attending to Regionalist Identities in the Work of Writing Centers," as well as the annotated bibliography. His exam committee was Steve Parks (chair), Patrick Berry, and Brice Nordquist.

September 2015

Lindsey Banister, who successfully has defended her dissertation prospectus. Lindsey's dissertation project will explore "how visual representations of contemporary, professional female athletes’ bodies are a site of rhetorical production." Her dissertation chair is Lois Agnew and the core committee members are Collin Brooke and Eileen Schell.

September 2015

Devon Moore, whose book of poetry, Apology of a Girl Who Is Told She Is Going to Hell, was published by May apple Press this summer.

August 2015

Tim Dougherty, whose article, "Lost in TransNation: The Limits to Constitutive Nationalism in the Fenian Movement," appears in Volume 45, Issue 4 of Rhetoric Society Quarterly.

August 2015

Romeo García, whose review of Reclaiming Poch@ Pop: Examining the Rhetoric of Cultural Deficiency by Cruz Medin, appears in Volume 45, Issue 4 of Rhetoric Society Quarterly.

August 2015

Karrieann Soto, whose article, "Sociocultural Affordances of Using a Musical/Multimodal/Multilingual Approach in a Puerto Rican/Transnational Composition Classroom," appears in the July issue of the Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Emerging Pedagogies.

August 2015

Rachael Shapiro, who has successfully defended her dissertation, “Geopolitics of Digital Literacies: Accounting for Myths and Realities.” Rachael's committee included Professors Patrick W. Berry, Margaret Himley, Tony Scott, Eileen E. Schell (Chair) and Cynthia Selfe of The Ohio State University. Professor Diane Grimes of the Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies served as the chair of the defense.

July 2015

Anna Hensley, who has successfully defended her dissertation, "The Terror Within:” Neoliberalism and the Rhetoric of the Obesity Crisis. Professors Lois Agnew, Gwendolyn Pough, Minnie Bruce Pratt, Eileen Schell (Chair), and Rebecca Dingo of the English Department at U-Mass-Amherst served on Anna's dissertation committee. Professor Dana Olwan of The Department of Women's and Gender Studies served as the chair of the defense.

July 2015

Allison Hitt, whose article, "Dis/Identification with Disability Advocacy: Fraternity Brothers Fight against Architectural Barriers, 1967–1975," appears in Rhetoric Review, Volume 34, Issue 3, 2015.

June 2015

Rose Aschebrock ('15) who has been named a Collegiate Rowing Coaches Association (CRCA) National Scholar-Athlete.

June 2015

Vani Kannan, whose essay "Decolonizing 'Model Minority Suicide'" was selected for the Toni Taverone Women’s Studies Graduate Paper Prize. The award recognized the paper for its exemplary merit in the tradition of outstanding feminist scholarship.

May 2015

Lindsey Banister, who has been chosen for the Alex Weirich Award for Writing for her work, "The Courtesan and the Intellectual: Refiguring Aspasia as an Erotic Pedagogue."

May 2015

Jason Luther, who has been awarded the Alex Weirich Award for Teaching. 

May 2015

Jess Pauszek, who has been chosen for the Alex Weirich Award for Writing for her work, "When Some Members Can't Write: Building Alternative Educational Spaces from the Ground Up."

May 2015

Karrieann Soto, who has been named Assistant Editor of Social Media for the Studies in Writing and Rhetoric Series.

May 2015

John Colasacco, whose first book of fiction, ANTIGOLF, came out from Civil Coping Mechanisms on May 1.

May 2015

Tim Dougherty, who was one of three Arts and Sciences Ph.D. graduates to receive the university’s doctoral prize at the 2015 hooding ceremony. This award honors Tim’s outstanding dissertation, “Making Fenians: The Transnational Constitutive Rhetoric of Revolutionary Irish Nationalism, 1858-1876.”

May 2015

Karrieann Soto, who successfully passed her qualifying exams, discussing her article "When Terror Wore Lipstick": Intercontextual Representations of Lolita Lebrón's Rhetorics of Defiance to U.S. Empire." Eileen Schell served as committee chair, with Lois Agnew and Steve Parks serving as committee members. 

May 2015

Collin Brooke, who has received a grant from the Humanities Center for his project "The Politics, Ethics, and Rhetorics of Networks." The grant will allow Collin to bring in speakers and run workshops as part of his CCR Course, "Rhetoric, Composition, and Digital Humanities."

April 2015

Romeo Garcia, who has been selected to receive a Michael Leff Award, which provides a small scholarship to underwrite attendance at the 2015 Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute. 

April 2015

Steve Parks, who has been named as one of the 2016 Syracuse University Humanities Center Faculty Fellows. 

Johnathan McClintick ('15) who recently received the 2015 Carol Lipson Award for Outstanding Major

Steve Parks, who has been named to a five-year term as editor of CCCC’s Studies in Writing and Rhetoric Series. 

Maryann Akinboyewa ('15) who recently received a Chancellor’s Citation for Community Engagement.

April 2015

Seth Davis, has passed his dissertation prospectus, "Fearce Literacies." His committee consisted of Patrick Berry, Gwen Pough (co-chairs) and Steve Parks.

April 2015

Seth Long, who successfully defended his dissertation, “Visualizing Words and Knowledge: Arts of Memory from the Agora to the Computer," with distinction. His committee was chaired by Collin Brooke, with Krista Kennedy, Lois Agnew, Patrick Berry, and Derek Mueller serving as committee members. Professor Jaklin Kornfilt served as chair of the defense.

April 2015

Allison Hitt, who has successfully defended her dissertation, "From Accommodations to Accessibility: How Rhetorics of Overcoming Manifest in Writing Pedagogies," earning distinction. Her committee consisted of Lois Agnew and Patrick Berry (co-chairs), Collin Brooke, Jay Dolmage, and Margaret Price. Beth Ferri served as Defense Chair.

April 2015

Ben Kuebrich, who has successfully defended his dissertation, "Against Making a Difference: Community Publishing, Organizing, and Power." His committee consisted of Steve Parks (Chair), Patrick Berry, John Burdick, Paula Mathieu, and Eileen Schell. The defense was chaired by Marcelle Haddix.

April 2015

Lois Agnew, who has won the William Wasserstrom Prize for Graduate Teaching.

April 2015

Allison Hitt, who received the CCCC Disability in College Composition Travel Award, for the CCCC's Conference in Tampa in March. 

April 2015

Rachael Shapiro, who has been selected to receive the University's Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for the 2014-2015 academic year. 

April 2015

Minnie Bruce Pratt, who was awarded the CCR Grad Circle Faculty Mentorship Award.

April 2015

Jess Pauszek, who has been awarded the Moynihan European Summer Research Grant in support of her dissertation work on the Federation of Worker Writers and Community Publishers in London, England.

April 2015

Jason Luther, who has successfully defended his dissertation prospectus, “DIY As Delivery System: The Extracurriculum of Multimodal Public Rhetoric." His committee consisted of Steve Parks, chair, Patrick Berry, and Tony Scott.

April 2015

Eileen Schell, who has been designated a Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor. The Meredith Professorship is Syracuse University’s highest teaching award. Only two faculty members are chosen each year from among many excellent and dedicated teachers at the university.

March 2015

Steve Parks, Jessica Pauszek, and Tony Scott, who—with William Thelin, University of Akron; Deborah Mutnick, Long Island University; and Jennifer Harding, London Metropolitan University—were awarded a CCCC Research Initiative Grant for the project "Working Class Literacy: Archives, Academic Discourse, and the Achievement of Meta-Cognitive Academic Literacy Skills."  March 2015

Yanira Rodriguez, who is the recipient of a 2015 Scholars for the Dream award.

March 2015

Tony Scott, who published “The Scholarship and Activity of Composition” in the symposium section of the most recent issue of CCC (66.3).

March 2015

Allison Hitt, who has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor of Writing at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway, AR.

March 2015

Collin Gifford Brooke, who recently published a chapter, “Bruno Latour's Posthuman Rhetoric of Assent,” in Thinking with Bruno Latour in Rhetoric and Composition.

March 2015

Laurie Gries (CCR alum; University of Florida), who recently published a chapter, “Dingrhetoriks,” in Thinking with Bruno Latour in Rhetoric and Composition.

March 2015

Vani Kannan, whose article, "Performing Horizontal Activism: Expanding Academic Labor Advocacy Throughout and Beyond a Three-Step Process," co-written with Joe Schicke and Sue Doe, appears in Literacy in Composition Studies (Vol 3, No 1 (2015)) 

March 2015

Rachael Shapiro, whose article, "Rhetorics of Hope: Complicating Western Narratives of a 'Social Media Revolution'," appears in Literacy in Composition Studies (Vol 3, No 1 (2015)) 

March 2015

Candace Epps-Robertson (CCR Alum; Michigan State University), whose article, "'Teaching Must Be Our Demonstration!': Activism in the Prince Edward County Free School Association, 1963-1964" appears in Literacy in Composition Studies (Vol 3, No 1 (2015)) 

March 2015

Ben Kuebrich,Jess Pauszek, and Steve Parks, who have guest co-edited a special issue of Literacy in Composition Studies (Vol 3, No 1 (2015))

March 2015

Anna Hensley, who has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor of English, with a Rhetoric/Composition emphasis, at University of Cincinnati, Blue Ash College.

March 2015

Ben Kuebrich, who has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor of English, with a focus on digital journalism, at West Chester University.

March 2015

Laurie Gries (CCR alum; University of Florida), on the publication of her book, Still Life with Rhetoric: A New Materialist Approach for Visual Rhetorics.

March 2015

Rachael Shapiro, who has accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Writing Arts at Rowan University in Glassboro, NJ.
March 2015

Tony Scott and his co-author, Lil Brannon, who have won the CWPA Outstanding Scholarship on Writing Program Administration Award for their article, “Democracy, Struggle, and the Praxis of Assessment,” which was published in CCC 65.2 (December 2013). The award will be presented at the CWPA Conference in Boise in July.
February 2015

Justin Lewis (CCR Alum), who has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Nevada–Reno starting in Fall 2015.
February 2015

Lindsey Banister, who has passed her Comprehensive Exams, defending her essay "The Courtesan and the Intellectual: Refiguring Aspasia as an Erotic Pedagogue." Her exam committee was chaired by Lois Agnew, with Eileen Schell and Kevin Browne serving as committee members.
February 2015

Justin Lewis (CCR Alum), whose article, "The Piratical Ethos in Streams of Language," based on his dissertation research, has been published in Popular Communication.
February 2015

Daniel Kitchen ('14), who was recently featured in the College of Arts and Sciences' News Now.
January 2015

Krista Kennedy and Seth Long, who hav recently published  a chapter— “The Trees Within the Forest: Extracting, Coding, and Visualizing Subjective Data in Authorship Studies”— in Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities (University of Chicago Press).January 2015

Allison Hitt, whose article, "Dis/Identification with Disability Advocacy: Fraternity Brothers Fight against Architectural Barriers, 1967-1975" has been accepted for publication in Rhetoric Review.

December 2014 

Nicole Gonzales Howell, who has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Language at the University of San Francisco.

December 2014 

Seth Long, who has accepted an Assistant Professor of Digital Rhetoric position at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

December 2014 

Maryann Akinboyewa ('15) who is a 2014-15 Remembrance Scholar and was recently chosen as a member of the American Association of University Women’s National Student Advisory Council . . . . more.

December 2014

Jess Pauszek, who successfully defended her prospectus, "Labor and Literacy: Archives, Networks, and History in Working-Class Communities." Her committee consisted of Steve Parks (Chair), Rebecca Howard, and Patrick Berry.

December 2014 

Gael Sweeney, who has been nominated for the Ralph Donald Award from the Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association for the outstanding presentation at the MAPACA's annual conference, which was held in Baltimore, November 6-8.

December 2014 

Jess Pauszek, who has passed her qualifying exams with distinction, exams which were focused around her article "When Some Members Can't Write: Building Alternative Educational Spaces from the Ground Up." Her committee consisted of Steve Parks (chair), Patrick Berry, and Rebecca Howard.

October 2014 

LaToya Sawyer, who successfully defended her prospectus, “Don’t Try and Play Me Out!”: An Exploration of the Critical Word-Play, Agency and Identity Formations of Black Women’s Computer-mediated Communication." Her committee consisted of Gwen Pough and Eileen Schell, co-chairs, Patrick Berry, Adam Banks, and Steve Parks.

October 2014 

Seth Long, who successfully defended his prospectus, entitled "Visualizing Words and Knowledge: Arts of Memory from the Agora to the Computer." His committee consisted of Collin Brooke (chair), Patrick Berry, and Krista Kennedy.

October 2014 

LaToya Sawyer, who has been awarded a 2014-2015 NCTE Research Foundation's Cultivating New Voices Among Scholars of Color Grant . . . . more.

September 2014 

Gael Sweeney, whose article, "Beyond Golden Gardenias: Versions of Same-Sex Marriage in Queer as Folk," has been accepted for publication in a book, Queer TV in the 21st Century, edited by Kylo-Patrick


September 2014 

Minnie Bruce Pratt, who was recently interviewed for the Los Angeles Review of Books.

August 2014

Rebecca Moore Howard, whose forum "Why This Humanist Codes" appears in the August issue of Research in the Teaching of English.

August 2014 

Eileen Schell, whose article "Transnational Environmental Justice Rhetorics and the Green Belt Movement: Wangari Muta Maathai's Ecological Rhetorics and Literacies" appears in issue of 33.3-4 of ƒJAC Online.

August 2014 

Jennifer Wingard (CCR alum), whose article "Assembling Houston: Writing and Teaching the Neoliberal City" appears in issue of 33.3-4 of JAC Online.

August 2014 

Missy Watson, who successfully defended her dissertation, “Writing and the Internationalization of U.S. Higher Education: The Roles of Ideology, Administration, and the Institution.” Her committee consisted of Rebecca Moore Howard, Chair, with Eileen Schell, Tony Scott, Iswari Pandey, and Christine Tardy as committee members. Kendall Phillips was the defense chair.

August 2014 

Tim Dougherty, who successfully defended his dissertation, entitled "Making Fenians: The Transnational Constitutive Rhetoric of Revolutionary Irish Nationalism, 1858-1876," earning distinction. His committee consisted of Lois Agnew, Chair, with Kevin Browne, Gwen Pough, and Eileen Schell as Committee members. Dr. Charles Morris III, from Communication and Rhetorical Studies served as defense chair.

August 2014