International Student Academic Success Handbook
Dear Arts and Sciences & Maxwell international student,
You chose great! The International Student Success (ISS) team of the Office of Student Success are excited that you have decided to study at SU.
The ISS team exists to collaboratively guide and empower A&S and Maxwell international students to graduate successfully with full potentials in the world’s employment market or graduate school. We develop strategies and initiatives with focus on international student academic performance.
This International Student Academic Success Handbook serves as a guide to your academic study at SU. We hope you will find it informational and insightful. This handbook is organized in eight sections: 1) Academics: 2) Career Development; 3) University Systems; 4) Tuition and Fees; 5) Housing; 6) Pre-Arrival Supports; 7) International Student Organizations; and 8) Glossary of Common SU Slangs and Acronyms.
Enjoy your time on campus. We look forward to supporting you and watching you grow and learn!
Go Orange!
Ling Gao LeBeau, PhD
Director of International Student Success
Phone: 315-443-2970
Social Media
- Join our WeChat student and/or parent group by connecting to WeChat and add "elise_kapibala" with student’s full name and SU ID
- Join our WhatsApp group by emailing with student’s full name and SU ID
– Student group
– Parent group
– Instagram: su_intl_student_success
- Facebook: International Student Success at the SU Arts and Sciences & Maxwell
Academic Courses
How do I choose academic courses as a freshman?
Please read New Students For more information, make an appointment with your advisor through Myslice via Orange Success.
Why am I required to choose courses that are not related to my major or intended major?
The Liberal Arts Core requirements are a set of principles that flexibly guide students to select courses and serve to define the common structural core of a liberal arts education at Syracuse. They were devised and adopted by the faculty of the college. They assure that each student’s course of study includes the most important features of an education in the liberal arts. There are three fundamental parts to the Liberal Arts Core requirements: I. Liberal Skills; II. Divisional Perspective; and III. Critical Reflections.
How can I know which courses are easier to receive high grades?
There is no set standard to value which course is easy nor difficult. As the liberal arts college at the center of a major research institution, the College of Arts and Sciences stands as the intellectual heart and soul of Syracuse University providing a highly personalized academic experience. The College prepares each student for success as a citizen of the world through disciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching and learning, research, scholarship, and service, on campus and around the world. Students are exposed to a curriculum that is based on the principles of critical thinking, effective communication, and the analysis and understanding of data, geared to educate the leaders of tomorrow.
Why do I need to take English language course(s)?
With students from more than 25 countries, the ENL Courses offer undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to study listening, speaking, reading, and writing in addition to vocabulary development and grammar. Class discussions and readings relate to all aspects of life and culture in the United States and beyond, providing students the opportunity to discuss various academic, cultural, and social topics with others who are in the same situation and to ask questions about the unfamiliar.
Academic Advisor
What is an Academic Advisor?
Academic Advisor is a type of counselor who works with students on a regular basis and provides intensive academic support. Every student will have an assigned Academic Advisor. Academic Advisor meets with you individually by appointment throughout the academic year. Academic Advisor helps you understand the purpose of a liberal arts education and guide you during your academic career. You can make an appointment with your academic advisor through Myslice.
Your advisor can help you:
explore academic options
understand the Liberal Arts Core
select courses, majors, and minors
connect with university resources during challenging times
develop time management skills
map strategies to improve academic performance
identify academic enrichment opportunities
maintain steady progress toward degree completion
plan for graduate school or entry into the job market
How do I know who my academic advisor is?
Visit Myslice ---- Advising ---- View My Advisor(s)
First year students will not see their assigned advisor until early August in MySlice when the student's course of schedule is completed. However, advisors usually contact their assigned students individually by email starting the end of May, when students will find out who their advisor is.
Can I pick up my own academic advisor as a freshman?
No, you cannot pick up your own academic advisor. The College will assign an advisor to you.
How to schedule an appointment with an advisor?
Log in to your Myslice
On the OrangeSUccess homepage, click "My Success Network" on the left side of the page.
Find your college advisor and use the "Schedule Appointment" link.
Find an open slot and use the "+ Sign up" button to reserve that time. Enter a brief description of what you'd like to discuss in the "notes" section.
*Appointments are available in-person or Zoom.
When is the drop-in/walk-in time for the Advising office?
Monday through Thursday, 2-4 p.m., in person, Hall of Languages, Room 342.
More drop-in/walk-in hours are available during course registration time.
Academic Major and Minor
How to declare a major/minor?
To formally declare a major, you must complete the Declaration of Major form and obtain appropriate signatures. You can access the form in MySlice – eforms.
To formally declare the minor, you must complete the Declaration of Minor form and obtain appropriate signatures. You can access the form in MySlice – eforms.
What if I do not know what I want to major in?
Schedule an appointment to meet with your academic advisor to discuss your interests. You can also request taking Strong Interest Inventory Survey to explore your interests.
How do I know what I can do with my major?
Explore how you can connect majors with a variety of professional careers using What Can I do with this Major? You need to visit SU Handshake to fully access the platform.
For additional support or questions during your selection process, schedule an appointment to meet your academic advisor.
Academic Credits
How many credits do I need to have to graduate with a bachelor’s degree?
A minimum of 120 credits of coursework is required for the B.A. or B.S. degree. For all students enrolling in the College of Arts and Sciences, 30 of the 120 credits must be taken in upper-division courses.
What is the minimum and maximum number of credits I can take per semester?
12 to 19 credits (Exceptions may apply)
Can I take courses in winter and summer break?
Yes, please check:
How do I transfer credit from another institution that I have not taken to Syracuse University?
You must complete the Transfer Credit Petition prior to registering for classes at another institution.
Return the completed and signed petition to the Advising Center, 329 Hall of Languages, for college approval.
Once you complete your approved course, please have an official (sealed) transcript sent to the following address:
Office of Academic and Career Advising
College of Arts & Sciences
The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Civic Engagement
342 Hall of Languages
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244-1170
For electronic official transcript sent to the following email address: Once the Advising Center reviews your official transcript, we will post the credits to your academic record at Syracuse University, and they will show up on your Degree Works within 24 hours.
Is there a maximum number of credits that can be transferred to Syracuse University?
A maximum of 66 credits from a combination of credit from a two-year college and any other credit (e.g., AP exams, experiential learning) will be accepted.
A maximum of 90 credits from a combination of credit from a two-year program and four-year program and/or any other credit (e.g., AP credit).
*Please note: 30 credit hours must be completed at Syracuse University to receive a Syracuse University degree. Students can transfer credit hours; however, grades earned at another institution are not calculated in the Syracuse University grade point average.
*The College of Arts & Sciences does accept transfer credit outside of the United States, however starting in Fall 2019 all current and incoming students will be required to submit a course-by-course W.E.S Evaluation for any credits they have taken outside of the United States. Please check out the W.E.S Evaluation FAQ page for additional information.
Once a student begins at The College of Arts and Sciences | Maxwell School, only 16 credits can be taken outside of Syracuse University and transferred back to count towards any degree requirements. Students must have prior approval from an academic advisor before taking the course(s). Please limit the number of institutions you are submitting petitions for to no more than two.
For students who matriculated into The College of Arts and Sciences | Maxwell School in the Fall of 2020 and after, of those 16 credits, only two courses (8 credits) may contribute to the fulfillment of the divisional requirements (Humanities, Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Social Sciences) in the Liberal Arts Core. No more than one course counting in any divisional requirement section. If you started at SU in the Fall of 2020 and after, please be sure to meet with your advisor to discuss this policy.
Placement Exam
What are the Placement Exams?
All first-year students who wish to take a mathematics class are required to take the math placement exam. Those who do not wish to take a match class are highly recommended to do so for potential academic planning. Students never “fail” the match placement exam. It is an assessment of student’s match level. Students can take the match exam in Blackboard at any time, prior to the first tern enrollment selection (FTES) deadline.
ESOL, English Language Assessment Exam (ELAE)
All non-native English undergraduates need to take the ELAE, which is the English proficiency test. The test dates are different every year; students need to apply for the test online to take it. This test has three parts: writing, listening, reading (including grammar, vocabulary, etc.).
Note: The following procedure uses the Spanish Placement Exam as an example, but the steps in the procedure are the same for all language exams. Find out which Placement Exams are available online?
Exam system requirements: The language listening part of the Italian and Spanish exams requires speakers or headphones to be tested on the Blackboard. Students should take about an hour to complete each placement test, but the actual time will vary.
Academic Supports
What supports can I have if I have challenges with my classes?
Your Arts & Sciences | Maxwell advisor is your primary contact for academic and career support. The additional resources are available to you via other departments on campus. Click Additional Academic Supports
Center of Learning and Student Success offers many tutoring sessions for students.
How can I receive help with English writing?
The Writing Center offers one-on-one consulting services to support the success of all Syracuse University students, free of charge. Click Make an appointment
Who do I talk to if I feel anxious and depressed?
As the hub for student wellness, the Barnes Center at The Arch features programs, services and offerings that promote holistic health and well-being, all in one accessible, centralized space on campus. Log in Student Patient Portal to make an appointment.
24-Hour Support Call: 315.443.8000
150 Sims Drive, Syracuse, NY 13244
May I have an upper-class student help me with college transition?
Yes, The A&S | Maxwell Advising Center sponsors the International Student Success Peer Mentor Program to help incoming first-year and transfer international students successfully transition to Syracuse University. The team of International Student Success within the Advising Center matches current and incoming students to create a supportive community. Please contact Dr. Ling LeBeau at for further question.
Do you have a semester-by-semester plan for my undergraduate career?
Yes, please review Academic Success Compass for International Students
The Academic Success Compass serves as a guideline that helps international students develop learning strategies and refine mindsets and personal management skills during their four years of undergraduate study. It is organized into four directions: Academic Success, Career Preparedness, Networking and Professional Development. Academic and career advisors could utilize the Compass as well to ensure students stay on the right track during their academic and personal journey at SU.
How do I improve my study skills?
SU’s Center for Learning and Student Success (CLASS) offers individual session on study skills, for example, Maximize Your Learning and Academic Mindfulness Workshops. Sign up to receive support.
Academic Terms
Academic Credits: The unit of credit at Syracuse University is the semester hour. Each semester hour represents one class period of 50 minutes per week for 15 weeks, or the equivalent. A minimum of 120 credits of coursework is required for the B.A. or B.S. degree. For all students enrolling in the College of Arts and Sciences, 30 of the 120 credits must be taken in upper-division courses.
Academic Integrity: Academic Integrity Policy, effective January 1, 2017, is designed to make integrity and honesty central to the University experience.
Academic Probation: Any student who has a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 and for whom a more serious action is not appropriate may be placed on probation.
Academic Suspension: Academically suspended students are officially withdrawn from the University. Students face academic suspension for failing to meet the conditions established by any previous probation action or for seriously departing from standards required for good standing. The GPA may be either above or below 2.0 at the time of suspension.
Enrollment Hold: Students with enrollment holds will be prevented from registering for classes.
Drop a Class: On or before the academic/financial drop deadline.
Withdraw from a class: After the academic/financial drop deadline and on or before the class withdrawal deadline.
Leave of Absence: Student initiated action in which a student elects to take time away from university studies with the intention of returning for a future semester. A leave of absence is not available to a student who has a pending disciplinary action. Leaves of absence include purposes, such as, medical, academic, financial, military, and personal. Students may take a leave of absence for a period of up to two years.
University Withdrawal: Syracuse University will officially withdraw students who are suspended for academic or disciplinary reasons. The University may also withdraw students for medical reasons, failing to attend classes, or for academic integrity violations.
Readmission: Students who plan to re-enroll at Syracuse University must apply for readmission.
Religious Observances: SU recognizes the diverse faith traditions represented among its campus community and supports the rights of faculty, staff, and students to observe according to these traditions.
Transfer Credit: The College of Arts & Sciences does accept transfer credit from outside of institution and the United States, however starting in Fall 2019 all current and incoming students will be required to submit a course-by-course W.E.S. Evaluation for any credits they have taken outside of the United States.
Winterlude: Winter session features classes covering a wide variety of topics, and they’re all online!
Intra-University Transfer (IUT): Students transferring to other schools/colleges within the University (Intra-University Transfer) must meet the admission requirements of the new school/college that were in effect at the time of matriculation into the University. The IUT application must be received before the financial drop deadline of the current term.
Transcript: Syracuse University maintains a permanent academic transcript showing complete course and grade-earned information for every student, matriculated or non-matriculated, who takes coursework through any Syracuse University program.
Course registration: Students must initially register for the classes in which they wish to enroll prior to the beginning of each session, or the student will incur a late registration fee. Prior to registration, students should plan their program with their academic advisor. Students may make changes to their registration after the semester begins, by adding, dropping, or withdrawing from classes in accordance with published deadlines.
In every November and April, students will be able to register next semester's course on Myslice. Students can view course via "Search for Classes” and add the courses in the shopping cart. On the enrollment appointment day, students can get their class schedule by enrolling courses saved in the shopping cart.

Grade Point Average: The Syracuse University grade point average (GPA) is calculated by taking the number of grade points earned and dividing by the number of credit hours carried toward the GPA.
Calculate My GPA: is a tool which helps students to check and predict their GPA. Students can find Calculate my GPA on Myslice, then enter the letter grade they predict, and recalculate the GPA they may get at the end of the semester.

Passing Grade: D or higher, although some classes require a C or higher, like Calculus.
Good Standing: GPA 2.0 or higher
Dean’s List: an honor for high achieving students every semester with GPA of 3.4 or higher and a minimum of 12 credit hours of letter grades with no missing or incomplete grades.
Success Scholarship: a financial award to student who completes at least 15 credits with GPA of 3.75 in the first semester, renewable every subsequent semester with15 credits earned and GPA of 3.5.
Academic Integrity Policy
What does Academic Integrity mean?
“Syracuse University’s Academic Integrity Policy reflects the high value that we, as a university community, place on honesty in academic work. The policy holds students accountable for the integrity of all work they submit and for upholding course-specific, as well as university-wide, academic integrity expectations. The policy governs citation and use of sources, the integrity of work submitted in exams and assignments, and truthfulness in all academic matters, including course attendance and participation.”. Click here for SU’s expectations and policy regarding academic integrity.
How Academic Integrity cases are reported, reviewed, and decided at SU?
Click here for details.
What is “Turnitin”?
Turnitin is a software that ensures original work from students and address other sophisticated potential misconduct. Instructors often use Turnitin for plagiarism detection and prevention. Students usually will have the option to submit papers to Turnitin to check that all sources they use have been properly acknowledged and cited before submitting the paper. Instructors could also submit all papers students write to Turnitin. Click Here to for further instructions.
Contact for Academic Integrity
CLASS Academic Integrity line at 315-443-5412 or emailing CLASS at
Find your Academic Integrity Advisor
Find your Academic Integrity Coordinator
Communication with Professors and Academic and Career Advisor
Your professors and advisor are very important to you in college. They not only assist you to learn and grow, but also may serve as reference for your future job application and graduate school. You need to know your professors and advisor personally by visiting them during the office hours, asking them for advice on your academic and career interest, and develop a sustainable relationship with them. They serve as your initial group of people in your professional network.
Career Development
Who can teach me to write a resume?
The Advising Center has comprehensive Career Resources to guide you, including writing a resume and cover letter.
Your academic advisor can help you review your resume.
VMOCK is a new SU platform that guides you to write and revise a resume.
Syracuse University Career Services team has lots of resources as well.
How can I find a campus job?
International undergraduate students can work on campus with no more than 20 hours per week. You may Search Campus Jobs in Handshake. If an international student wants to find a job on campus, it usually works out.
Why should I work during my study at SU?
In addition to the obvious reason (i.e., money), you will earn work experience to add to your resume. For international students, working on campus also provides you the authentic American experience by communicating and connecting to your employer and co-workers. Working in dining hall carries the similar value as working in a professional office on campus. The work experience shows your skills of balancing work and academics and communication.
How can I find an internship?
View internship for both on-campus & off-campus, please visit Handshake. You can also access GoinGlobal from Handshake below.
Click on Career Center – Resources
You should see a GoinGlobal link
Click GoinGlobal Country Career Guides
VAULT and LinkedIn are great tools for students to search internships as well.
A few LinkedIn groups to join:
Arts and Sciences page and group
Maxwell School of Syracuse University
Syracuse University Alumni Network
Why should I have an internship?
You can apply classroom learning in professional environments to gain work experience. It is also an opportunity for you to explore a career path and give yourself an edge in the job market and gain confidence. You can start to network with professionals in your interested career.
Is a high GPA good enough?
You should certainly try to earn the best grades, but high GPA is not enough for a college student. Research shows college students who participated in in experiential and deep learning opportunities, were more likely to have high well-being and engagement with their jobs later in life. You need to be involved and become a leader in college, by working part-time on campus, participating in co-curricular activities, volunteering, conducting internship, studying abroad, and others. Employers look for people who can lead from day one. Please check the Academic Success Compass for a semester by semester plan for you.
Can I be connected to a SU alumnus?
Yes. Please contact Matthew Wheeler, Associate Director of Alumni Relations A&S Advising, at 315.443.3150 or and/or
University Systems
What University systems should I be familiar with?
MySlice is your secure virtual gateway to life at Syracuse University and provides access to your Admission Acceptance Form (AAF), advising, the online course catalog, class registration, and financial aid, tuition, housing, and meal plan information. You can also configure MySlice to share “pieces” of your access with others, such as your parents or guardians (click on “Share My Account”).
Access your SUMail Account Your official email account is established in a system called SUmail. SUmail is managed by the University and utilizes Microsoft’s Office 365 cloud services. All official Syracuse University communication will be sent via email to your SUmail address upon your matriculation. If you choose to redirect this account to another account, such as or, you do so at your own risk.
The Blackboard learning management system brings the latest in proven educational technology tools to Syracuse University by making class content available to instructors and students via the Internet. Because it is web-based, it makes course materials readily available to students any time they wish.
How to Navigate to your Courses and Organizations in Blackboard
Each student has a unique set of courses and organizations available to them. By clicking on either Courses or Organizations on the main page of Blackboard, students will be directed to a page of their current courses and organizations.

Under the Course List, students should click on any one of their current courses and will be taken to that course.

Each Course will look different as it depends on how each professor decides to format it, but you can mainly find all the information for that course within that tab.
You can now navigate to your respective Organizations in a similar manner.

How to Navigate to your Recent Activity Stream, Grades and Tools
You will see a list of options in the picture, click on any one of them for the desired function.
Under the tab selected, you can check out all the necessary information and updates that your professor/organization provides

Handshake is Syracuse University’s centralized career management tool. As a free resource, Handshake hosts available internships, professional employment, and professional development opportunities available through ’Cuse Works, alumni and partners.
How to Set Up Your Profile
Click on the blank profile picture found on the top right corner and a list of options will come up. Click on My Profile and start working on it.
The most important thing is to upload your resume under My Documents.
How to Use the Career Center
The Career Center is found on the top right corner, and it is where Syracuse University provides a plethora of free resources for students to take advantage of like:
Appointments: Here, you can speak to experts one-on-one to guide you.
Resources: A whole library of resources to help you on your career.
Experiences: A way to keep record of all your internship/work experiences.
Surveys: Answering questions asked by the Career Center.

How to Search for Jobs/Internships and Events
By clicking on the Jobs tab on the top left corner of the screen you can start applying various filters such as Part-time, On-campus, Internship, etc., depending on your requirements.
You can even use the Search tab to further check for specific jobs.
If you want to apply for jobs later, you can save them and complete them later by clicking on the ‘ribbon’ symbol next to the job listing. You can then find the job listing later under the Saved tab.
Under the Events tab, you can find many workshops that are conducted by Syracuse University as well as many other organizations that can help increase your knowledge on various careers.

Tuition and Fees
What are the tuition and fees?
Click Cost of Attendance for International Students
SU charges flat tuition for the spring and fall semesters, up to 19 credits. If you want to take courses in summer or winter, you will need to pay tuition by credit.
How can I find my Bursar account?
Visit Myslice ----> Billing/Payments
What’s the Office of Bursar?
The Bursar’s Office mission is to facilitate the registration of every student in a manner that serves the best interests of our students and Syracuse University alike.
What can Bursar do for you?
Accounts and Billing:To access your bursar account, log into MySlice using Firefox or Internet Explorer with the pop-up blocker disabled (Chrome and Safari are not fully compatible)
Billing/Payments: click on ‘Billing/Payments’ where you can find: Download your bill, Make an online payment, View account details, Make A Payment

View My Billing Statement: When searching for the balance due and the due date, please reference the downloadable PDF billing statement by clicking on the ‘View Billing Statements’ link.

A billing notification email is sent to the student’s email address (along with any email address that the student set up using the Share My Access feature in MySlice) to let you know when the bill is ready to view.
Billing statements are no longer printed and mailed.

Make A Payment : All charges must be paid in full on the billing due date established by the University for each bill. Failure to make payments by the due date could result in late payment fees or the cancellation of classes.
Students and families should log into MySlice using Firefox or Internet Explorer with the pop-up blocker disabled (Chrome and Safari are not fully compatible) and use the links to payment options under ‘Finances’ and click on the ‘Make a Payment’ tab. You will see all the options available .

Perkins Loans: The website explanation includes Federal Perkins Loan Information, Interest Rate, Grace Period, Loan Repayment, Deferments, To Apply for a Deferment, Cancellations, and How To Apply.
1098-T Tax Information: Once logged onto MySlice, you can access the statements by clicking the links in this path: Billing/Payments > View 1098-T Tax information
Tuition, Fees, and Related Policies Bulletin
Refunds: Students can request a refund resulting from an overpayment by submitting a request on MySlice. Refunds will be available by direct deposit or by mail. A copy of your ID may be requested if mailing to an address, not on file with the University.
Office of the Bursar, Bursar Operations
119 Bowne Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244-1140
Phone: 315.443.2444
Fax: 315.443.3630
Office Hours
Fall and Spring: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Summer: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
*All dates and deadlines are based on Syracuse, NY time zone.
What is the penalty for late payment of Bursar Office fees?
If the account funds are higher than 500 US dollars, a fee of 120 US dollars will be charged for late payment, and 85 US dollars for less than 500 US dollars.
Where can I find Tuition, Fees, and Related Policies?
Click Tuition, fees, and related policies.
What happens to my tuition charge if I drop a class after the financial deadline?
Undergraduate and Law students: If you choose to drop a course after the posted financial/academic drop deadline, you are financially responsible for that course. If the combination of hours registered and dropped after the financial deadline exceed 19 hours, you are charged the published per credit hour rate for each hour over 19. The financial deadline for each semester can vary depending on term, program, and/or class. Students should check the Financial Deadlines info available on their student account via MySlice
Leave of Absence/Withdrawal: University may adjust charges for a term based on the date of your leave/withdrawal. Please refer to Tuition, fees, and related policies.
How do I pay for tuition?
International Student Payment Options
Syracuse University has partnered with two companies that provide a streamlined way to make international payments. Using Flywire or Western Union Business Solutions offer some advantages over a traditional wire transfer such as:
There are no hidden bank fees.
Typically, you save on exchange rates.
There are multiple payment options and currencies to choose from.
24×7 multilingual customer support by chat, Skype, email, and telephone
It is faster than traditional wire transfers (2-3 business days)
You can track the status of your payment online.
Who should I contact for problems with international remittances?
Scan and email the remittance receipt to:
After waiting for a week, check the account status on Myslice. If the account balance becomes 0 or a negative number, it means that the money has arrived in the student's account.
More information please contact: Bursar Office
Address: 119 Bowne Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244
Tel: 315-443-2444
Zoom Appointment
How do I request refund?
How do I change/cancel my meal plan?
Option 1: Log on to MySlice or visit the Housing, Meal Plan, and I.D. Card Services
Option2: Visit office in Steele Hall, Room 206 to change your meal plan.
Where do I live as a freshman?
The University’s placement process for new freshmen housing is random. You may be assigned to live in one of the following residence halls on Main Campus: Boland, Brewster, Brockway, Day, DellPlain, Flint, Haven, Lawrinson, Sadler, and Shaw.
The majority of first-year students will live in open- or split-double style rooms, but there are also single rooms made for one student, and open-triple rooms designed for three or more. For more information, please visit SU Housing.
Pre-Arrival Supports
Who helps me with the college transition before I arrive at SU campus? And how?
Dr. Ling LeBeau, Director of International Student Success , and her team will be the primary resource for your college transition in terms of academic coaching and success.
342 Hall of Languages, Syracuse, New York 13244
Phone: 315.443.2970
The Center for International Services is the resource for international students, scholars and their dependents on issues related to immigration status, employment, cultural, social and academic concerns which impact your success at Syracuse University. The staff and programs at the Center for International Services help you with your transition to life at Syracuse University.
310 Walnut Pl, Syracuse, New York 13244
Phone: 315.443.2457 |
For more information (checklist, visa, Undergraduate Pre-Arrival & Graduate Pre-Arrival, etc.), please visit Preparing to Arrive.
Is there any welcome orientation for new students?
Yes. The Advising Center will have a welcome opening weekend two days before the class starts. We will host a welcome meeting for new international students. Details will be sent to students SU email.
Center for International Student Services will host a mandatory orientation for International students. Check here for update.
What other primary Contacts should I be aware of?
Please visit Additional Campus Supports
International Student Organizations at SU
Brazilian Student Association at Syracuse University
Caribbean Students Association
China Development Student Think Tank (Syracuse University Chapter)
Chinese Students and Scholars Association
Haitian American Student Association
Hellenic Students' Association
International Chinese Culture Exchange Association
Jiuge Chinese Classical Culture Association
Korean American Student Association
Glossary of Common SU Slangs and Acronyms
Barnes - The Barnes Center which has a gym and pool located near The Dome
Centro - Local bus service provider
Citrus TV- Student-produced programming broadcast on Time Warner Cable Sports Channel 26
College Place - Main SU Shuttle Pick-up and Drop-off point located near Sims Hall
Destiny USA- A big mall located downtown
DO - The Daily Orange, a student newspaper
Dome - The Carrier Dome is the stadium located in campus
Ernie - Ernie Davis Dining Hall
ESF - State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. ESF students share our facilities and community
44 - a number made famous by SU athletes
433 - Bus route to Downtown Syracuse
FWS or work study- Federal work study
GA - Graduate Assistant
Goldstein Auditorium - located in the Schine Student Centre
Goldstein Student Centre - located in South Campus
Goldstein Alumni and Faculty Centre - located next to Bird library
LLC - Living Learning Community
RA - Research Assistant
RA - The Resident Advisor who resides on the floor of your dorm
Otto - Syracuse University’s official mascot is Otto the Orange
Schine - Schine Student Centre located on the heart of campus
SU - Syracuse University
344 - Bus route to South Campus