
Orange Alert


The Registration Process
  1. View your registration day and time in Myslice. It can be found under “View my Enrollment Appointment.”
  2. Check “View Holds” on Myslice. You will need to clear all holds before registration. Please note that if you have two or more majors, you will need to see ALL advisors to get your holds cleared.
  3. Prepare a list of course selections to discuss with your academic advisor.
  4. Set up an advising appointment with your assigned advisor or follow your advisor’s procedures as directed. Please note counselors in Advising and Career Services cannot lift faculty holds.
  5. Place your course selections in your shopping cart on Myslice. Be sure to add backup selections as well to make the registration process smoother and less stressful.
  6. After you enroll for your courses, always use the swap feature rather than add/drop to change courses if you decide to adjust your schedule.
How to Select Classes
  1. You need to complete the Liberal Arts Core and at least one major to graduate so understanding your remaining requirements is an important step.
  2. You can get a copy of your Liberal Arts Core by visiting 323 Hall of Languages for either an appointment or a drop-in.
  3. Balance your course load when making course selections. Consider taking courses for your major, core, and exploratory interests each semester.
  4. Remember, as you complete your Liberal Arts Core or parts of it, you can still take a course in an area that interests you as students typically require elective credit to graduate.
  5. Don't overextend or underextend. Students typically enroll in 15 credits or five courses. At minimum, to be a full-time student, you must enroll in 12 credits. The maximum credit load per semester is 19, unless a student petitions to overload.