Spring 2020 courses offered by the physics department

Orange Alert

Physics Courses, Spring 2020

Prior Semesters
Spring 2020
Linked course titles have extended descriptions. Syllabi provided where available.
Course Title Day Time Instructor Room Syllabus Description
AST104 Stars, Galaxies, & the Universe (M001) MW 12:45P-2:05P Whittington/Bassler Stolkin https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LIeFqsMR7E3hYTLU5bQKb95MX6dMzG32
AST104 Stars, Galaxies, & the Universe (M002) MW 3:45P-5:05P Whittington/Bassler Stolkin https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LIeFqsMR7E3hYTLU5bQKb95MX6dMzG32
PHY102 Major Concepts of Physics II (4) MW 2:15-3:35P Soderberg Stolkin https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sH75NCoqzqlIPY51-Ut9efrQ16PLwnaO
PHY211 General Physics I (3) (M001) TTH 11:00A-12:20P Freeman Stolkin
PHY211 General Physics I (3) (M002) TTH 9:30-10:50A Rudolph Stolkin
PHY212 General Physics II (3) TTH 12:30-1:50P Paulsen Stolkin https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Squvy1UDBnzfEMPah2XQaumfPYs1yZEp
PHY216 General Physics II: Honors & Majors (3) TTH 12:30-1:50P Ross 208
PHY221 General Physics Lab I (1) TBA See Labs Sampere 108
PHY222 General Physics Lab II (1) TBA See Labs Sampere 115
PHY300 Quantum Computing Demystified (3) TTH 2:00-3:20P Plourde 208 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bruNBs07YRMkMhVBxR8f5UmTbwgH8-LA
PHY315 Biological & Medical Physics (3) TTH 5:00-6:20P Movileanu 104N https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RdqBbPofJrSP77mCr0puolLjGiNojiNi
PHY344 Experimental Physics I (4) F 2:15-3:15P Ballmer B113 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mKj_hBg8qv9BxEl_b1TZs4QKQckdkIu6
PHY361 Introduction to Modern Physics (3) TTH 12:30-1:50P Laiho 104N https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bUHJ3sEXJd8MEmFlssXeX6xxJ5jtQq8d
PHY399 Practcm & Sem in Physics Educ ~ ~ Freeman ~
PHY 462 Experimental Physics II (4) F 2:15-3:15P Blusk B113
PHY500 Quantum Information Science TTH 9:30A-10:50A Hubisz 208
PHY525 Electromagnetics II (3) TTH 12:30-1:50P Skwarnicki 105
PHY567 Intro. to Quantum Mechanics I (4) TTH 2:00-3:20P Souder 106 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cEH7-P2GrKebUu2X7GMaL9NwvSFooQe2
PHY 614 Graduate Laboratory (3) F 3:15P-4:15P Blusk B113
PHY 651 Instrumentation MW 2:15P-5:15P Ballmer B129E
PHY662 Quantum Mechanics II (3) TTH 2:00-3:20P Santangelo 104N
PHY731 Thermodyn&Stat Mechanics I (3) TTH 11:00A-12:20P Schwarz 106 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oJuUAMiYd-8xXR1R0nv16mzkPpcDMSfA