Fall 2020 courses offered by the physics department

Orange Alert

Physics Courses, Fall 2020

Other Semesters
Fall 2020
Linked course titles have extended descriptions. Syllabi provided where available.
Course Title Day Time Instructor Room Syllabus Description
PHY 101 Major Concepts of Physics I M, W 2:15 to 3:35 p.m. Scott Watson Online Synchronous M001
PHY 102 Major Concepts of Physics I M, W 5:15 to 6:35 p.m. Scott Watson Online Synchronous M017
AST 101 Our Corner of the Universe T, TH 12:30 to 1:50 p.m Walter Freeman Stolk M001
AST 101 Our Corner of the Universe T, TH 2:00 to 3:20 p.m. Walter Freeman Stolk M002
PHY 211 General Physics I T, TH 11:00 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. Christian Santangelo Online Synchronous
PHY 212 General Physics II Electricity, Magnetism, & Light T, TH 9:30 to 10:50 a.m. Jay Hubisz Online Synchronous syllabus
PHY 215 General Physics I: Honors & Majors T, TH 11:00 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. Matt Rudolph PB 202/204
PHY 221 General Phyisics I Laboratory Samuel Sampere
PHY 222 General Phyisics II Laboratory Samuel Sampere
PHY 307 Science & Computers I T, TH 5:00 to 6:20 p.m. Simon catterall PB 202/204
PHY 312 Relativity & Cosmology M, W 3:45 to 5:05 p.m. Denver Whittington PB 202/204
PHY 344 Experimental Physics I F 2:00 to 3:00 p.m Britton Plourde PB B113 syllabus
PHY 360 Vibrations, Waves, & Optics T, TH 2:00 to 3:20 p.m. Alison Patteson PB 202/204
PHY 451 Problems of Contemp Physics T, TH 3:30 to 4:50 p.m. Tomasz Skwarnicki PB 208
PHY 498 Capstone Seminar for Energy W 2:15 to 3:35 p.m. Peter Wilcoxen PB 208 /onliine asynchronous
PHY 523 Advanced Mechanics T, TH 11 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. John Laiho PB 208 syllabus
PHY 531 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics T, TH 2:00 to 3:20 p.m Liviu Movileanu PB 208 syllabus
PHY 568 Intro to Quantum Mechanics II T, TH 9:30 to 10:50 a.m. Jennifer Schwarz PB 208 syllabus
PHY 621 Classical Mechanics T, TH 11:00 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. Paul Souder Online Synchronous
PHY 641 Adv Electromagnetic Theory I T, TH 2:00 to 3:20 p.m. Steven Blusk Online Synchronous
PHY 661 Quantum Mechanics I T, TH 9:30 to 10:50 a.m. Jennifer Schwarz PB 208 syllabus
PHY 771 High Energy Particle Physics I T, TH 9:30 to 10:50 a.m. Sheldon Stone Online Synchronous syllabus