Mr. Fisher on the left with a friend in Papua New Guinea
From Syracuse University Physics Alum M D Fisher: It is a pleasure to hear from the SU physics department. I have fond memories of it. I am 96 and have been retired for 34 glorious years. I worked on Univac, the first commercially available computer, have designed and programmed computers and have taught mathematics and computer science in university. I live in Australia.
I have three children. They are either retired or approaching retirement. William, the oldest, is a professor of anthropology at William & Mary. Seth, his brother, heads a team of scientists who develop pharmaceuticals and techniques for manufacturing them. Rebecca is retired & ran programs for culturally disadvantaged children in the Wilmington, DE school district.
William has two children; Diana is a ship captain who runs a catering business and has real estate. Melanie is a data analyst which is highly mathematical.
Seth has two children. Nina is a surgeon, and Adam is a standup comic.
Rebecca has two children. Julia just graduated from university with a history major, and Collin is still in university and aims to be a theoretical physicist.

Dr. Gizem Sengor’18 (pictured above), who worked with Professor Scott Watson, will be starting a new faculty position at Boğaziçi University.
Dr. Cem Eröncel’19 (pictured above), who worked with Jay Hubisz, will start at Istanbul Technical University as a Marie Curie Cofund fellow. This is a prestigious award.

Dr. Sufi Zafar’90, was selected for this year’s APS Distinguished Lectureship Award on the Applications of Physics. She has a licensing agreement for one of her inventions at IBM.

Suraj Shankar’19 won the Early Career Scientist Prize in Statistical Physics 2022