This semester, the main office staff went through some old photos and documents from years’ past, stashed away in the department chair’s office. Hiding between some photos was a memorandum from Mrs. Jennings, former secretary of the Physics Department.

(see transcription below)
In this note, she discusses issues regarding purchase orders–what purchasing will and will not accept, as well as asking for help in receiving complete information for orders. Folks currently in the department will see the humor here, noting that not much has changed in 70 years!
We salute you, Mrs. Jennings, and acknowledge the work it takes to keep the administrative side of the Physics department running smoothly.
The Purchasing Department has called regarding orders that are sent in. It seems that if they are not in the order they prefer - they are put aside until they have time to decipher them.
They will not accept an order which reads i.e., 6 of each of the following sizes, etc. They must be listed in separate items.
They request the information in the following order:
Quantity Mfg. No. Item Specifications (i.e. metal, or steel, etc) Size
They promise me that if they are in this order they will expedite shipment and not put it aside. Due to the large amount of orders for the new building, they process the ones which are in the prescribed form first.
Also, from this office - will you please make your orders LEGIBLE! Please make them out in the form required by the purchasing department and write plainly. We often do not know what the item is that is being ordered and it takes our time to call the person and inquire what is meant.
Please give the cost and if you have a quotation, please attach it to the order, it will be returned to you. If you do not have a quotation and take the cost from a catalog, please give the source of your information. If you do not have a direct source for cost information, please make it an estimate and so state.
If each one will try to do his part it will expedite all the orders going out from the Department and in the long run it will help everyone.
Thanks a lot,
Mrs. JenningsOctober 5, 1955