PhD candidate in physics, Scott Ely, was recently awarded top honors for “Lightning Round” talk at the U.S. Large Hadron Collider Users Association Meeting.
he Large Hadron Collider, located on the border of France and Switzerland, is known for its powerful ability to sling particles near the speed of light. Here at Syracuse University, physics Ph.D. candidate Scott Ely is gaining a reputation for slinging scientific concepts almost as fast.
Ely was recently honored at the U.S. Large Hadron Collider Users (US LHC) Association Meeting this past fall for his winning “Lightning Round” talk. During the US LHC meeting, young scientists are given the opportunity to discuss their research in several quick-fire sessions. The presentations, which must be under 10 minutes, cover a wide range of topics from physics analyses to computational developments and hardware improvements. When the smoke cleared, Ely was named among the top presenters at the international conference. For more on this news please visit A&S News