Graduate Achievements

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Graduate Achievements

Publications in Professional Journals

Capraru, Mihnea. (forthcoming). “Stained Glass as a Model of Consciousness,” Philosophical Explorations.

Capraru, Mihnea. 2013. “A New Source of Data About Singular Thought”, Philosophia.

Castellanos, Arturo Javier. (forthcoming). “Some Challenges to a Contrastive Treatment of Grounding”, Thought.

Clancy, Sean. (forthcoming). “A Strong Compatibilist Account of Settling”, Inquiry.

Cohen, Yishai (forthcoming). “Molinists (Still) Cannot Endorse the Consequence Argument”, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion.

Cohen, Yishai. 2013. “Skeptical Theism and the Threshold Problem”, Forum Philosophicum 18: 73-92.

Cohen, Yishai. 2014. “Don’t Count on Taurek: Vindicating the Case for Numbers Counting”, Res Publica 20: 245-61.

Cohen, Yishai (forthcoming). “Leeway Compatibilism and Frankfurt-Style Cases”, Thought.

Cohen, Yisha and Timmerman, Travis (forthcoming). “Moral Obligations: Actualist, Possibilist, or Hybridist?”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy.

Greenblum, Jacob. 2010. “Distributive and Retributive Desert in Rawls”, Journal of Social Philosophy 41: 169-184.

Hedger, Joseph (co-written with W. V. Fabricius). 2011. “True Belief Belies False Belief: Recent Findings of Competence in Infants and Limitations in 5-Year-Olds, and Implications for Theory of Mind Development”, the Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 2.3: 429-447.

Hedger, Joseph. 2012. “The Semantics of Racial Slurs: Using Kaplan’s Framework to Provide a Theory of the Meaning of Derogatory Epithets”, Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 11: 74-84.

Hedger, Joseph. (forthcoming). “New York is Just New York: An Account of Genuine Proper Names in Fiction”, Review of Contemporary Philosophy.

Hedger, Joseph. 2013. “Meaning and Racial Slurs: Derogatory Epithets and the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface,” Language and Communication, 33, 205-13.

Rourke, Jay. 2013. “A Counterexample to the Contrastive Account of Knowledge”, Philosophical Studies, 162: 637-643.

Specht, Andy. (forthcoming). “F.A. Trendelenburg and the Neglected Alternative”, The British Journal for the History of Philosophy.

Steward, Steve. (forthcoming). “Solving the Lucky and Guaranteed Proof Problems”, Leibniz Review.

Timmerman, Travis. (forthcoming). “Sometimes There is Nothing Wrong with Letting a Child Drown,” Analysis.

Timmerman, Travis. (forthcoming). “Does Scrupulous Securitism Stand up to Scrutiny? Two Problems for Moral Securitism and How We Might Fix Them”, Philosophical Studies.

Timmerman, Travis. 2013. “The Persistent Problem of the Lottery Paradox”, Logos & Episteme.

Timmerman, Travis and Cohen, Yishai (forthcoming). “Moral Obligations: Actualist, Possibilist, or Hybridist?”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy.

Werner, Preston. (forthcoming). “Self-Ownership and Non-Culpable Proviso Violations”, Politics, Philosophy and Economics.

Werner, Preston. (forthcoming). “Seemings: Still Dispositions to Believe”, Synthese.

Werner, Preston/ (forthcoming). “Character (alone) Doesn’t Count: Phenomenal Character of Narrow Intentional Content”, American Philosophical Quarterly.

Werner, Preston/ (forthcoming). “Moral Perception and the Contents of Experience”, the Journal of Moral Philosophy.

Wolf, Aaron. (forthcoming). “Giving Up Hume’s Guillotine”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy.


Professional Presentations

Capraru, Mihnea. “Unintended Constituents and the Sundial Tribe”, Eastern meeting of the American Philosophical Association. December 2013.

Capraru, Mihnea. “A Solution to the Problem of Access for Russellian Theories of Belief”, Pacific meeting of the American Philosophical Association, March 2013.

Capraru, Mihnea. “Stained Glass as a Model for Consciousness”, Eastern meeting of the American Philosophical Association, December 2012.

Capraru, Mihnea. “A New Source of Data about Singular Thought”, Central meeting of the American Philosophical Association, February 2012.

Capraru, Mihnea. “A Test for Singular Thought and a Method for the Extraction of Descriptive Content”, ECAP (European Congress of Analytic Philosophy), Milan 2011.

Capraru, Mihnea. “Russellian Belief Reports, Shared Presentations, and Two-Place Propositional Attitudes”, Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference, May 2010.

Capraru, Mihnea.“Russellian Semantics of Belief Reports”, Creighton Club (New York State Philosophical Association), Oct 2009.

Cohen, Yishai. “Normativity without Metaphysical Vagueness”, co-authored with Travis Timmerman. Poster session at the Seventh Annual Rocky Mountain Ethics Conference (2014).

Cohen, Yishai. “Settling Matters and Making Decisions”, Free Will conference at the Center for Cognition and Neuroethics, University of Michigan-Flint (2014).

Cohen, Yishai. “Manipulating Deliberators: a Challenge for Compatibilists, a Dilemma for Hard Incompatibilists”, Eastern APA (2014).

Cohen, Yishai. “Skeptical Theism and the Threshold Problem”, Presented at the 36th annual Midsouth Philosophy Conference, February 2012. Also presented at the Annual Conference of the Australasian Philosophy of Religion Association, June 2012.

Cohen, Yishai. “Minimalism, Moral Realism, and Persons”, Kent State Graduate Conference, May 2012.

Cohen, Yishai. “Street's Evolutionary Debunking Argument and Epistemic Possibility”, Presented at the Illinois Philosophical Association, November 2012.

Cohen, Yishai. “Dual Obligations Hybridism”, co-authored with Travis Timmerman. Presented at the British Postgraduate Association Conference, June 2013. Also presented at the 65th Annual Northwest Philosophy Conference, October 2013.

Cohen, Yishai. “Actualism’s ad hoc Problem”, co-authored with Travis Timmerman. To be presented at the Pacific meeting of the American Philosophical Association, April 2014.

Dular, Nicole. “Who’s Afraid of Slurs?”, co-authored with Matthias Jenny. Presented at the Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, April 2017.

Dular, Nicole. “The Game is Rigged: Responsibility and Agency under Oppression”, Society for Analytic Feminism, September 2016. Also presented at the Workshop on Gender and Philosophy (WOGAP), April 2016.

Dular, Nicole. “Social-based Theories of Reasons and the Limits of Oppression”, St. Louis Annual Conference on Reasons and Rationality (SLACRR), May 2016.

Dular, Nicole. “Moral Criticism in Frankfurt’s Conception of Love”, North American Society for Social Philosophy, July 2011. Also presented at the Long Island Philosophical Association, April 2011.

Dular, Nicole. “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: Epistemic Standards and Moral Beliefs”, American Philosophical Association Pacific Division, April 2016. Also presented at the Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, August 2015.

Egerstrom, Kirsten. “Meaningless Lives”, Pacific Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, April 2015.

Egerstrom, Kirsten. “Immortality and Meaninglessness,” Felician Conference on Ethics and Public Affairs, April 2015. Also workshopped during the Immortality Project’s Younger Scholar’s Workshop, May 2015.

Egerstrom, Kirsten. “Meaning without Fulfillment”, Central Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, February 2015. Also presented at the Rocky Mountain Ethics Conference, August 2014.

Egerstrom, Kirsten. “An Internalist Commitment to Morality”, Iowa Philosophical Society Conference, Summer 2008.

Hedger, Joseph. “Perception and knowledge in you and me: Young children’s understanding of mental states in self and others” (poster presentation; C. Gonzales, W. Fabricius, A. Kupfer, S. Huerta, & J. Hedger), Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, April 2013.

Hedger, Joseph. “Frege’s Puzzle Left Unsolved: A Reply to Sainsbury and Tye,” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting, March 2013.

Hedger, Joseph. “Do Infants Understand Belief?” Midwest Empirical and Theoretical Association for Philosophical Research Meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 26 April 2012.

Hedger, Joseph. “Why Sainsbury and Tye Fail to Solve the Frege Puzzle,” Philosophy Forum Colloquium Series, SUNY Potsdam, 8 November, 2012.

Hedger, Joseph. “The Truth about Racial Slurs: Using Kaplan’s Framework to Provide a Semantic Theory of Derogatory Epithets,” American Philosophical Association, Central Division

Meeting, Chicago, 16 February 2012. Also presented at the Philosophy Forum Colloquium Series, SUNY Potsdam, March 2011 and at the Philosophy Colloquium Series, Arizona State University, 6 November 2009.

Hedger, Joseph. “How We Understand Our Own Mental States: The Private Language Argument is Supported by Findings in Developmental Psychology,” Philosophy and Religious Studies Society Spring Lecture Series, Arizona State University West, 11 March 2010. Also a poster presentation at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, June 2010.

Hedger, Joseph. “New York is Just New York: An Account of Genuine Proper Names in Fiction,” 84th Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, San Francisco, 1 April 2010.

Hedger, Joseph. “Cognition and Evolution: Models of the Mind in Brooks’ Robot Architectures and Evolutionary Psychology,” Cognitio 2009, Institut des sciences cognitives, Université du Québec à Montréal, June 2009.

Kang, Li. “Hey Grounding, Meet Structuralism”, the OZSW Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 26-28, 2014.

Kang, Li. “In Defense of Nomic Structuralism”, Women in Metaphysics Conference, Rochester, Vermont, USA, May 2012.

Massoud, Amy. “Moral Worth and Supererogation,” poster presentation at the University of Colorado at Boulder’s Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress (RoME), August 2014.

Massoud, Amy. “Moral Worth and Supererogation,” presented at the Princeton University Mentoring and Networking Workshop, August 2014.

Massoud, Amy. “Moral Worth and Supererogation,” presented at California State University at Long Beach’s Philosophy Day, May 2013.

Specht, Andy. “Rethinking the Neglected Alternative” presented at the Creighton Club, November 10th, 2012 (recipient of the Graduate Student Presentation Award)

Specht, Andy. “Kant and the Necessity of Geometry: Trendelenburg's Challenge” at the Eastern Meeting of the North American Kant Society, April 20th, 2013.

Steward, Steve. “Luck and Control” at the Pacific meeting of the American Philosophical Association, 2012. Also presented at Creighton Club: New York Philosophical Association Meetings, November 2013 (Graduate Student Paper Award Recipient).

Steward, Steve. “Solving the Lucky and Guaranteed Proof Problems” at the Leibniz Society of North America Conference, Yale University, October 2013.

Timmerman, Travis. “Avoiding the Asymmetry Problem: Why Prenatal Non-Existence is Just as Bad as Postmortem Non-existence,” University of Miami Graduate Student Conference, October 2011.

Timmerman, Travis. “Accounting for ‘Ought Implies Can’ in our Reasons for Action: How Externalists Can Level the Playing Field,” Arizona State University Graduate Student Conference, March 2012.

Timmerman, Travis. “Does Scrupulous Securitism Stand Up to Scrutiny?: The Problem Agents’ Rotten Behavior Creates for Scrupulous Securitism and How We Might Fix It,” Dowling College Philosophy Conference (Graduate Student panel), April 2013.

Timmerman, Travis. “Your Death Might Be The Worst Thing to Ever Happen to You, But Maybe You Shouldn’t Care,” Facing Death Conference at Rhodes University, November 2013.

Timmerman, Travis. “Actualism’s ad hoc Problem”, co-authored with Yishai Cohen. To be presented at the Pacific meeting of the American Philosophical Association, April 2014.

Timmerman, Travis and Cohen, Yishai. “Dual Obligation Hybridism,” BPPA Annual Philosophy Conference at the University of Glasgow, June 2013. Also presented at Pacific University for the Northwest Philosophy Conference, October 2013.

Timmerman, Travis. “Dual Obligations Hybridism,” Northwest Philosophy Conference at Pacific University, October 2013. (with Yishai Cohen)

Timmerman, Travis. “Reconsidering Categorical Desire Views,” The Philosophy, Life and Death conference at Pennsylvania State University, March 2014.

Timmerman, Travis. “A New Argument Against Speciesism,” The University of Toronto’s New Frontiers of Ethics conference, April 2014.

Timmerman, Travis. “Normativity without Metaphysical Vagueness,” A poster presented at the seventh annual RoME conference, August 2014. (with Yishai Cohen)

Timmerman, Travis. “Sometimes There is Nothing Wrong with Letting a Child Drown,” SoCal Philosophy Conference at San Diego State University, October 2014.

Timmerman, Travis. “Two New Problems for Categorical Desire Views,” The International Association for the Philosophy of Death and Dying Conference at Cal Poly Pomona, November 2014.

Timmerman, Travis. “The Only Plausible Epicurean Views are Deprivation Views in Disguise,” The National Autonomous University of Mexico Graduate Conference, February 2015.

Timmerman, Travis. “The Only Plausible Epicurean Views are Deprivation Views in Disguise, ”Pacific APA, April 2015.

Werner, Preston J. “Does Phenomenal Character Determine Intentional Content?”, at the Central meeting of the American Philosophical Association, 2013.

Wolf, Aaron (with Bence Nanay). “Are Photographs Transparent?” Canadian Society for Aesthetics session of the Canadian Philosophical Association meeting; University of Saskatchewan. May 2007.

Wolf, Aaron. “Giving Up Hume’s Guillotine”, Society for Exact Philosophy May 2011. Also presented at the 156th Creighton Club (New York State Philosophical Association), October 2010.

Wolf, Aaron. “Reviving Concurrentism”, Conference on Death: It’s Meaning, Morality, and Metaphysic, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, July 2011.

Wolf, Aaron. “Reviving Concurrentism about Death”, presented at the Central meeting of the American Philosophical Association, 2013.



Demirtaş, Huzeyfe. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2021.

Swiderski, Jan. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2021.

Tignor, Joshua. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2021.

Bell, Rowan. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2020.

Looney, William. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2020.

Garland, Carolyn. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2019.

Osborne, William. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2019.

Fortier, Nicole.  Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2018.

Shirmohammadi, Hamed.  Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2018.

Dauksz, Dante.  Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2017.

Javier-Castellanos, Arturo.  Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2017.

Clancy, Sean. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2015.

Cohen, Yishai. $725 Research Grant for the Summer of 2013 from the Syracuse Philosophy Department for research on “Molinism’s Divine Problems”.

Egerstrom, Kirsten. Graduate Student Presentation Award, Creighton Club: New York Philosophical Association, 2014.

Egerstrom, Kirsten. Recipient of a $93,849 Grant (with Ben Bradley and Travis Timmerman) for the Immortality Project, “Death, Rational Emotion, and Meaningfulness”.

Egestrom, Kirsten. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (2012).

Egerstrom, Kirsten. Selected as Teaching Mentor by the Syracuse University Graduate School, Summer 2011.

Englund, Kendall. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (2013).

Kang, Li. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (2015).

Massoud, Amy. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (2014).

McCormick, Kelly. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (2011).

Specht, Andy. 2013 winner of the Mary Hatch Marshall Award for the best essay written by a graduate student in the Humanities for his essay “Rethinking the Neglected Alternative”. Specht, Andy. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (2013).

Steward, Steve. Winner of the Leibniz Society of North America Essay Competition (2014) for “Solving the Lucky and Guaranteed Proof Problems”.
